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A very good video.... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post A very good video.... Peanut Butter Friendly Face
Posts: 289
2/9/21 2:17 pm

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Aaaaahhhh. So they say the policeman walking up the steps backwards was diverting the crowd away from the senators and VP. It makes sense now.

If the video was trying to make a case for impeachment from Trump's words, I think they did a poor job. The founder of the Democratic Party insisted that a previous election that he had lost was a 'corrupt bargain.'

Trump and Jackson are similar in some ways. Both are individuals who many people in the country definitely thought should not be president. Jackson married a woman who had been married before and there was an accusation that she wasn't even divorced at the time. Trump has had three wives and who knows what else and made the comment about grabbing women. Historians believe that Jackson killed a man in a duel who had accused him of being a coward, welching on a horse race bet and said that his wife was a bigamist. He carried a bullet in his chest since then, and some people think he missed the first time he shot and broke the rules of the duel to kill the other man.

Trump diverted funds to build a wall to build the wall to keep illegal immigrants from Mexico out, and the media made much of families being separated and poor conditions for prisoners. Andrew Jackson defied the Supreme Court to drive native American tribes off their land and have them marched, in harsh conditions, to a less-desired land out west.

I propose that the Congress impeach Andrew Jackson.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/9/21 3:03 pm

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Post Two Perspectives Peanut Butter
At times, people need perspective from both sides in order to properly evaluate and arrive at truth. This video discloses an "alternate universe" perspective of the deranged Left and their mortal hatred of President Trump. This is a Kangaroo Court, a political linch mob of the Democrats. These are politicians that hold to an anti-Biblical position: hatred of Israel; pro abortion; an antichrist agenda that has removed Christ and Bible reading as part of school curriculum. The Democrat Platform is evil and those who embrace it will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for it.

Thank you, Lord for a great president in Donald John Trump!
Friendly Face
Posts: 289
2/9/21 8:01 pm

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Post Cojak
That was a sad day for our country. I know you can doctor footage, but no doctoring can change the fact that they breached barriers that normal people would honor. They broke windows and doors in the highest office of this land.
It makes me sick.
I do not think the trial will help a thing. I do look for a statesman to lead our country.

Trump had some very good points. But his mouth and his ego were his enemies.

His rally and his speech will live in 'infamy'. Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!

Last edited by Cojak on 2/10/21 2:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts: 24285
2/9/21 8:10 pm

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Post Re: Two Perspectives! Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter wrote:
At times, people need perspective from both sides in order to properly evaluate and arrive at truth. This video discloses an "alternate universe" perspective of the deranged Left and their mortal hatred of President Trump. This is a Kangaroo Court, a political linch mob of the Democrats. These are politicians that hold to an anti-Biblical position: hatred of Israel; pro abortion; an antichrist agenda that has removed Christ and Bible reading as part of school curriculum. The Democrat Platform is evil and those who embrace it will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for it.

Thank you, Lord for a great president in Donald John Trump!

Friendly Face
Posts: 289
2/10/21 2:24 pm

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