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Post The Baptist Barber Link
John lived in a town that had three churches-- Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Most people went to one of these churches, and actually tried to do business with people from their own church if they could.

John went to the Methodist church. After getting a haircut, he liked to get a nice, proper shave. Since his last barber retired, this new Methodist barber didn't shave him right. He just got nicks and cuts all over the place.

So he went to the Presbyterian barber, and he ended up with what looked like carpet burns on his face.

He decided he was going to give up on getting a shave at the barber shop when one of his friends told him the Baptist barber, who had a bit of a speech impediment, was really good at shaving his customers. So John decided he would give it one more try.

When John started to get a bit scruffy, he went to the Baptist barber for a hair cut.

The barber said, "What can I do for you shir?"
John said, "A haircut and a shave?"

The barber replied, "Yesh, shir, and your shervice. One haircut and shave coming up.

John got the best shave of his life. The skin on his face was silky smooth. It wasn't irritated, and whatever aftershave was that that Baptist barber gave him smelled great.

After a couple of months, John went back to the Baptist barber's shop, all shaggy and scruffy. So he asked for a haircut and a shave.

The barber responded, "I'm shorry shir, but I can only give you a haircut, not a shave."

John replied, "Why not? You gave me the best shave of my life last time."

The barber responded, "Well, shir, I cannot shave you. You shee, I am a Baptist and that is against my beliefs."

John responded, "How could that be against your beliefs. You shaved me last time?"

The barber responded,"You shee, I'm a Baptist, and I believe in once shaved always shaved."

Tune in next time to see John go to the unisex salon to get shaved by Grace.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/1/23 2:16 pm

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Post Re: The Baptist Barber georgiapath
Link wrote:
John lived in a town that had three churches-- Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. Most people went to one of these churches, and actually tried to do business with people from their own church if they could.

John went to the Methodist church. After getting a haircut, he liked to get a nice, proper shave. Since his last barber retired, this new Methodist barber didn't shave him right. He just got nicks and cuts all over the place.

So he went to the Presbyterian barber, and he ended up with what looked like carpet burns on his face.

He decided he was going to give up on getting a shave at the barber shop when one of his friends told him the Baptist barber, who had a bit of a speech impediment, was really good at shaving his customers. So John decided he would give it one more try.

When John started to get a bit scruffy, he went to the Baptist barber for a hair cut.

The barber said, "What can I do for you shir?"
John said, "A haircut and a shave?"

The barber replied, "Yesh, shir, and your shervice. One haircut and shave coming up.

John got the best shave of his life. The skin on his face was silky smooth. It wasn't irritated, and whatever aftershave was that that Baptist barber gave him smelled great.

After a couple of months, John went back to the Baptist barber's shop, all shaggy and scruffy. So he asked for a haircut and a shave.

The barber responded, "I'm shorry shir, but I can only give you a haircut, not a shave."

John replied, "Why not? You gave me the best shave of my life last time."

The barber responded, "Well, shir, I cannot shave you. You shee, I am a Baptist and that is against my beliefs."

John responded, "How could that be against your beliefs. You shaved me last time?"

The barber responded,"You shee, I'm a Baptist, and I believe in once shaved always shaved."

Tune in next time to see John go to the unisex salon to get shaved by Grace.

Laughing Laughing
Posts: 7604
12/1/23 2:37 pm

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Post Cojak
Okay dude, me 'n mama both laughed at that one.
Even if you are from the hills of NC! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
Thanks for the laughs I have been sick for a few days and I needed that.!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/2/23 7:24 pm

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Post Link
Glad you liked it. I'd tried to make a joke of that a while back, and it just occurred to me the other day to turn it into a story and give the barber a speech impediment.

I should have made him say Baptisht.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/3/23 8:57 am

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Post Cojak
Hey Link, hope you and your family are well. We arrived back in Florida very sick. Getting a little better. Y'all take care and remember us in prayer! Hugs to your wife..
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/3/23 11:37 am

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Post Link
Cojak wrote:
Hey Link, hope you and your family are well. We arrived back in Florida very sick. Getting a little better. Y'all take care and remember us in prayer! Hugs to your wife..

I hope you and your wife get better soon! I'll pray for y'all.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/3/23 7:56 pm

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