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Post a model of letter of religious exemption to vaccine? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Post a model of letter of religious exemption to vaccine? roughridercog
I'm surprised that headquarters has not given a model to use as a guideline. If you've written one, how about sharing it so the rest of us might learn from it.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
11/12/21 9:39 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Here's the one me n momma used, Rough.

To Who It May Concern:

Be it hitherto knowed an all that OTCP and Momma concientously objects to the COVID vaccine and declare ourselves exempt from takin it for the followerin reasons.

1. It violates our first ammenment rights.
2. We know the shot is gonna hurt.
3. Neither one of us is in a high risk group.
4. The guvment aint offerin no hot fudge cake insentive.
5. We know we aint gonna git COVID.

Most sincerely,
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/13/21 1:32 pm

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Post UncleJD
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Here's the one me n momma used, Rough.

To Who It May Concern:

Be it hitherto knowed an all that OTCP and Momma concientously objects to the COVID vaccine and declare ourselves exempt from takin it for the followerin reasons.

1. It violates our first ammenment rights.
2. We know the shot is gonna hurt.
3. Neither one of us is in a high risk group.
4. The guvment aint offerin no hot fudge cake insentive.
5. We know we aint gonna git COVID.

Most sincerely,

They were developed on the back of a murdered child and your flippant response is disturbing coming from one billing themselves as a preacher of the gospel.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/14/21 11:26 am

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Post So no one has penned one for real? roughridercog
Somewhat disappointed
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
11/14/21 11:19 pm

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Post Re: So no one has penned one for real? UncleJD
roughridercog wrote:
Somewhat disappointed

I haven't needed to yet, but certainly would if told I had to. I work from my home office which means I'm OSHA exempt so far.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/15/21 1:18 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I don’t believe the CoG has a religious opposition to vaccines in general. At least I have never heard of such from the CoG. From what I understand, one has to have a religious opposition to vaccines in general if one wants to have a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/15/21 2:29 pm

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Post UncleJD
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I don’t believe the CoG has a religious opposition to vaccines in general. At least I have never heard of such from the CoG. From what I understand, one has to have a religious opposition to vaccines in general if one wants to have a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine.

that sounds convenient. Makes about as much sense as you should have a religious opposition to sex to not hire a preacher based on his gay sex.

I believe my daughters' boyfriends' dad, a Southern Baptist, got a religious exemption from Microsoft (Vaccine demon Bill Gates hiimself). I'll ask how he got it and report back if I find out.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/15/21 7:07 pm

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Post Here is a link to The Liberty Counsel MikeBarnes
Comprehensive guide for religious exemptions. I made a letter from their sample that has been used successfully by several in our congregation. They must also write one for themselves but samples of that are here too.
Posts: 39
11/15/21 7:33 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
UncleJD wrote:
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I don’t believe the CoG has a religious opposition to vaccines in general. At least I have never heard of such from the CoG. From what I understand, one has to have a religious opposition to vaccines in general if one wants to have a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine.

that sounds convenient. Makes about as much sense as you should have a religious opposition to sex to not hire a preacher based on his gay sex.

I believe my daughters' boyfriends' dad, a Southern Baptist, got a religious exemption from Microsoft (Vaccine demon Bill Gates hiimself). I'll ask how he got it and report back if I find out.

From what I know (and I don’t claim to be an expert by any means) in order for someone to claim a religious exemption, they must be part of a religious group that has historically been opposed to vaccines in general.

I personally do not want the vaccine for me or my family. We all had the virus last year, so my thought is we are better protected by our natural immunity than any vaccine could provide.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/15/21 7:40 pm

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Post UncleJD
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Quiet Wyatt wrote:
I don’t believe the CoG has a religious opposition to vaccines in general. At least I have never heard of such from the CoG. From what I understand, one has to have a religious opposition to vaccines in general if one wants to have a religious exemption from the COVID vaccine.

that sounds convenient. Makes about as much sense as you should have a religious opposition to sex to not hire a preacher based on his gay sex.

I believe my daughters' boyfriends' dad, a Southern Baptist, got a religious exemption from Microsoft (Vaccine demon Bill Gates hiimself). I'll ask how he got it and report back if I find out.

From what I know (and I don’t claim to be an expert by any means) in order for someone to claim a religious exemption, they must be part of a religious group that has historically been opposed to vaccines in general.

I personally do not want the vaccine for me or my family. We all had the virus last year, so my thought is we are better protected by our natural immunity than any vaccine could provide.

You know the problem the politicians have with natural immunity don't you? Its because its free.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/16/21 9:43 am

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Post Model may not work for all Given_Another_Chance Friendly Face
Posts: 133
11/16/21 1:46 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
UncleJD wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Here's the one me n momma used, Rough.

To Who It May Concern:

Be it hitherto knowed an all that OTCP and Momma concientously objects to the COVID vaccine and declare ourselves exempt from takin it for the followerin reasons.

1. It violates our first ammenment rights.
2. We know the shot is gonna hurt.
3. Neither one of us is in a high risk group.
4. The guvment aint offerin no hot fudge cake insentive.
5. We know we aint gonna git COVID.

Most sincerely,

They were developed on the back of a murdered child and your flippant response is disturbing coming from one billing themselves as a preacher of the gospel.

"On the back of a murdered child?" What in blue blazes are ya talkin bout JD?
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
11/24/21 1:06 am

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Post roughridercog
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Here's the one me n momma used, Rough.

To Who It May Concern:

Be it hitherto knowed an all that OTCP and Momma concientously objects to the COVID vaccine and declare ourselves exempt from takin it for the followerin reasons.

1. It violates our first ammenment rights.
2. We know the shot is gonna hurt.
3. Neither one of us is in a high risk group.
4. The guvment aint offerin no hot fudge cake insentive.
5. We know we aint gonna git COVID.

Most sincerely,

They were developed on the back of a murdered child and your flippant response is disturbing coming from one billing themselves as a preacher of the gospel.

"On the back of a murdered child?" What in blue blazes are ya talkin bout JD?

Probably referring to some of the vaccines being developed from parts of aborted babies.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
11/27/21 8:12 am

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Post UncleJD
roughridercog wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Here's the one me n momma used, Rough.

To Who It May Concern:

Be it hitherto knowed an all that OTCP and Momma concientously objects to the COVID vaccine and declare ourselves exempt from takin it for the followerin reasons.

1. It violates our first ammenment rights.
2. We know the shot is gonna hurt.
3. Neither one of us is in a high risk group.
4. The guvment aint offerin no hot fudge cake insentive.
5. We know we aint gonna git COVID.

Most sincerely,

They were developed on the back of a murdered child and your flippant response is disturbing coming from one billing themselves as a preacher of the gospel.

"On the back of a murdered child?" What in blue blazes are ya talkin bout JD?

Probably referring to some of the vaccines being developed from parts of aborted babies.

Correct, ALL of the Covid "vaccines" are created from aborted baby cell research.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/29/21 4:19 pm

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