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You and I face A seemingly Impossible Dilemma Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post You and I face A seemingly Impossible Dilemma Cojak
A take off on Bro. Aarons Post on Moore's dilemma.
I have some VERY intelligent Grand kids and I have some regular smart grand kids. I am, have always been conservative in finances, religion and politics. The kids know me and my wife.

BUT in the last 20-30 years I cannot count the Christian leaders (Spiritual and Politicians) that have sworn to be one thing and WHEN CAUGHT turned out to be something else altogether. They have seen ministers who had appeared to be Dedicated STRAIGHT men, turn out to have been preaching one thing for years, and have been lying. They have seen politicians who claimed to be Christians, courted the Christian vote, turn out to be no more than 'LYING POLITICIANS'. A leading young preacher with a precious wife turns out to be having an affair.

Even our kin pastoring a leading COG, gets caught chasing prostitutes. Not to mention Jim Bakker, some of them cut their teeth at PTL camp grounds. Some thought the world of Swaggart's singing and preaching. I could go on and on and you could too.
I do my best, to try to explain that the devil loves to see their doubt, that is the point.

What they really want to know is what is the real difference in a Liberal and a conservative? The kids are split about down the middle.

A solid Christian understands ANYONE can fail. But new seekers not so quick to know.

Try to answer the question: "How could he stand up there and sound so convincing with the lady that he has been fornicating with for over a year sitting in the same pew with his wife? How can he do that Grandpa?

Tell me it ain't tough to answer that? The enemy has been very smart and we have allowed it by being gullible at times ourselves.

You may not remember it but I can remember when Earl Paulk Jr preached some of the best most convincing sermons on Sunday night over Forward in Faith.
We have a tough row to hoe, to keep our families looking at Christ, not the detractors. Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
11/14/17 9:27 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
How could Lucifer (and a third of the angels) sin in the presence of a perfectly loving and holy, almighty creator and Lord of all?

How could Adam and Eve sin after being created upright, never having known sin?

Moral beings sin because they choose to, in spite of what their conscience tells them, and in spite of the manifest goodness and worthiness of God.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/15/17 10:23 am

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Post bonnie knox
Cojak, I think our dilemma is can we personally be authentic. I believe we can. And don't underestimate the impact you and your wife have on your family by living your faith authentically before your children and grandchildren. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 14803
11/15/17 10:44 am

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Post Cojak
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
How could Lucifer (and a third of the angels) sin in the presence of a perfectly loving and holy, almighty creator and Lord of all?

How could Adam and Eve sin after being created upright, never having known sin?

Moral beings sin because they choose to, in spite of what their conscience tells them, and in spite of the manifest goodness and worthiness of God.

You did bring up points to use. I certainly agree with your comment QW, I just have a personal Dilemma getting that point across LOL. THANKS
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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11/15/17 12:05 pm

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Post Cojak
bonnie knox wrote:
Cojak, I think our dilemma is can we personally be authentic. I believe we can. And don't underestimate the impact you and your wife have on your family by living your faith authentically before your children and grandchildren.

Thanks Bonnie for the comment and thought. BUT you are supposed to give me the correct 'verbal' answer!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/15/17 12:08 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida

I have not been surprised at moral failings after Swaggart in the 80s - I was totally surprised by him. I don't let that happen anymore.

Most of you know you must avoid temptation - not just resist.

Resist is for the 1st time you find yourself tempted. If you put yourself back in that situation - you have tempted yourself - and don't expect the Holy Spirit to rescue you for your foolish ways.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
11/15/17 12:31 pm

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Post Cojak
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
Resist is for the 1st time you find yourself tempted. If you put yourself back in that situation - you have tempted yourself - ....

Good point my friend. Idea
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
11/15/17 2:46 pm

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