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On Line Giving Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post On Line Giving Cojak
I have read good things on Acts-C about the on line giving. Our local church does not have that 'button' on our web site. My question, once it is established is it 'fairly' maintenance free (software) or does the church need someone with their finger on the pulse 'much of the time?'
I ask because we do not have anyone that manages the web site. Would it throw more 'load' on the pastor?

Since we travel a lot it would be very handy to do a couple clicks to get money back to our church. It would save me writing a letter every month, Wink.

This came to mind as my wife wants to return to Reamstown church up in Stevens, PA. A great church BTW, and when I went to the site to check service times the GIVE area could not be missed, and I really appreciated it.

What are the pros and cons? I have mentioned it several times but really didn't see much enthusiasm. Does it increase giving or just make it easier for a few to give??
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/20/19 6:05 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
It's pretty much set up and forget. But if you have online bill pay from your bank, you can use that to send them a check and they don't have to have anything set up.

That's what we do. Our church has online giving, but a percentage of what the church gets is deducted as a fee. However, if I do bill pay through my bank, my bank literally prints and sends them a check. Best of both worlds in my opinion.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
7/20/19 6:46 pm

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
It's pretty much set up and forget. But if you have online bill pay from your bank, you can use that to send them a check and they don't have to have anything set up.

That's what we do. Our church has online giving, but a percentage of what the church gets is deducted as a fee. However, if I do bill pay through my bank, my bank literally prints and sends them a check. Best of both worlds in my opinion.

I just read that to my wife. Sounds like a winner. I keep getting notices about bill pay, it may be time to check that out.

Thanks a lot. Stay cool! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
7/20/19 7:38 pm

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