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How often did Jesus tell folks to lose weight? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post How often did Jesus tell folks to lose weight? Nature Boy Florida

How often did he indicate we should change any of our physical characteristics, eating habits, exercise? - all the things we are hung up on today.

Serious inquiry.

I think the answer is zero - but I don't know for sure.

Asking for a friend.

What did Jesus say?
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5/30/19 2:26 pm

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Post How often? wahoo
How often did Jesus tell people to not smoke crack cocaine? Acts-celerater
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5/30/19 2:59 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm not sure of any command in the corpus of Scripture that directly concerns corporeal corpulence.

However, there are a lot of verses about possessing our bodies in honor, controlling our bodies and fleshly desires, exercising self control, etc. and unless someone has a medical condition that is making them fat, these Scriptures IMO probably apply to obesity as well.

Note: I'm currently the fattest I've ever been, so I'm not throwing rocks at anyone. Nor do I feel the need to repent for being fat. But I am working hard to lose weight because I don't think I'm any good for anyone right now -- not God, not my family, and not myself. I'm eager to shed this weight so I can have the energy and strength to serve God, my family, the church, and myself the way I want to.
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5/30/19 3:20 pm

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Post Re: How often? Nature Boy Florida
wahoo wrote:
How often did Jesus tell people to not smoke crack cocaine?

I don't think crack was invented then, but overweight folks existed.

How often did he chastise them?
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5/30/19 4:41 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey... Aaron Scott
I'm not sure of any command in the corpus of Scripture that directly concerns corporeal corpulence.

Say this again, and YOU DIE!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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5/31/19 7:53 am

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Post Did God inspire the Bible? Aaron Scott
Yes, He did.

And it says laying aside EVERY weight. This obviously means that one shouldn't be a single pound overweight.

It probably can be taken to mean something spiritual too, but we all know what God really meant!
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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5/31/19 7:54 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
Thankfully, there wasn’t processed foods, fast food restaurants and people had to work hard and walk everywhere. Also, a little wine was good for them too. There may not have been very many overweight people in His time. I know that when I look at pictures of the COG history way back in the early 1900s, I don’t see very many overweight people. But, to the point, Jesus didn’t address lots of sins including homosexuality. Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
5/31/19 8:23 am

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Post Re: Dave Dorsey... Dave Dorsey
Aaron Scott wrote:
Say this again, and YOU DIE!

Don't hate the player, hate the game. Laughing
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5/31/19 8:33 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Sorry guys.

If Jesus didn't get see the need to get worked up about it...neither do I.

He did seem to ratify the 10 commandments and summed them up more succinctly.

As for homosexuality - he did say marriage was between a man and a woman.

He indicated eating fish, bread, olives and figs were ok.

Any water you could turn into wine was apparently ok to drink, as well.

He never mentioned a limit on the amount to eat- in fact - when he produced fish and bread - he made an unlimited supply.
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Acts-pert Poster
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5/31/19 9:50 am

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Post If a little wine is good for the stomach, then...? Aaron Scott
Ought'n MORE wine to be even better??? Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
5/31/19 10:06 am

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Post UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:

Any water you could turn into wine was apparently ok to drink, as well.

Give it to a grapevine, it will know what to do, then smush the grapes and let the juice ferment. You did it! Just a little slower process.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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5/31/19 10:41 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
He probably never had to, like I mentioned. I do believe He would be an advocate of taking care of this temple. I don’t have a problem with anyone other than me being overweight. My issue is folks preaching against things that harm the body while harming their own through unwise choices. That’s all. Jesus never said anything about a lot of stuff we do that harms us. Acts-pert Poster
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5/31/19 10:41 am

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I'm sure Jesus is against Ecclesiastical porn (remember that one!) and you guys all partake in that.

For shame.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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5/31/19 10:55 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Sorry guys.

If Jesus didn't get see the need to get worked up about it...neither do I.

You shouldn't get worked up about it as a matter of biblical command, and you shouldn't pay heed to anyone who does so from a pulpit when they're supposed to be busy proclaiming the gospel and Christ's work.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't get worked up about it, for the sake of our own health, for the sake of our families, and for the sake of living a long and energetic life of faithfulness to God.

Scripture doesn't take any interest in us peeing either, but you're gonna be in a rough place if you don't do it several times a day.
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5/31/19 11:12 am

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Post UncleJD
Not Jesus, but His apostle

Eph 5:29 - After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church--

I think "feed and care for" would exclude abuse. Not really a commandment, but a truth nonetheless (and I'm preaching to myself)
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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5/31/19 12:04 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Great point, JD.

Another question... would we consider it sin for someone to try to escape the emotions of a difficult situation in drugs, alcohol, or sex?

Of course we would.

Well, I'm fat because food is how I've spent many years dealing with stress and negative emotions. How is that different? If it's not sin because we're talking about food rather than sex, drugs, etc. can it at least be an area of carnal weakness where we desperately need the gospel of God's grace?
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5/31/19 12:07 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Dave, Now that you got NBF feeding his wisdom to you, no need to have any other crutch to fall back on. That weight will fall right off.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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5/31/19 3:00 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Jesus’ lack of words on homosexuality are indicative of the culture in which He lived and ministered. The Jews of antiquity found homosexuality repulsive. Arguments from silence aren’t always trustworthy. Having said that, I do believe we should glorify God with/in our bodies. I think there has often been so much emphasis on asceticism that the pendulum swung in the other direction. Chewing gum, tobacco, jewelry, and soft drinks were a sin. So eating became an acceptable and admissible “vice”. JMHO Acts Enthusiast
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5/31/19 5:02 pm

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
Jesus’ lack of words on homosexuality are indicative of the culture in which He lived and ministered. The Jews of antiquity found homosexuality repulsive. Arguments from silence aren’t always trustworthy. Having said that, I do believe we should glorify God with/in our bodies. I think there has often been so much emphasis on asceticism that the pendulum swung in the other direction. Chewing gum, tobacco, jewelry, and soft drinks were a sin. So eating became an acceptable and admissible “vice”. JMHO

i like the comment. My wife and I have often said when we were dating in the 50's eating places were about the only places we felt 'allowed to go', so we did.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/31/19 10:47 pm

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Post I will say this, and from experience Cojak
Anyone 'obese' unless they die suddenly, of heart failure will become 'bedfast'. For the first few weeks or months the husband or wife (or daughter) will TRY to take care of the afflicted. In as little as 3 weeks or at the most two months, the 'volunteer' caregiver will have damaged their own health.i.e. rolling, cleaning, changing beds and straining to reposition the patient. Remember this is mostly 24/7 with a break by 'home-care' a total or 6 hours weekly at the most, giving relief.
That doesn't count the times they are called for water, the time, and a million questions the person in bed will innocently ask.

When my mother who was only 170 pounds was sick, the Dr. said, "she needs to be in a nursing home." My siblings were all there.

My BIG MOUTH spoke up, "My mother will never go to a nursing home." I ministered in a urine smelling nursing home once and that was in my mind.

My brother who had already experienced this with his in-laws. Motioned me outside.
He said, "YOU have no idea what you just said, I am worn out. I cannot help you. but I will visit mama. and when I ask you "Jack how is is going?" and you say to me "Go to hell!" I will be back next week, because it can come to that!

He was right and I could give more details. But My mama was the sweetest person in the world to take care of but it about ruined my wife's health, My wife weighed about 120 and moving 'dead weight' of 170 lbs done her in. She loved my mama until death, but that did not help her health.

So my advice to anyone obese or really over weight, put it in writing for your wife/husband sons and daughters to put you in assisted living as soon as you are bed fast. DO THEM A FAVOR.

My sons have been told and it is in writing. Idea
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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5/31/19 11:13 pm

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