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Things you wished you'd have known when you started Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Things you wished you'd have known when you started roughridercog
In preaching?
I think this might make for interesting discussion.
What do you know know that you wish you would have known when you were getting started?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/7/21 8:27 am

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Post Cojak
I wish I had known there were different areas of His service. In my youth if one felt a call on their lives, it must be as a pastor!!!!

I tried that when I later learned I fit in a Children's ministry. After pastoring 2 churches and organizing one, I much later learned and got it right. Once I got it right I was a happy man.

I have a feeling there are many men behind the pulpit who would made great SS teachers, lay ministers or great supporters of their pastor to fill in where needed.

Observations from a little experience and now sitting in the pew. Smile

Love you my brother! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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2/7/21 12:10 pm

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Post Some thoughts... Aaron Scott
First, I had more fully realized that it takes more than preaching to be successful in the ministry. Yes, a Ray H. Hughes might be able to advance a church just by preaching, but not me. There are events to plan, follow up to take care of, issues to deal with, etc.

Another thing is that I would have liked to have known early on is to not have to wait for inspiration each week. Instead, I would have taken a chapter...focused on ONLY one verse or so, and studied it carefully, allowing the Lord to fill in the blanks.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/7/21 9:36 pm

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Post skinnybishop
I wish I had known that some "sheep" have no desire to be sought by the shepherd.

For years, I struggled with the idea of "leaving the 99, to go after the one lost lamb". As a "shepherd' wasn't this my responsibility? I felt guilty, because I wasn't chasing every person who stopped coming to church.

But I realized there was a difference between the Scriptural reference and reality. In reality, I would have to be in a constant state of chasing, in order to fulfill my duties.

In Scripture, there was one sheep who wandered off, one time.
In reality, a different sheep is wandering , every day.

Sheep have to want to be part of the flock, before a shepherd can tend them.
Eddie Wiggins
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Posts: 1055
2/8/21 10:34 am

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Post Re: Some thoughts... Cojak
Aaron Scott wrote:
Another thing is that I would have liked to have known early on is to not have to wait for inspiration each week. Instead, I would have taken a chapter...focused on ONLY one verse or so, and studied it carefully, allowing the Lord to fill in the blanks.

In my opinion That last statement is VERY insightful (and very important) especially for us in the pews who NEED teaching in this day. For some reason I see Jesus sitting and Instructing.

This comment should get the LIKE button Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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2/8/21 10:34 am

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Post Far to many things to list but JLarry
If I had to nail it down to one thing.
I wish I would have known how to make disciples.
I think many churches have failed in doing so. Especially me.
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No one who died without Christ is happy about their decision.
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2/8/21 7:15 pm

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Post Something else.... Aaron Scott
Too many well-intentioned pastors work themselves silly trying to keep everyone on board the ship.

But if someone is shooting holes in the bottom of the boat through spreading discord, etc., stop trying to get them to change--THROW THEM OVERBOARD.

Pastor often try to "fix" such members by giving them more authority or a bigger voice (e.g., putting them on the Church Council, letting them teach an adult class, making them Superintendent, etc.). NO! If someone is playing dirty games, they have disqualified themselves from ANY leadership role--even if you can't immediately get rid of them.

If you give such people authority or a platform, they will often use it against you. It can be painful, I know. But when they leave, you will feel like you can breath again. Further--and I've seen this happen more than once--there are times when people leave...but then come back with a more humble attitude. Further, having not lost their "place" in the church, they come back more on your terms.

If suitable, welcome them back (but let them prove themselves before you put them back in leadership). Some have come back with such good attitudes--or perhaps they didn't leave under the worst attitude--that you can feel comfortable placing them in a position. This is especially the case, I think, if a person comes back and acknowledges that they made a mistake, that they this, they that....
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
2/10/21 10:18 am

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Post In preaching... 4thgeneration
You asked for things we've learned that we wished we had known when we started about preaching.

I wish I had realized that the bible has been preached for about 2000 years, so I don't have to wait for an inspired personal thought every Sunday. It is ok to use resources to help in sermon preparation.

I wish I had understood that sometimes you are preaching a word from God but often you are preaching the word of God. Both are valid.

I wish I had known that as a pastor I can slow down and cover a topic over a few weeks, rather than trying to cover it all in one, too long sermon.

I wish I had grasped Pauls words that we are sowing seed and watering, but it is God who gives the increase. My role is to preach/teach/minister and trust the response to God.

Those are a few...
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1607
2/10/21 4:39 pm

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Post Re: In preaching... skinnybishop
4thgeneration wrote:
You asked for things we've learned that we wished we had known when we started about preaching.

I wish I had realized that the bible has been preached for about 2000 years, so I don't have to wait for an inspired personal thought every Sunday. It is ok to use resources to help in sermon preparation.

I wish I had understood that sometimes you are preaching a word from God but often you are preaching the word of God. Both are valid.

I wish I had known that as a pastor I can slow down and cover a topic over a few weeks, rather than trying to cover it all in one, too long sermon.

I wish I had grasped Pauls words that we are sowing seed and watering, but it is God who gives the increase. My role is to preach/teach/minister and trust the response to God.

Those are a few...

I missed the part about "in preaching" :)

I wish I had known that substance is more important than style. Growing up, a person was known as "a real preacher" by his/her voice inflections, cadence, volume, and ability to execute an effective prayer line.

"Boy that Brother Loudylocks is a REAL preacher. You could hear him all the way to Wrightsville! He walked all over the pulpit, with his eyes closed.
There was sweat pouring off his brow! He was really shucking the corn last night! I can't really remember what the sermon was about, but you could learn a thing or two from him."
Eddie Wiggins
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2/11/21 9:40 am

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Post An observation MikeBarnes
Unfortunately most pastors get hired for their preaching and fired for 3 reasons that have nothing to do with preaching. #1 is lack of administration skills, #2 sexual immorality #3 financial issues. Our schools do a very poor job training pastors to handle the administration of the church. The other 2 issues are personal problems. Preaching does not constitute the bulk of what pastors are called upon to do. And, you will get better at preaching with practice. Member
Posts: 39
2/18/21 9:29 am

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Post Re: An observation Cojak
MikeBarnes wrote:
Unfortunately most pastors get hired for their preaching and fired for 3 reasons that have nothing to do with preaching. #1 is lack of administration skills, #2 sexual immorality #3 financial issues. Our schools do a very poor job training pastors to handle the administration of the church. The other 2 issues are personal problems. Preaching does not constitute the bulk of what pastors are called upon to do. And, you will get better at preaching with practice.

i am enjoying reading insights and comments from the pastors here, this was also a good one. Smile Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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3/5/21 6:18 pm

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