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Kenneth Copeland COVID 19 is finished
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Post Kenneth Copeland COVID 19 is finished Given_Another_Chance[/url] Friendly Face
Posts: 133
4/1/20 12:15 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
That was one of the creepiest things I've ever seen!

Rodney Howard-Browne, Shawn Bolz, Cindy Jacobs, Kris Vallotton, Bill Johnson, and Katt Kerr (at least, I'm sure there are others) have done the same. Here's a website showing the amount of time that has passed since each of their declarations:

How ANYONE can follow these obviously false apostles and prophets, I will never know.
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Posts: 13654
4/1/20 1:09 pm

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Post so you are using pirate christisn media jimmyjon
Which is a mainly Lutheran and Concordia college anti word of faith website to mock charismatic ministries who at least are prayng in faith believing that God will answer the cries of their heart to stop this plague. Have you prayed against it? I have and I hope everyone on this forum has prayed that. So your objection is that they believed their prayers were actually answered and that is cause for other Christians to mock them Wow! As I understand Word of Faith it means speaking and believing the Word of God to be true.

Ok I think I've got it now.
Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/1/20 5:39 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I don't agree with Chris Roseborough about everything, but he is a wonderful brother and a committed defender of the gospel. And yes, I have prayed and will continue to pray for God's mercy both generally and specifically for people who are suffering or fighting this disease on the front lines, and for an end to this plague.

I won't bother to comment about the rest. If you consider these folks legit, you do you.
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Posts: 13654
4/1/20 5:49 pm

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Post Cojak
IF God declares it GONE, it will BE GONE. We have heard of several Christians that have died.
Do YOU know a Christian who died of the virus?

If not let me tell you of one. 4 weeks ago I attended the funeral of a Christian, my first cousin Kennith. His younger brother Eddie, was at the funeral. I talked with over an hour. He seemed healthy even telling me he was going to move to our town. He and his wife had already looked at a couple places.

His doctors have said: TOMORROW, EDDIE, A CHRISTIAN will die. Eddie is the son of a COG preacher. He has been in the COG all his 73 years.
Yes tomorrow they will unhook the machines just less than 12 hours. WE will continue to pray for THAT MIRACLE.

Was God looking the other way when these men were declaring the VIRUS to be gone and a Christian got infected. Hundreds of people prayed but Eddie will die if his doctor is correct.

His wife could not visit him during this 2 weeks.
Life is precious.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
4/1/20 11:21 pm

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Post Patrick Harris
Cojak wrote:
IF God declares it GONE, it will BE GONE. We have heard of several Christians that have died.
Do YOU know a Christian who died of the virus?

If not let me tell you of one. 4 weeks ago I attended the funeral of a Christian, my first cousin Kennith. His younger brother Eddie, was at the funeral. I talked with over an hour. He seemed healthy even telling me he was going to move to our town. He and his wife had already looked at a couple places.

His doctors have said: TOMORROW, EDDIE, A CHRISTIAN will die. Eddie is the son of a COG preacher. He has been in the COG all his 73 years.
Yes tomorrow they will unhook the machines just less than 12 hours. WE will continue to pray for THAT MIRACLE.

Was God looking the other way when these men were declaring the VIRUS to be gone and a Christian got infected. Hundreds of people prayed but Eddie will die if his doctor is correct.

His wife could not visit him during this 2 weeks.
Life is precious.

I agree 100%.

Praying for your family.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1323
4/2/20 8:43 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Cojak wrote:
Was God looking the other way when these men were declaring the VIRUS to be gone and a Christian got infected. Hundreds of people prayed but Eddie will die if his doctor is correct.

I'm very sorry to hear this, Cojak. Praying for you and your family.

This gets to the point of why these charlatans deserved to be marked and called out. Listen to Copeland here! He sounds like he thinks he is God! Declaring judgment on COVID-19? Ordering it to crawl on its belly? Saying "it is finished"? These are things that God does, not man. It is blasphemy.

These waterless clouds have no power to declare an end to COVID-19. Only God does. And I pray sincerely that our loving Father will do so, in the name of our Lord Jesus. They could be doing the same -- humbly praying to God. But instead they declare and decree, like the super apostles they are.

It is infuriating, and so sad that a Lutheran has to be the one calling them out because so many charismatics refuse to do so.
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Posts: 13654
4/2/20 9:03 am

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Post I feel your pain Cojak jimmyjon
But that's just the same old problem of why bad things happen to good people. Just remember there is a bad devil.and a good God. We live in a fallen world where unfortunately it rains on the just and unjust.

Dave, I dont know you just a newbie here but you typify an attitude of cynicism from "traditional " Christianity has always had with Pentecostals and then it's the same attitude many older Pentecostals had with charismatics. The problem stems from how you read the Bible. When people read the Bible and believe it literally without a lot of exegesis and then they act as if the word just says what it says and they stand upon it. You criticize them for believing the Word without your bias as to why it doesnt say what it plainly says. For instance when Copeland et al declare with authority when they pray for something you say who do they think they are, God? No, they think the word says they can say that. Are you right? Are they? Well, I think they are. Can they be arrogant about it? Yes. I hate that part. I hate the excessive prosperity part of theIr teaching but God came to bring us life, a undant life has He not?

Anyway here are some scriptures for you to chew on. I know you wont change and I dont want to argue with you but little grace would be nice.

(Mat 10:1 NIV) "He called his twelve disciples to him and gave them Authority-exousia to drive out evil
spirits and to heal every disease and sickness."
(Mark 1:27 NIV) "The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, "What is this? A new teaching--
and with Authority-exousia! He even gives orders to evil spirits and they obey him.""
(Mark 2:10-12 NIV) "But that you may know that the Son of Man has Authority-exousia on earth to forgive
sins . . . ." He said to the paralytic, {11} "I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home." {12} He got up, took
his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, "We have
never seen anything like this!""
(Luke 9:1-2 NIV) "When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them power and Authority-exousia to
drive out all demons and to cure diseases, {2} and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal
the sick."
(Luke 10:19-20 NIV) "I have given you Authority-exousia to trample on snakes and scorpions and to
overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. {20} However, do not rejoice that the spirits
submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/2/20 9:29 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Pencostalism is not the same thing as WOF. Some of the best historical work against WOF error has been done by the AOG.

My issue is NOT with Pentecostalism.

And you are exactly right that the problem starts with how one reads the Bible. WOF theology cannot survive proper biblical exegesis of its proof texts.
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Posts: 13654
4/2/20 9:35 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Look, I appreciate your desire to be charitable and your plea for grace, but it just can't work here. Copeland has spent his career uttering some of the most jaw-dropping heresies of our modern age. He demonstrates that he is not a true believer through the gospel he proclaims. He has deceived countess people and has used their money to hoard astounding wealth.

I pray for him. I pray that God would give him a heart of repentance and that he would come to know Christ. That is the grace that believers owe him. But his deceptive teaching cannot receive grace. It must be called out for what it is.
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Posts: 13654
4/2/20 9:53 am

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Post Cojak
I grew up in a family who believed in divine healing. So much so that there was no insurance in our family except a life insurance policy that would pay for burial. Daddy knew it was appointed unto man once to die!
When I thought I was called to preach his advice was, do not make debts, trust God and he will supply your needs, body and soul.
He was firm on prophecy and divine Words from the Lord. If God said it thru any man, IT WILL BE DONE and no amount of disbelief will STOP HIS WILL. His common sense take on scripture was HIS WILL over shadows anything 'TWO or THREE demand or believe.' WE are not GOD we are only his Children.
Love you all,
Cousin Eddie is headed to meet Uncle Doyle and Aunt Julia and a host of family. God is good and life is precious.

For one, I am sorry I did not take this Virus very seriously at first. Believing as many, it was just another strain of the Flu. I could not have changed the present situation, but I could have erred on the side of caution. We were asked on this forum, Has your opinion of the Coronavirus changed since first announced.
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
4/2/20 10:00 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Kenyonism/WoF believes that humans share creative power with God; that is, just as God spoke the world into existence, the believer, who is ‘a little god,’ can likewise create reality with words spoken in faith. WoFism teaches that even God used faith to create. Copeland and Co are simply attempting to create a different reality with their positive confession (and of course, epically failing, since the Bible rightly interpreted does not give believers divine creative power). [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
4/2/20 10:21 am

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Post Ok fine jimmyjon
I know what the creative power of words teaching is all about. But you are ignoring the scriptures. Either we as believers have exousia-authority and dunamis (supernatural power) over diseases and the like or we dont. Jesus said we do
Whether you like all of Copeland et all teaching doesnt diminish the Word of God. I think most of the Pentecostal church is so diminished now in their understanding of who we are and whose are and what we can do in His Name that we criticize people who actually believe what the Word says. So yes maybe they're wrong on some of their theology, I agree but arent you throwing the baby out with the bath water? I also think we bandy about the word heretic awfully easily. Jesus said if they're not against us they are for us. People who are so caught up in heresy hunting kind of miss the bigger picture. Many of these ministries you call heretics are leading many to Christ and support many ministries around the world. Copeland's lifestyle is a bit much but i happen to know he has given millions to many missions organizations. Just sayin. I think you do need some grace. And stand in power, faith, and authority and proclaim the word. Let's see what happens.
Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/2/20 11:08 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
jimmyjon, with respect, I am not going to argue about it because I know that only God can illuminate hearts.

I spent the majority of my Christian life as a WOF acolyte. There are many, many posts in the archive of this forum featuring me arguing WOF proof texts at length. I have listened to literally hundreds of hours of Copeland, Hagin, and other WOF luminaries.

In 2016, God began a work in my heart and brought me out of that deception. My prayer is ever that He will do the same for others.

Blessings to you.
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Posts: 13654
4/2/20 11:21 am

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Post Not to argue really I'm not jimmyjon
But would just like to clarify something. So when you left WoF what is your stance on the scriptures I posted? If you believe in divine healing how do you believe in it? God could and maybe He will or praying in faith no matter what you see? Or is that Wof too? Just wondering. Hey, DOC
Posts: 87
4/2/20 11:29 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
jimmyjon, I will leave you with this. Paul prays 41 prayers in the New Testament.

Can you find one in which he decrees and declares against a situation?

Can you find one in which he speaks to Satan or other forces of darkness and commands them or binds them?

Can you find one in which he is proclaiming, rather than petitioning?
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Posts: 13654
4/2/20 11:30 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt
The authority Jesus had and gave his disciples over disease was never used or demonstrated in the way Copeland and Co try to exert it. Why don’t we see in the Scriptures Jesus or Peter or Paul ever binding all cancer in general, for instance? Surely that would have been so much better and more effective, if it were what Jesus meant.

They had authority and we have authority to heal—instance by instance, as the Lord empowers and wills it. What we don’t ever see in Scripture is anything like Copeland and Co try to do, to ‘bind the Coronavirus’ from a geographic region.
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Posts: 12817
4/2/20 11:31 am

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Post Some things to consider.... Aaron Scott
I take it that since we will be lambasted for failing to successfully "pray away" coronavirus, we should pray that God removes this ONLY IF IT'S WILL, right?

Let me tell you what will happen if you DON'T pray for a sick person, or pray for something to happen, it probably won't happen. BUT AT LEAST WE ARE SAFE FROM THE SCORN OF OTHER CHRISTIANS! AT LEAST THERE'S THAT!

I have prayed for many folks who were sick. Most of them DID NOT get well any faster than a "control" person who was not prayed for.

No, I take that back!!!! I once prayed for someone who had a cold, and, sure enough, about a week later, they were MIRACULOUSLY MADE WHOLE!

Let's have the willingness to admit that by "Pentecostal" we don't mean much different from what a Baptist believes. That is, it MIGHT happen.

I challenge you to find that "tool" in the apostles' toolkit.

Yes, I know that we often pray and nothing much happens. About the only thing MOST praying does is make the person feel appreciative that you at least prayed for them.

If a study were done, I would be willing to bet that the "cure" rate for those prayed for is not very different at all from those not prayed for...or those who are atheists, for that matter. There may some psychological boost that benefits a believer, but if you control for that, I'm betting we wouldn't see very much difference, if any.

When we make fun or criticize Pentecostals BECAUSE they were bold enough to get out of the boat and walk on the water...but then sank...I'm thinking that most of us didn't even get out of the boat.

Yes, I am against charlatans also. But take care that you are not conflating a true charlatan (someone who is false and KNOW they are false) and someone who truly believes, but is mistaken. There is a huge difference.

No wonder Jesus asked whether He would find faith when He returned. I have to admit that I'm probably as skeptical as some of you about such things. But instead of pointing out the failures, we should realize that at least some people try to stretch their faith.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/2/20 11:47 am

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Post Quiet Wyatt... Aaron Scott
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
The authority Jesus had and gave his disciples over disease was never used or demonstrated in the way Copeland and Co try to exert it. Why don’t we see in the Scriptures Jesus or Peter or Paul ever binding all cancer in general, for instance? Surely that would have been so much better and more effective, if it were what Jesus meant.

They had authority and we have authority to heal—instance by instance, as the Lord empowers and wills it. What we don’t ever see in Scripture is anything like Copeland and Co try to do, to ‘bind the Coronavirus’ from a geographic region.

I do hear you, my bro. But consider that while we don't see Jesus and the apostle demonstrating things in the way Copeland and Co. do, neither do we see ANYONE demonstrating faith, miracles, and healings like Jesus and the apostles did!

Which is worse: To try to walk in "too much" faith...or to walk in "too little" faith?

I would rather have a Copeland pray for me than a MacArthur.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/2/20 11:49 am

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Post Aaron jimmyjon
AMEN! from this quarter. (and I won't talk about the miracles I have witnessed and other ministers I know have witnessed) oh and yeah a lot of people didn't get healed but many did. How did that happen? Because we prayed Lord if it's your will you can but we don't really expect you to but if you would gee maybe you could. yep that produces results all right, Hey, DOC
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4/2/20 12:53 pm

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