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Why wouldn't God warn the folks at the Texas church of impending danger?
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Post Why wouldn't God warn the folks at the Texas church of impending danger? Nature Boy Florida
What does that say about God?
What does that say about our prayers?
Did all of these folks lack faith for protection?

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    11/6/17 8:13 am

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    Post UncleJD
    It's hard to understand. But if God were to prevent horrible sin like this, then He would have no grounds for a final judgement on sin would He? I have to believe that the final reward for obedience outweighs this tragedy as well as the final judgement for sin will be a triumph for all. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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    11/6/17 8:48 am

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    Post Re: Why wouldn't God warn the folks at church of impending danger? Quiet Wyatt
    Nature Boy Florida wrote:
    What does that say about God?

    God has given mankind freewill, the ability to choose good or evil.
    What does that say about our prayers?

    God never promises that prayers, even the fervent prayers of the righteous, are able to 100% guarantee that bad things will not happen to the ones praying, or that evil people will somehow have their freewill removed or suspended if one prays.
    Did all of these folks lack faith for protection?

    (See answer to previous question).

    Last edited by Quiet Wyatt on 11/6/17 11:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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    11/6/17 10:49 am

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    Post I've never prayed Ernie Long
    for God to keep me safe in church. I would be surprised if anyone on this board ever has. Acts Enthusiast
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    11/6/17 10:58 am

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    Post bradfreeman
    UncleJD wrote:
    But if God were to prevent horrible sin like this, then He would have no grounds for a final judgement on sin would He?

    No offense, but this sounds terrible. God doesn't allow tragedy so He'll have "grounds" for judgment. He allows tragedy because He allowed mankind choice and the danger that accompanies that. Horrible sin is committed every day.

    As for the OP:
    Who is to say the Spirit of God wasn't warning people that day? You may yet hear stories of people who felt led to stay home from church that day or visit elsewhere.
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    11/6/17 11:05 am

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    Post Quiet Wyatt
    I think what UncleJD was saying is, if God could have prevented mass murder, He could just as surely have prevented ALL evil/sin, and therefore would only have Himself to blame on judgment day for not just preventing sin from ever happening in the first place. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
    Posts: 12817
    11/6/17 11:17 am

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    Post UncleJD
    bradfreeman wrote:
    . Horrible sin is committed every day.

    Why is it allowed then? I'm open to a logical response. I believe it is to show that He both allows your choices, and will ultimately judge them.
    Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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    11/6/17 12:34 pm

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    Post Chicago27
    It’s been happening in other countries. Same God over there too. Sometimes, He protects us, sometimes He doesn’t. We live in fallen world and things happen. It is no different than some are healed and some are not. Friendly Face
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    11/6/17 12:54 pm

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    Post UncleJD
    Quiet Wyatt wrote:
    I think what UncleJD was saying is, if God could have prevented mass murder, He could just as surely have prevented ALL evil/sin, and therefore would only have Himself to blame on judgment day for not just preventing sin from ever happening in the first place.

    Exactly. There are too many courtroom depictions of heaven in the Bible to think that there is no legal reasoning for sin and judgement.
    Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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    11/6/17 1:02 pm

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    Post Listen renewal
    Perhaps he did but they did not have a spiritual ear to hear...

    Him that hath an ear let him hear.

    Could that be it?
    Acts Enthusiast
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    11/6/17 1:43 pm

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    Post Re: Listen Dave Dorsey
    renewal wrote:
    Perhaps he did but they did not have a spiritual ear to hear...

    Him that hath an ear let him hear.

    Could that be it?

    Or to put it another way: it is because of the victims' lack of works that they were unable to hear God's warning. Had they been more diligent in works, they would have been able to hear from God. But as it stands, He can only be heard by people who work hard enough to practice their faith. He offered them the grace of a warning, but their works were insufficient for them to be able to receive it.

    This is a necessary conclusion of neocharismatic/Word of Faith belief, and when we get to the point where we are saying that martyrs died because they weren't working hard enough to practice the faith, maybe we should pause to reevaluate that theology in the light of Scripture.
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    11/6/17 1:48 pm

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    Post Listen Dave renewal
    I did NOT say that Did I ?

    God still speaks does he not? Does God speak to you?

    How Dare you put that on me...
    Acts Enthusiast
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    11/6/17 2:25 pm

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    Post Dave Dorsey
    How was what you were saying different?

    What would have given them "a spiritual ear to hear"?
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    11/6/17 2:31 pm

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    Post Listen Dave renewal
    Are you saying God does not speak today...?

    When was the last time God spoke to you?

    Perhaps God did speak to them and they missed it?

    Has he ever spoke to you and you missed it?

    I know I have and we need to be honest about the fact..
    Acts Enthusiast
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    11/6/17 2:43 pm

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    Post Dave Dorsey
    Look, I'm not trying to be offensive or to put words in your mouth, but there are 26 dead Christians, and in a thread about why God didn't warn them, you're saying maybe He did and they missed Him.

    That's not an unreasonable thing to say, but I'm asking you specifically: For what reason did they miss Him, and what could they have done to hear what He was trying to tell them? Could they be alive today if they had done something differently?

    Help me understand how my initial post was an unfair distillation of what you are saying.
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    11/6/17 2:52 pm

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    Post Listen Dave renewal
    I just know that we can be Spirit led. Can we not?

    Yes, a sad day indeed. I believe that we can be guided by his Spirit.

    And perhaps God did speak to somebody in the church yesterday.

    We know that he speaks to our heart. Could he have spoken to a person and they missed it?

    Is that possible? I believe it was possible. Did He? We will never know

    We preach, teach, sing about Spirit-led living. We must be led by the Spirit do you agree?

    A person does not have to be what you labeled me to believe that do they?
    Acts Enthusiast
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    11/6/17 3:29 pm

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    Post Dave Dorsey
    But we can't offer any advice about how to improve that situation?

    I'd like to avoid getting gunned down by a maniac. What advice could you give me to help me make sure I can hear Him speaking, and will not miss Him if He tries to warn me about something like that?
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    11/6/17 3:46 pm

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    Post Did God warn ...? Mat
    Did God warn this church of impending danger?

    In recent years our denomination, the church's insurance company and local law enforcement have offered training and legal advise on what to do if the church has an active shooter situation.

    Were these warnings? Were they warnings from God through authorities in our church?

    Does the Bible give warnings concerning sudden events that result in the death of believers? I think there are many.

    So if the First Baptist Church, in that middle of no where little town in Texas, had had an usher or guard who was armed at the back door, would the story be different? Maybe, or the armed usher would have been the first to die because he took a moment to watch and listen to he speaker instead of the parking lot. We just don't know.

    Remember, God warned you that you have an enemy - the Devil - who wants to shorten your life anyway possible. You have been warned!

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    11/6/17 4:00 pm

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    Post Quiet Wyatt
    I am not aware of any promise or instance in Scripture which would indicate that being led by the Spirit is somehow a guarantee that bad things (like getting killed or murdered, for instance), might not happen to you. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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    11/6/17 4:02 pm

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    Post peterz3fo
    Um...He did...John 16:33 Friendly Face
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    11/6/17 5:29 pm

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