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Church of God Leadership Political Makeup - Republican or Democrat Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Church of God Leadership Political Makeup - Republican or Democrat MI6
What do you believe that the Church of God Leadership national Political Makeup is at this time- majority Republican or Democrat?
How do they vote? Which candidates do they support?

Does this even matter or does it influence
the direction of the denomination?
Friendly Face
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2/23/20 10:03 am

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Post Re: Church of God Leadership Political Makeup - Republican or Democrat caseyleejones
MI6 wrote:
What do you believe that the Church of God Leadership national Political Makeup is at this time- majority Republican or Democrat?
How do they vote? Which candidates do they support?

Does this even matter or does it influence
the direction of the denomination?

Not COG but.....a vote for dems is a vote for the platform...

Support for gay marriage and the requirement of churches to support it
support for abortion seconds pre and post birth
support for atheism and the removal of God unless you are muslim
support for removing conservative judges for liberal ones...see above
support for removing any type of religious influence in govt

I would personally struggle with any minister who identifies as a dem. I get the fact that you vote 3rd party because you don't like him.

By the way, I don't know how far my history goes here. But, if you read my past posts. I chided on people who supported Bush and somewhat defended Obama here initially because the lines were still a tad grey. There is no grey area anymore.
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2/23/20 11:40 am

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Post JLarry
I don't have a clue, who votes for who.

I assume most will vote Republican, but no COG leader has told me how they are going to vote.
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2/23/20 12:55 pm

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Post Dean Steenburgh
In my limited conversations I've had with some of our leadership I can clearly say that the one's I've spoken with would lean GOP.
No, I did not come straight out & ask them that question but over the last couple of years during conversations with some of them you pick up on comments both negative & positive.

Either way they vote I'll still respect them while in office but I would have a big problem with any leader who would vote for a pro-murder candidate & abortion is simply legalized murder in most cases.
I say most because I know there are cases where the mother's life is in peril & I wouldn't want to see a small underdeveloped little girl try to carry a baby after being raped.

Last week I read where an 11 year old was held against her will & had been impregnated by a 17 year old & they made her have the baby at home in a bath tub. When the authorities got involved everyone was arrested & the 11 year old was taken in for all kinds of medical help both physical & mental.
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2/23/20 3:50 pm

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