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Post Campmeeting Reports MrSippi
It is Campmeeting season. Mississippi was great. Mitchell Tolle is a gift to the Church of God. Are you attending yours? If you’ve already had Campmeeting in your state, how was it? Testify! Friendly Face
Posts: 156
6/12/19 10:02 am

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Post Re: Campmeeting Reports skinnybishop
MrSippi wrote:
It is Campmeeting season. Mississippi was great. Mitchell Tolle is a gift to the Church of God. Are you attending yours? If you’ve already had Campmeeting in your state, how was it? Testify!

We don't have traditional campmeeting in North Georgia. We are having a 2 day Elevate Conference. It is on the opposite side of the state from me and I won't be attending. I'm on the eastern edge of Georgia and this event is about 50 miles from the Alabama state line.
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
6/12/19 11:06 am

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Post ENC Campmeeting Carolyn Smith
I didn't make it to (ENC) campmeeting this year, but I was able to watch a few services via livestream. My car is being worked on and working till 5pm or so makes it hard to get to campmeeting an hour away. However, I thoroughly enjoyed what I did see/hear of it. I missed Tuesday night, but have seen clips of it, and from everything I've seen & heard, Tuesday & Wednesday night were both "just like campmeeting I grew up on!" No preaching Tuesday or Wednesday night. The Spirit moved, people were saved, healed, blessed, and delivered! Everyone said it was amazing and such a blessing!

They did a Heritage Service on Wednesday morning since this year makes 35 years since ENC became an official state. I really enjoyed that. They had several older ministers speak about how things were when it started and the hard work that went into making it happen. I was at work but was able to listen to this service on my phone with headphones as I was getting my work done.

Jason Crabb was there on Wednesday night, and he sang his heart out, like he always does. Love him...he is so genuine & such a worshiper! The youth choir was singing behind him. David Blair was the speaker, but the Holy Spirit was moving so strongly, he gave an altar call. He gave highlights from his planned sermon towards the end. There were several saved that night, young people with tears streaming down their faces, lives changed by the power of God! It was obvious God was doing a work among His people! They also did a "family block party" afterwards in which everyone there was invited to. They'd planned for it to be outside, but it was raining so it was moved to a different building.

I hate that I missed being there in person, but I did enjoy what I was able to participate in. Very thankful for livestream! Great job, ENC leadership!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
6/15/19 10:50 pm

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Post MrSippi
I attended our campmeeting in Mississippi. We also had powerful services. I have tried to watch as many campmeeting services as I could from those who had livestream. There were some great speakers from both inside and outside the Church of God. I watched the replays of Tim Hill and Tom Madden from Alabama (Their campmeeting was the same week as ours). Both of those services were incredible. I watched David Smith last Tuesday from West Virginia and it was pure fire! Jim Cymbala preached South Carolina and had me in tears as always, I saw Joe Dobbins preaching several meetings. It was really great. Tony Suarez is a preaching machine (South Georgia and Florida)! I saw bits and pieces of a few other services. Overall, it would seem that this campmeeting season has been great! I sense that God is stirring something among those who are hungry. I celebrate what God is doing! Friendly Face
Posts: 156
6/15/19 11:03 pm

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