If you like Dilbert (the comic strip), visit the Dilbert website and check out Scott Adams' blog entries. He calmly and efficiently eviscerates the overwhelming voices against Trump. I don't agree with everything he writes, but it is by far the most intelligent writing on the matter. He actually uses reason and logic to point out the inconsistences in those against Trump
He considers Trump a "master persuader." I don't know if that is the case or not, but he DID call it right when he said that Trump's administration would move through a series of phases. First, it would be "Trump is Hitler." Then it would move into "OK, he's not Hitler, but he's incompetent." Then it would move into "He's competent, but we disagree with him."
Because of recent events, it seems that Trump has taken a step backward, but Scott Adams points out that we do not need "moral leadership" in these matters. Why? Because it doesn't matter WHAT Trump says or feels, people are going to hold on to their OWN moral vision. Good point.
In any case, take a look at Dilbert.com and enjoy. |
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology Posts: 6042 8/21/17 10:58 am