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Post Hidden secrets Cojak
Back in the 1950s I heard a story of a man in Texas who had invented a Carburetor that would give in excess of 80 MPG. BUT the oil companies bought the patent and it is locked forever in a safe somewhere in Texas.
i have a son who was sure Aloe would cure skin cancer. He tried it for a couple years finally had to have radiation treatment.
My sons both believe Trump won the election over Biden. They also are positive there is a cure for cancer but it is hidden.
AH yes and also we never went to the moon, that too is a farce.
I have another friend and intelligent lady who Called my wife a few months ago that Hillary was locked up in GITMO. The one here in the states is a clone..

I must be the most illogical man alive. With as many Researchers who would love, for humanity to find cures are honestly trying. Others who would love to go down in History as THE ONE are trying also.

I do not think the entire Justice system has agreed to turn the other way and back Biden who lost. And of course i believe we went to the moon.

I also think with all the investigative reporters looking into these conspiracy theories someone would find a 'Deep Throat' as in the NIxon era. Too many want to win The Pulitzer Prize to ignore the truth.

Oh and my oldest son, who is a dedicated Christian is sure he knows when the Lord is coming back, he has a date a little over a year from now, he is sure and it scares me....

Please excuse my rant, but I could be wrong, I just do not see the truth in most conspiracy theories
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
1/26/24 8:18 pm

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Post shaunbwilson
I completely agree. They answer that the mass media is all paid off not to publish the proof of the conspiracy. My response is that the amount of money, notoriety, and prestige a journalist or media company would gain from providing proof of these conspiracies is higher than any amount they would receive as a payout for not publishing them. Further, the idea that a large group of people could keep these secrets is preposterous. One scholar, David Grimes, estimated a moon landing conspiracy would consist of 411,000 people who would have had to keep their mouths shut with no deathbed confessions. The cancer cure conspiracy would consist of 714,000 people who did not expose the conspiracy.

Grimes calculates the amount of time it would take for the probability of a leak to exceed 95%. The probability that the faking of the moon landing would be leaked is calculated to exceed 95% after 3.68 years. The probability that the suppression of a cure for cancer would be leaked is calculated to exceed 95% after 3.17 years.

Doesn't seem likely to me.
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1/26/24 10:13 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I still got the book that proved Jesus was coming back in 1988.

There were 88 infallible reasons why it was going to happen.

That would make the tribulation to have been going on for 36 years now - Ray Hughes didn't make it in the rapture - and of course I didn't make it either. But I guess it could have actually happened.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
1/27/24 3:38 pm

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Post Best hidden Cleveland secret since 2023 (Link) caviator

There are plenty more…
Hey, DOC
Posts: 58
1/30/24 3:52 pm

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Post skinnybishop
My conspiracy theory:

I don't believe the story about the JFK Assassination.

I do not know who did it. But the official story is a load of hooey.

If you don't believe me, listen to the taped phone conversations between LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover, when they decided to form the Warren Commission. Then listen to the conversation when Johnson forced Richard Russel to be part.

"Oswald alone fired 3 shots from the TSBD" was already decided, long before the Warren Commission ever met.
Eddie Wiggins
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Posts: 1055
1/31/24 11:08 am

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Post UncleJD
Its funny how just about everything wrong with people comes down to the desire to know something that nobody else does. It started in the Garden with the Serpent offering secret knowledge that God was hiding. Then throughout the New Testament and early church history, the biggest threat to orthodox teaching was Gnosticism, those that had "secret knowledge" about the universe or secret books of scripture that only the smartest and wisest could know. Its a big flaw in man's nature that's for sure. The idea that he can get one over on everyone else, or that things must be different because everyone else must be wrong. I took my kids to see NASA in Florida and in Houston, they are MOSTLY convinced that the lunar landings were real, but not 100% because they have so many voices telling them how smart they are to know the truth and everyone else is stupid to believe what was reported. part of it, I think, is that even among Christian conservatives, we see so much wrong with the world, that its easy for us to grab on to these conspiracies to give some sort of shape the chaos of the world. It would be a fascinating study if I had the time. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/31/24 4:12 pm

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Post FLRon
skinnybishop wrote:
My conspiracy theory:

I don't believe the story about the JFK Assassination.

I do not know who did it. But the official story is a load of hooey.

If you don't believe me, listen to the taped phone conversations between LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover, when they decided to form the Warren Commission. Then listen to the conversation when Johnson forced Richard Russel to be part.

"Oswald alone fired 3 shots from the TSBD" was already decided, long before the Warren Commission ever met.

Several years ago I was on a business trip to Dallas and went along with a few others to see the infamous spot where JFK was assassinated. I was stunned to have several people come up to our group each wanting to sell a DVD of the real truth behind the killing of our president. More appalling was the group of Asian tourists standing on the exact spot on the street taking selfies and laughing it up.
All that to say society has made a mockery of the whole thing yet few seem to mind.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
1/31/24 8:21 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I still got the book that proved Jesus was coming back in 1988.

There were 88 infallible reasons why it was going to happen.

That would make the tribulation to have been going on for 36 years now - Ray Hughes didn't make it in the rapture - and of course I didn't make it either. But I guess it could have actually happened.

Didn't he write another book the following year about 89 reasons He's coming in '89?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
2/1/24 12:01 am

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Post Link
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
I still got the book that proved Jesus was coming back in 1988.

There were 88 infallible reasons why it was going to happen.

That would make the tribulation to have been going on for 36 years now - Ray Hughes didn't make it in the rapture - and of course I didn't make it either. But I guess it could have actually happened.

Maybe you and me could borrow 24 of them or come with new ones and write a best seller for this year. That's easier than coming up with 88 reasons.

We should have written a book back in 2001, or even better yet, 2000 would have been an even easier year.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/5/24 3:13 pm

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