There was a time, on special occasions, when Pentecostals, and other Protestant groups, had "Jericho Marches" inside the church building during worship. I remember them as joyous times of marching together toward victory. Possibly you have participated in one, or it may be completely new to you.
Over the years, many thousands STEPPED OUT IN FAITH on a bold journey to victory. Planned correctly, this can be a great blessing and put people on a path to victory. Here is a brief guide to how it was done.
Add in your own flare, personality, ideas and emphasis for the needs you know people under your spiritual guidance are facing, and it could be even more effective.
Sometimes, people need something tangible they can see or participate in, to mark in their mind a bold new move forward. The familiar ALTAR CALL is an example. People can accept Christ where they are sitting, but making the decision to GO FORWARD publicly etches that experience of faith in their mind.
THE CONCEPT of what became known as a "Jericho March," is that kind of strong symbol of moving forward TOGETHER in the face of difficulty. It helps give people new hope, a mental picture that their struggles in life can be turned into victory. It helps them to not only be hearers of the Word, but participants too.
THE PASTOR would preach from Joshua 6:1-27. It could easily be a series of sermons. To involve more people, several different ones would read a portion of the verses. Wise Pastors asked them in advance if they were comfortable with reading in public. Usually, if a young person did some of the reading, their family would attend to hear them.
OF COURSE, we professional preacher types could probably read it better than them. Our voices are stronger and our presence in the pulpit, partially when hidden behind "The Sacred Desk," (You know, one like Jesus used for the Sermon On The Mount, or when speaking to the "Rich Young Ruler), can be awesome in our preacher minds.
However, when church becomes all about us, attendance has a tendency to melt away. A shepherd with no sheep, wears a very thin coat. Even though it is news to some, the more people a Pastor can get actively involved, the better the attendance usually becomes.
Once a day for six days, the Children of Israel marched around the incredibly thick walls of the city of Jericho. On the 7th day, they marched around it seven times. They obviously had not been eating at McDonald's, Wendy's, Burger King or Taco Bell (Food most of us like). If so, they would have been wheezing so bad that 911 would have been called after the first time around.
AFTER THEIR SEVENTH time around THAT DAY, the walls fell and Israel charged into the city victorious. Notice, God's work does not always come easy. "The battle is the Lord's" but the journey is done by us.
THE SERMON: What is blocking your forward progress in life; your path to victory? What is holding you back? Is it addiction, depression, financial problems, family situations? There can be a fresh path to victory for your life, so we welcome you to being your journey toward victory.
March with us a bit this morning as a symbolic of a NEW START, a path to the VICTORY you desire in life. This march here in the church is totally voluntary.
WRITE DOWN what you feel is the biggest hindrance to victory in your life. Don't put your name on the paper unless you want to. After two times around, place your paper on the Altar. I will personally pick them up and keep them with me during times of prayer. No other person will see them.
After the march, we welcome you to stand or kneel in the Altar area with us. We will all have a prayer together. Let us know if you would like special prayer.
Most churches featured happy songs familiar to the congregation; "Power In The Blood, I'll Fly Away, Victory In Jesus, We're Marching To Zion." In some places they would still be good, BUT MOST PLACES now will definitely want more modern songs.
THE JOY OF IT, could be similar to a "Conga Line" but with participants (Marchers) maintaining their personal space. it needs to have a "Peppy" feel...definitely not a somber shuffle.
It is a VICTORY MARCH so the music needs to have enough tempo and happy sound, that the people will want to pick up their feet a bit when they march. It really can be a joyous and uplifting time while also teaching them about facing obstacles and being an OVERCOMER in life.
Hope this sparks ideas for ministry in your mind. Feel welcome to share your ideas about how an old idea, can have a NEW impact today.
Doyle _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 9/13/21 1:31 am