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Parable: Lovely mixed-race woman married into wealthy all-white family Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Parable: Lovely mixed-race woman married into wealthy all-white family News & Views
A popular, well-educated, talented, mixed-race woman married into a wealthy all-white family. One of their favorite sons had fallen in love with the beautiful young woman.

In response, the wealthy family financed a massive and lavish public wedding for the lovely couple. Millions of people around the world saw and celebrated their wedding. Titles preserved only for royalty were bestowed upon each of them.

The couple was provided with a multi-million-dollar income for which they did not have to work. The family provided them with a beautiful home, gardeners, florists and furniture of their choice at no expense to them. In addition, they received 24-hour security, free health and life insurance.

The wealthy family paid their water bill, light bill, and provided them with top-of-the-line computers and cell phones. At no expense to themselves, they were provided with Butlers, Secretaries, Public Relations experts and official photographers.

There were personal assistants provided to run every errand the couple needed or could think of. They never had to buy soap, paper towels, toothpaste, toilet paper, shaving cream or cosmetics. The personal assistants, paid by the wealthy family, did that for them. If his pants or her dress had a wrinkle, staff provided to them free-of-charge, pressed out the wrinkles or took the garments to the security-cleared cleaners.

If a button became loose or fell off, staff was there to pick it up and sew it back on. If their garments ever faded or they just became tired of them, they could cast them aside for brand new ones.

Neither of them ever had to vacuum a floor, make up a bed, mop up a spill or clean a sink. Personal assistants were at the ready to leap to the task. At their beck-and-call, there were fashion experts and color-coordinators to help them make their very best public impressions. If needed, there were speech-writers available.

Cars? Just speak the word and top-of-the-line luxury vehicles with a Chauffeur, were at their beck-and-call. Private Jets, Yachts; all available including parties and lavish social gatherings.

Records are said to show that the lovely young woman took 13 vacations abroad (in private jets) at the expense of the wealthy family into which she married.

Trips to the countryside, riding-lessons and horses provided at no expense. Food? Just name it and staff would go get it. A certified Chef would cook it and staff served it on the very best China tableware if requested.

Almost nowhere else in the entire world did anybody enjoy such a pampered lifestyle. It was a life that few could even comprehend in their dreams. All of this was provided to the lovely couple at no expense to themselves. His wealthy family, endowed by the working tax-payers of their country, provided all the above-mentioned perks and more.

The lovely couple held a press conference watched by 50 million viewers. What would they say to and about the family that had provided millions of dollars worth of publicity, perks and benefits to them at no charge?

The couple claimed the wealthy family who had provided all the above, are “Racists.”
News & Views is a feature of the World News Network and the Actscelerate discussion Board.
Friendly Face
Posts: 312
3/10/21 12:12 pm

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Post Cojak
It is a good story. Great spin, that is for sure. Some of it fits a prison, LOL

Most people would have put up with anything for that pampering............. And have for many years. believe it or not, most of us know who the story is about. Just sayin'. Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
3/10/21 7:06 pm

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Post The story should be ... Mat
The story should be about how useless, privileged and rich this so called "royal" family is and has been for centuries. I say "UP THE REPUBLIC" and "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS." There should be no royalty in this century, especially when you think of the cost and lack of morality found in most so called royal families.

They are "playing" the people for all the wealth they can get and keep in their families. We need to read the Declaration of Independence, for this couple claim (I would like to see DNA test on all the so called royals) to be entitled (or titled) due to having King George III as one of their ancestors. The Irish were right to rebel, the Scots and Walsh would follow, and the people of England should free themselves from the great delusion (that the royal live is of Divine will).


PS In this age of equality, how can any woman claim to be a "princess" or man a "prince"?
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
3/11/21 8:46 am

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Post Re: The story should be ... Cojak
Mat wrote:
The story should be about how useless, privileged and rich this so called "royal" family is and has been for centuries. I say "UP THE REPUBLIC" and "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS." There should be no royalty in this century, especially when you think of the cost and lack of morality found in most so called royal families.

They are "playing" the people for all the wealth they can get and keep in their families. We need to read the Declaration of Independence, for this couple claim (I would like to see DNA test on all the so called royals) to be entitled (or titled) due to having King George III as one of their ancestors. The Irish were right to rebel, the Scots and Walsh would follow, and the people of England should free themselves from the great delusion (that the royal live is of Divine will).


PS In this age of equality, how can any woman claim to be a "princess" or man a "prince"?
Smile Smile Smile Cool

I sorta like your take on the Royals my friend. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
3/11/21 10:24 pm

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That sounds really similar to a true story I know about, except the woman in question was a divorced women getting close to middle age, pushing the edge of childbearing years, in a family where having children is important.

I am not sure that no work is involved in this role, either. The people I am thinking of travel around to hospitals and cut ribbons and such. It's a PR celebrity role. She also may have had her life heavily scheduled and every public action prescribed by these staff who take care of these things for her. In the meantime, the media maligns her constantly.

I am not sure she could eat whatever she wanted. The royal family may be traditionally required to eat lots of venison cooked by an English chef. Occasionally venison may be a welcome treat. Imagine having to eat it over and over again.

Still, I know what you are saying. The constant maligning by the media must have been rough.

I am not sure what political power the royal family actually exercises behind the scenes. A visit with the queen might be a second channel for diplomacy when the PMs side of the government is not successful. They seem to serve the role that movie stars do in the US, a family for gossip columnists to write half-truths about to sell gossip papers or to post stories about on the Internet, without their even having to film a movie, just because their family used to rule the British Empire.
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Posts: 11849
3/13/21 11:25 am

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