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Post Drive-Thru Prayer Darrell Garrett
For the past 2 years, I had done Drive-Thru prayer in Galesburg, where I had pastored. I'm doing my first one in Pekin (Illinois) tonight. I'm just curious if any of you have done this in your churches or seen others do it in your community? We've seen really good results there in Galesburg, and I'm excited about getting it going over here. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
5/16/19 4:02 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
That's a really cool idea, I've never heard of something like that before. How does that look/work? [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
5/16/19 5:27 pm

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Post Hope you put it on Facebook live roughridercog
Be interesting to see
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
5/16/19 6:18 pm

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Post Cojak
I remember laughing at 'lazy' people who took communion and prayer at a drive thru venue, UNTIL I heard one testimony while driving thru California. A person who could NOT attend church due to many physical and medical problems told of being Blessed to finally be able to be 'Driven through' a church parking lot to receive 'personal prayer and communion!' the person told of friends who were blessed due to the fact they were 'bound to a bed' 24/7, but taken by friends in a van with a bed.
MY VIEW CHANGED and I did some repenting. This is a great idea no matter what naysayers come up with. I am ashamed to admit I could see no reason for such a program.
God bless you all dude!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
5/16/19 8:35 pm

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Post Cojak
I can also NOW just imagine someone depressed, just lost a companion, feeling convicted of using drugs, etc, being sent by the Lord down a street and seeing a sign that says 'Prayer Now in your car'.

I would be interested in seeing testimonies of this sort of evangelism! Cool

Oh yes, God Bless you my brother!!!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
5/16/19 8:41 pm

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Post Darrell Garrett
So, we did our first one tonight. I spent about 30 minutes training those that went out and then we spent about an hour actually on the street. We will normally do about 90 minutes to 2 hours. I'm thrilled with the first night. We had the opportunity to pray with 4 people. One was a Christian who was just going through a very trying time and asked if we'd pray. One was a person who used to be a Christian but has been beaten down and just is not sure if there is a God or not. After talking and he allowed us to pray for him, he took my card and said he will consider calling me to talk some more. Another, after prayer said she would see us in church. The last one was a young woman struggling with addictions. She recently relapsed and has been clean again for 3 weeks but really struggling. I talked with her for quite awhile about my own battle with drug addiction and trips in and out of drug rehab and that the only thing that worked was surrendering my life to Jesus. She accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior tonight. She's very gunshy about coming to church, but she promised me that she would be there Sunday. Please pray for Casandra, that she will follow through.

There are a couple of short clips of us out doing DTP on my Facebook page or on the churches page. I do not video when we pray for people. Just don't think that would be appropriate.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5330
5/16/19 9:02 pm

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We began DTP in Oct 2016 with me and a few others using my van with a vinyl sign saying Need Prayer Drive thru. We now have 3 teams working out of our church. One is my van which I do alone a lot of times due to my spontaneous ways of going out at all times plus a Prayer Hospital that operates from 2 different locations often (one is a stable covered trailer customized to protect from the cold & hot weather for the attendants) and another is a large winnibago type vehicle that sets up in several locations here in town and also in nearby towns, plus we have a team in Monroe NC about 25 minutes from the church that operates weekly. The 3 teams together have prayed for over 3,000 cars and many with several people in them over the last 30 months. As of this week we have had 977 conversions/rededications with numerous healings and miracles ranging from finding jobs, to marriages healed, and legal matters fixed, plus so many prayed over for financial miracles, lost children. Many of them have been butt hurt by churches and others have lived so bad until they are ashamed to go back to church. Even though we don't try to win them to our church we have become so well known over these 30 months until we haven't missed a Sunday in the last 8 months without having at least one new person every Sunday. This is the easiest evangelism we have ever done and when they pull in on their own it gives liberty to the teams to minister with courage. I am so amazed at what God is doing. We have friends now in 11 states that are doing this and about 10 cities in SC doing it now. If you would like a short booklet detailing how we do it I will mail one to you, or if you would like I will email you the booklet. Just let me know and I will be glad to do it for you. My email is I've enjoyed the fellowship we have with Bro Darrell Garrett and we stay in touch. It's fun to encourage one another. Let me know. This was just a brief idea of what can be done.
Posts: 714
5/16/19 11:15 pm

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Post Cojak
SCFIRE wrote:
We began DTP in Oct 2016 with me and a few others using my van with a vinyl sign saying Need Prayer Drive thru. .... It's fun to encourage one another. Let me know. This was just a brief idea of what can be done.

The more I learn the more interesting it becomes. Good stuff, and a great post!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
5/17/19 10:12 pm

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Post Preacher777
Darrel and SC Fire, I want to commend both of you for stepping out in faith to do this outreach ministry. You both brought up great testimonies that have me praying and thinking about if and how we can do something similar at this time.

The ideas and encouragement you men shared in these posts show the value of this message board. I would not have considered this idea now if I didn't see you posting it here. We need to thank those running Actscelerate for any souls won to Christ due to ideas like this being shared with each other.
Friendly Face
Posts: 434
5/18/19 5:41 am

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