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Have you heard of turkey salad? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Have you heard of turkey salad? Link
I was at a brother's home over the weekend who fed the homeless and had a lot of turkey left over. He was thinking of buying a rotisserie chicken and making turkey salad. My wife told him he should use the left-over turkey from the boxes that weren't given out and the turkey that was not put in the boxes.

He told me he had never heard of turkey salad. The idea of eating it had never occurred to him. Another brother there had flown in from Washington State and had lived a long time in California. He said he'd never heard of turkey salad either. I asked if he'd heard of ham salad and he had heard of that.

I'm wondering how common turkey salad is? I suppose this is something that hosts or those who take leftovers home might eat. Have any of you made turkey salad? Is it that uncommon for people to make the same thing as chicken salad out of another bird if they have a lot of leftovers.

Maybe if we just loved Thanksgiving dinner enough to eat it for many, many meals in a row without alteration, we would have done that, but while I have done that quite a bit, I prefer a bit of variety.

We aren't hosting this year, but if we were, or if we end up being sent home with lots of leftovers, i expect to eat turkey salad, turkey ramen noodles, turkey soup, turkey tacos, turkey stir fry, etc. for a little while. I might go for some Vietnamese turkey pho noodles or Korean turkey doenjang chigae. A turkey barbecue sandwich sounds okay to me righ tnow.
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11/25/20 3:27 pm

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Post UncleJD
I've rarely, if ever, put holiday turkey in a salad, its usually dry and thick and the white meat is usually long gone. I guess I would if there was white meat left over. Now turkey breast from the deli section is a different story, I have put that in with a mix of other meats like ham and salami many times. I don't think I'd like the dark meat in a salad though, too gamey. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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11/25/20 4:27 pm

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Post Cojak
I have never heard of turkey salad, but would assume it is much like chicken salad. But I would think the white meat would work the best for taste and consistency. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/26/20 9:23 pm

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