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Trump. The best president since Reagan Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Trump. The best president since Reagan Aaron Scott
I don't care for Trump's personality or style.

But as far as delivering on--or at least trying to deliver on--his campaign promises, I'm a big fan.

If Trump hadn't done one other thing, the fact that he gave us three high-quality jurists for the Supreme Court--and conservative ones at that--is enough to justify four years of stress.

But he went a LOT further than that....

1. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem--something no other president had DARED to do, including Reagan himself. That may not matter to others, but to Christians, who to a large degree have common cause with the Israelis (and they certainly never had better friends than conservative Christians), it matters greatly.

2. By moving the embassy, Trump sent a strong signal to the Palestinians that they no longer held veto power over every peace initiative in Israel. Basically, it was a signal that said to get on board, because the train is pulling out without you, if you don't.

3. I don't know just how it works, but during Trump's tenure, three Muslim countries recognized Israel. And yesterday I read that Saudi Arabia and Israel have begun high-level talks. It's my view that when they saw the Palestinians had been stared down by Trump, they realized that they no longer had to play nice with whatever the Palestinians said (due to their typical support of the Palestinians).

4. Trump slapped around Kim Jong-un...then embraced him, pulling off a breathtaking opening to North Korea. No, it's not borne much fruit yet, but it has to begin somewhere. And over half-a-century of failed policy was finally upended by Trump. If nothing else, Trump TRIED something different.

5. Best US economy in DECADES.

6. Best Black unemployment numbers EVER.

7. Then, despite the liberal press taking unprecedented and unrelenting aim at Trump every day for four years, despite the evil Democrats doing all they could to wreck Trump, including an impeachment that didn't have a chance and was without merit (the Mueller investigation coming back with the belief that allegations of collusion could not be supported to a conviction), despite civil and racial unrest, despite the pandemic, despite the deeply challenged economy due to the pandemic, TRUMP STILL ALMOST WON!!!

Make no mistake, Trump and Biden were not running on the same footing. Biden was given unprecedent support by the liberal press, who refused to even delve into the Hunter Biden emails, all while publishing every whisper of scandal when it involved Trump. Trump had been bashed for four years, Biden got a free ride from most of the press. And yet Trump almost gave the Democrats a coronary on election night!!!

Had there been almost any change at all in how the press treated Trump, it seems likely he would have won outright.

As it is, I consider it a "moral victory," if not a literal one.

But like I said, just the new SCOTUS justices made it worthwhile to have Trump in office. He did his best, it seems, to deliver what he had promisted.

And what he could deliver, he did. And what he couldn't deliver, well, he made the Democrats pay in blood for trying to thwart the will of the people.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
11/24/20 5:44 pm

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Post Cojak
I do agree with a WHOLE bunch of that. BUT just now I would sure like to see him actually be a REAL statesman and do what is good for the whole country. But that is my opinion. I am in a minority in my family. I voted for Trump both times, I am just not a Trumper, saying he can do no wrong. I don't regret my votes at all. BUT......
I have read too many comments like this on several sites, "If they steal this election I and my friends are gonna 'Lock and Load', we are just like the revolutionaries that set this country free, this is OUR time, we are patriots!"

Anyway, Life is still good and we will have another election in 4 years.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/24/20 7:37 pm

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Post UncleJD
Cojak wrote:

Anyway, Life is still good and we will have another election in 4 years.

Yeah, another one where ballots can (and will) come from anywhere and everywhere, no signature vetting, no way to know if they voted at gunpoint from "community organizers", millions of "new" citizens (illegals with a blanket "citizenship" award along with a bunch of freebies to assure their allegiance to their democratic overlords). Sorry for my pessimism, but if this goes through (and it looks like it will), there will be nothing but flimsy excuses to make it stick. There will NEVER be another Republican at the Federal level, and they will do everything they can to produce the same results at the local level by watering down any and all vestiges of state representation.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/25/20 9:51 am

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Post Re: Trump. The best president since Reagan Link
Trump also appointed a very large number of right-of-center judges throughout the federal judicial system. The Republicans held up appointments during the Obama administration. Instead of getting ho-hum middle of the road picks, Trump appointed conservative judges. They overrode the tradition of the state's senator having to approve of the judge, allowing conservative appointees who hopefully will actually respect the constitution and not use their power to misuse their power to bypass the legislatures to force a liberal agenda on the people. Rejecting that tradition may have been the only feasible way to put sensible judges on the courts in liberal parts of the country. Why subject the people in those liberal states to such madness? Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
11/25/20 11:58 am

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