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Post The walking Bible Cojak
I cannot think of his name now. I hope it comes me soon. But My daddy met an evangelist out of Texas in 1952 who was known as the ' Walking Bible.' he scheduled him for a week's revival in Albemarle, NC. the revival went for 3 or 4 weeks. As a PK he impressed me because he prayed most of the time and he could quote chapter after chapter as a sermon. God's word is effective, and many people were saved.

My dog's house was pretty big and I talked to my dog a lot when I was 8-10 yrs old. I remember telling Ace, my dog, that God should let me into heaven for being in church every day for 3 weeks lone, forget all the other requirements.

My next book is called 'Ace 'n Me' A preacher's boy and his dog. In my life-time there was a few, 6 week revivals. I mean 7 days each week. other kids could miss church, but not the preacher's kid. Mama felt sorry for me and allowed me to miss church because I feigned a heart attack, cough or a stoke. but that did not happen often! LOL

I still remember that preacher though, he must have had a photographic memory. many of the congregation followed along verse after verse, chapter after chapter (I even did it), he was right on. After a week the church was packed. The man could quote the Bible.
For the life of me now, I cannot remember his name. Any help from Texas?

walkijng Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/18/19 11:42 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Not from TX but have heard my parents speak of him. I think his name was Thea Jones. They also heard him in revival and talked about how amazing he was, how he could quote so much of the Bible.

We don't even seem to value that now. Sad

Sounds like a great book!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/19/19 6:02 am

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Post Cojak
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Not from TX but have heard my parents speak of him. I think his name was Thea Jones. They also heard him in revival and talked about how amazing he was, how he could quote so much of the Bible.

We don't even seem to value that now. Sad

Sounds like a great book!

I had forgotten about Thea Jones. It wasn't him I am thinking of, but I do remember him. Thanks for kicking in that memory. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/19/19 7:49 am

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Post The most famous walking bible (L) famousflavius
They Call Him the Walking Bible: The Story of Dr. Jack Van Impe
by books2friends
Learn more:
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
8/19/19 8:34 am

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Post Darrell Garrett
They used to call Marcus Lamb that as well in the 70's Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
8/19/19 11:59 am

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Post Da Sheik
We had a visiting evangelist with a similar gift sometime in the 90’s. We all marveled at his gift of memorization. Last I heard, the man was no longer serving the LORD. Seems like that sort of thing could easily lead to pride. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
8/19/19 4:24 pm

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Bro. Tim Olfield of Ohio sure did quote a lot of scripture when he preached at the last Assembly. I am sure he is not the one that the original poster is referring to but Bro. O quoted a lot of scripture. Friendly Face
Posts: 387
8/19/19 4:58 pm

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Post Cojak
Has anyone known or heard of Jack Truett? My wife seems to remember that name, but for some reason that doesn't sound right, but could be, She is seldom wrong.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/19/19 5:07 pm

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
We had a visiting evangelist with a similar gift sometime in the 90’s. We all marveled at his gift of memorization. Last I heard, the man was no longer serving the LORD. Seems like that sort of thing could easily lead to pride.

My brother you have said something. When I was in the USAF and attended Biloxi COG, one of our Sargents had a daddy who was a Bible salesman. He came to our church and did a marvelous job of quoting chapters at a time, but he fell away also I heard later..

The photographic memory is a fact. In Biloxi also we had an airman who could look at a page in the phone book for a minute and I could callout most any name and he seldom missed the phone number. Amazing.

It definitely could be a blessing, if one was humble enough to appreciate the gift. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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8/19/19 5:13 pm

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Post Darrell Garrett
I went to Lee with a guy who was like that. He had an absolute photographic memory. I saw him miss a week of classes, come in and ask to see my notes and literally glance at each page for a few seconds and ace a test. He is a COG pastor today and had done an incredible job, planting a church and seeing it grow to several hundred. He is one of the nicest, most humble men you will ever meet. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
8/19/19 8:51 pm

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Post George Alford mytwocents
I've never heard anyone quote scripture like George Alford, a minister from the Carolinas.

He had a deformed foot and a bad eye, but his mind was astounding!
Posts: 813
8/20/19 7:22 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I thought Paul L Walker was pretty good at quoting the Bible. He rattled off a couple of chapters one night when I heard him preach. I think he was only going to quote one verse - but it kept going...
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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8/20/19 7:39 am

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Post Cojak
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I thought Paul L Walker was pretty good at quoting the Bible. He rattled off a couple of chapters one night when I heard him preach. I think he was only going to quote one verse - but it kept going...

You said that well NBF, It is when you do not expect it that it catches your REAL ATTENTION!

But used in in context the WORD is the BEST sermon, I love it when the WORD preaches the sermon. There are times that just hearing it read aloud has such a great effect! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/20/19 8:22 am

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Post walking Bible MI6
Finis J Dake could quote the entire Bible or
you could ask him a random passage and he would start from that point.
An amazing mind.
Friendly Face
Posts: 140
8/20/19 9:12 am

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Post Re: George Alford roughridercog
mytwocents wrote:
I've never heard anyone quote scripture like George Alford, a minister from the Carolinas.

He had a deformed foot and a bad eye, but his mind was astounding!

I was always impressed with his memory.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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8/20/19 11:34 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Dollas Messer is the only person I know who could do it.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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8/20/19 3:55 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I thought Paul L Walker was pretty good at quoting the Bible. He rattled off a couple of chapters one night when I heard him preach. I think he was only going to quote one verse - but it kept going...

You said that well NBF, It is when you do not expect it that it catches your REAL ATTENTION!

But used in in context the WORD is the BEST sermon, I love it when the WORD preaches the sermon. There are times that just hearing it read aloud has such a great effect! Cool

I've noticed when several of our general officials have spoken at Campmeeting, almost all of them quote the Word, rather than read it. In fact, most of them never open their Bibles at all, and quote the passages instead.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/21/19 11:04 pm

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Carolyn Smith wrote:
Cojak wrote:
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I thought Paul L Walker was pretty good at quoting the Bible. He rattled off a couple of chapters one night when I heard him preach. I think he was only going to quote one verse - but it kept going...

You said that well NBF, It is when you do not expect it that it catches your REAL ATTENTION!

But used in in context the WORD is the BEST sermon, I love it when the WORD preaches the sermon. There are times that just hearing it read aloud has such a great effect! Cool

I've noticed when several of our general officials have spoken at Campmeeting, almost all of them quote the Word, rather than read it. In fact, most of them never open their Bibles at all, and quote the passages instead.

It might be because they have preached the same message several times. LOL I know of a big church who was planning a special service, homecoming or something special, and mentioned a certain official and one of the elders spoke up, do we want to give a big offering plus motel and food to hear the same message that we have already heard before? Needless to say, they chose someone else. I recently heard an official preach at a non COG and it was the same message that I had heard at Campmeeting. He used the same illustrations - box of Kleenex.
I realize they have to preach some of the same messages - these messages are good - nothing wrong with them, but, they need to rotate them better.
Friendly Face
Posts: 387
8/22/19 8:17 am

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