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Obama Already Making Oregon Shooting About Gun Control Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Obama Already Making Oregon Shooting About Gun Control Old Time Country Preacher
Yep, he went on TV Thursday evening making the school shooting in Oregon about gun control, even askin the American people to vote for gun control.

My goodness, I got several guns, but them guns aint never shot nobody.

He said at ever single time such a shootin occurs, he is gonna bring up gun control.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
10/2/15 1:20 am

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Post Eddie Robbins
He talks about laws. He had full control of Congress at one point. Why didn't he do his law then? That would have saved all of these lives including the killings in Chicago, his home town. Wait...they have some of the strongest gun laws in America. How is that working?

What law would stop a deranged killer? Isn't killing against the law? How is that law working?
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16509
10/2/15 6:40 am

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Post c6thplayer1
The strict gun laws in Chicago are working , just like the politicians ;

Year To Date
Shot & Killed: 348
Shot & Wounded: 1971
Total Shot: 2319
Total Homicides: 396

Chicago’s plummeting credit rating

Because of the city’s weak finances, driven by its massive pension debt, rating agencies over the last few years repeatedly have downgraded Chicago’s bond rating. This drives up borrowing costs. Only Detroit has a worse rating. Moody’s Investors Service rates Chicago two levels above junk status.

Chicago Public Schools skyrocketing pension bills

The Chicago Teachers Pension Fund also is severely underfunded, with just 52 percent of the funds needed to pay promised benefits. After a three-year pension holiday, CPS’ pension bills jumped exponentially in 2014 — by $400 million — and continue to grow every year. CPS’ 2016 bill is $688 million, accounting for more than half CPS’ projected $1.1 billion deficit, CPS officials report. The school system’s total operating budget is $5.8 billion.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
10/2/15 7:57 am

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Post John Jett
Another anti-Christian, lefty-loony shoots up a left-leaning anti-gun, gun-free campus, and guess who the left blames??? The right of course Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4955
10/2/15 9:03 am

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Post georgiapath
You will never get guns out of the hands of criminals or crazy people. We need to put guns in the hands of sane and law abiding people. As usual Obama does not have a clue. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
10/2/15 10:51 am

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Post mytimewillcome
The President did not say he was attempting to take guns away from those who have them legally.

He mentioned several times the importance of having them for hunting, sport, and protecting your family.

Calm down.
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3658
10/2/15 6:10 pm

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Post John Jett
mytimewillcome wrote:
those who have them legally. .

who decides if I have one legally and whether that changes on a political party's whim?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4955
10/2/15 6:40 pm

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Post Link
Were the students on that campus allowed to carry in the class room?

I lived on the Ohio State campus for a couple of years. The area I lived in had signs posted stating that it was not permissible to have firearms on campus.

I didn't own a gun and didn't care too, but I saw a potential legal problem with that. If the Bill of Rights guarantees the right to bear arms and the 14th amendment says, "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" wouldn't that include the right to bear arms? How can the state not allow the right to bear arms?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
10/2/15 6:44 pm

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