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Scripture INSISTS Life is short, even a vapor, a mist Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Scripture INSISTS Life is short, even a vapor, a mist Cojak
This haunts my mind, probably not a good way to say it, but I think of it a lot.

I am sure there are older people that read and make input here. Surely Doyle is even older than I. Let me tell you that it seems just a few years ago that I was 17. I know that I lived all the years, but some of them are gone. TRUE, I can recall probably something about every year, but life still seems short.

You will discover one day the meaning of life being a vapor. Your mind/brain will not age like your body unless you become demented. One day you will learn how heavy things are made now. That concrete block I used to throw around, now is so heavy I can barely pick it up.

In God's eye is my life of 80+ years any more important than my brother who lived a day or my sister who lived a year?
No matter what age you are, if your mind is solid your desire is to live until tomorrow.

My driver's license states I am a donor. If I am murdered or die in a car wreck, I hope someone can use a kidney, eye or heart. I want someone to be saying 'Thank you, who ever you were, that I am alive or can see better now.'

I have met only one recipient of a 'body part' donation, it was a heart. After talking to the man his testimony caused me to put donor on my license.

The donor never knew the joy brought by his gift. However his immediate family and the recipient and his family did.

Do you remember thinking 35 was old? What about 50, then 60. Well now i think 95 is old! I have good friends in their 90s and in their minds they think they can still do what they did at 25, but their body says NO!

Do you believe life is but a vapor? James, Job and David were right, It really is. Just sayin'. Smile Smile Smile Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/1/21 11:38 am

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Post georgiapath
Good post as always. Acts-dicted
Posts: 7604
12/5/21 8:29 am

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Post FLRon
Last Friday I conducted the funeral service for my 82 year old Mother in Law. I reminded those in attendance of Psalm 90:10,
“ The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away”.

Seventy, Eighty, or Ninety years may seem like a long time, yet when stacked against eternity it is nothing more than a speck. I also asked them to think about how quickly the years have passed in their own lives. Every person there nodded in agreement.

We need to do what we’ve been called to do and not put it off because time will certainly get away from us.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
12/13/21 12:36 pm

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Post Bro Bob
There is no topic that gets me going more than time.

There is not room enough on acts-celerate (or the entire internet) to FULLY discuss it.

I can hear some of you saying yeah yeah, blah blah...

Well, let me just tell you, you don't even know what a "year" is. Few of you know they are not all the same length. Look up tropical year. You will find that the earth will have completed its full turn at various times making your true birthday fall on at least 2 different days in your life, more likely 3 and sometimes even 4. My youngest grand-daughter was born Mar 1 2017. She will turn 23 on Feb 29th. She will turn 52 on Feb 28, and she won't turn 86 until Mar 2nd.


We OBSESS over it! Why would 40 matter? Within a couple months of turning 41 you will live your 15,000th day. Why does nobody celebrate turning 15,000?


But here's my question: How old will we be after the resurrection of the body in the catching away? (now why did Bro Bob not ask how old his grandfather is in his awake and aware state right now in heaven?)

Ok. Enough. We see through a dark glass, and my glasses are getting darker every day, every year. And the Earth has made about 20 more trips around the sun during Cojak's time than it has in my time!
Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3944
12/28/21 1:36 pm

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Post Cojak
Bro Bob wrote:
There is no topic that gets me going more than time.

There is not room enough on acts-celerate (or the entire internet) to FULLY discuss it.

Ok. Enough. We see through a dark glass, and my glasses are getting darker every day, every year. ..........!

You have me smiling (and thinking). Time and age are indeed a mystery. Thinking of my mom and dad over there, how will they appear? How will I appear??

Love you my friend, Life is good! (and confusing!)
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/28/21 8:10 pm

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