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UPDATE on Copeland's False Prophecy to Stephen Lowery at TL's Funeral Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post UPDATE on Copeland's False Prophecy to Stephen Lowery at TL's Funeral Old Time Country Preacher
Yep, false prophecy! Copeland told Stephen Lowery he would see a almost immediate tenfold increase in his ministry numbers (income, souls, attendance, etc.), an then agin later another tenfold increase.

So, hey, when Stephen Lowery retired from National COG, the ole timer headed on over to the online statistics on the COG regional website. From the month that TL passed away, to the month what Stephen retired, the ole timer checked the NCOG statistics. What did I find? The monthly attendance and income at the time of Stephen's retirement was basically the same as it was the month Copeland uttered his prophecy several years earlier.

Now, heres the deal fellers. This update ain't intended to be negative or demeaning toward Stephen Lowery. OTCP ain't never heard nothin what would question Lowery's integrity. This update is about Copeland's false prophecy to Stephen Lowery at the North Cleveland COG.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/27/23 9:36 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on Copeland's False Prophecy to Stephen Lowery at TL's Funeral FLRon
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Yep, false prophecy! Copeland told Stephen Lowery he would see a almost immediate tenfold increase in his ministry numbers (income, souls, attendance, etc.), an then agin later another tenfold increase.

So, hey, when Stephen Lowery retired from National COG, the ole timer headed on over to the online statistics on the COG regional website. From the month that TL passed away, to the month what Stephen retired, the ole timer checked the NCOG statistics. What did I find? The monthly attendance and income at the time of Stephen's retirement was basically the same as it was the month Copeland uttered his prophecy several years earlier.

Now, heres the deal fellers. This update ain't intended to be negative or demeaning toward Stephen Lowery. OTCP ain't never heard nothin what would question Lowery's integrity. This update is about Copeland's false prophecy to Stephen Lowery at the North Cleveland COG.

So this does, in fact, make K Copeland a false prophet based upon his own words. No surprise there, his empire is built upon false promises of sowing and reaping.

The real tragedy in my mind is that his being proven to be a false prophet will do little if anything to cause people to flee his teachings.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
11/27/23 9:44 pm

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Post Re: UPDATE on Copeland's False Prophecy to Stephen Lowery at TL's Funeral georgiapath
FLRon wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Yep, false prophecy! Copeland told Stephen Lowery he would see a almost immediate tenfold increase in his ministry numbers (income, souls, attendance, etc.), an then agin later another tenfold increase.

So, hey, when Stephen Lowery retired from National COG, the ole timer headed on over to the online statistics on the COG regional website. From the month that TL passed away, to the month what Stephen retired, the ole timer checked the NCOG statistics. What did I find? The monthly attendance and income at the time of Stephen's retirement was basically the same as it was the month Copeland uttered his prophecy several years earlier.

Now, heres the deal fellers. This update ain't intended to be negative or demeaning toward Stephen Lowery. OTCP ain't never heard nothin what would question Lowery's integrity. This update is about Copeland's false prophecy to Stephen Lowery at the North Cleveland COG.

So this does, in fact, make K Copeland a false prophet based upon his own words. No surprise there, his empire is built upon false promises of sowing and reaping.

The real tragedy in my mind is that his being proven to be a false prophet will do little if anything to cause people to flee his teachings.

Or stop people from giving him money.
Posts: 7604
11/28/23 5:02 am

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Post Re: UPDATE on Copeland's False Prophecy to Stephen Lowery at TL's Funeral UncleJD
georgiapath wrote:
FLRon wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Yep, false prophecy! Copeland told Stephen Lowery he would see a almost immediate tenfold increase in his ministry numbers (income, souls, attendance, etc.), an then agin later another tenfold increase.

So, hey, when Stephen Lowery retired from National COG, the ole timer headed on over to the online statistics on the COG regional website. From the month that TL passed away, to the month what Stephen retired, the ole timer checked the NCOG statistics. What did I find? The monthly attendance and income at the time of Stephen's retirement was basically the same as it was the month Copeland uttered his prophecy several years earlier.

Now, heres the deal fellers. This update ain't intended to be negative or demeaning toward Stephen Lowery. OTCP ain't never heard nothin what would question Lowery's integrity. This update is about Copeland's false prophecy to Stephen Lowery at the North Cleveland COG.

So this does, in fact, make K Copeland a false prophet based upon his own words. No surprise there, his empire is built upon false promises of sowing and reaping.

The real tragedy in my mind is that his being proven to be a false prophet will do little if anything to cause people to flee his teachings.

Or stop people from giving him money.

Or stop him from false prophesizing.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/30/23 9:04 am

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Post Cojak
There is something about people who 'lean' toward these prophets. they like to use the 'batting average' idea. I like to believe when someone says, "GOD SAYS ....'something'....... that they actually say it with the KNOWLEDGE, that mis stating GOD is dangerous.

I have little or NO confidence in someone who seems to 'Flippantly' give out messages 'directly from GOD!' That done with seemingly NO remorse when that THING does not happen, but go right on to another.

This type of prophet is like today's news people They talk about incidents what can CHANGE the world, and the next day the headlines is What some STAR wore at SOMEPLACE. Both used with the same excitement and enthusiasm..

I am still a person that when a miracle it prophesied, if that miracle does not happen, I do not think God just changed his mind. My nephew a CG preacher, was visiting our church in NC. He had been given a death notices by his doctor, he had leukemia. The evangelist prayed for him and declared 'you are healed, take that to the doctor! you will travel the world over winning souls to Christ!'

My nephew died the next month. I was building a house for that particular Evangelist at the time and was concerned. I finally got a chance to ask him what happened. He was unabashed! "IS HE NOT HEALED? DOES HE HAVE ANY PAIN? O course not. That is what the Lord said.......... He went on and on, so much so I gave up even asking about the many souls that would be saved. Finally he said ' his SERMONS recorded and living in hearts will still bring them to Christ thru out the world!!"

That type of thing bothers me. The Evangelist was at the time the top in Western NC.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/30/23 1:45 pm

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