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Hagee, Perry, Bakker: what are they saying about the eclipse? Prophetic significance? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Hagee, Perry, Bakker: what are they saying about the eclipse? Prophetic significance? Old Time Country Preacher
What are the sensationalists saying bout the eclipse? Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
8/17/17 11:49 am

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Post lay off JimmieDavis
I am more interested in what the Bible says as you should be. Friendly Face
Posts: 219
8/17/17 11:53 am

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Post Re: lay off Old Time Country Preacher
JimmieDavis wrote:
I am more interested in what the Bible says as you should be.

An ats just it, Jimmie, the Bible says NOTHING specific about the 2017 solar eclipse. But to hear the sensationalists tell it, God's has given em all kinda revelations about the eclipse.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
8/17/17 1:49 pm

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Post JimmieDavis
You obviously stopped short of reading a few verses regarding God's ability to reveal and communicate through creation. No one said 2017 eclipse is in the bible. But activity in the heavens can be used as a sign. Remember the start of Bethlehem. Keep studying. One day you will earn that legitimate phD 😉 Friendly Face
Posts: 219
8/17/17 2:11 pm

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Post Re: Hagee, Perry, Bakker: what are they saying about the eclipse? Prophetic significance? UncleJD
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
What are the sensationalists saying bout the eclipse?

Not sure about the televangelists that I don't watch, but I have plenty of well-meaning Christian friends that show their America-Centric eschatological ignorance with posts like "Well I know the Lord is coming for sure now, the Sun is going to be turned to ashes" Like this doesn't happen somewhere in the world every few years. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/17/17 6:00 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Ironically, didn't Billy Graham's daughter issue some prophetic warning ? Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
8/17/17 7:35 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
I believe in signs in the heavens.

I believe we have for the most part lost our ability to read them.

However, the foolishness portrayed on facebook is sickening.

I read on facebook 33 reasons why the eclipse is "significant" - and some numerologist was saying 33 this, 7 that, 40 the other, 12 something else...and it is just stupid. When it said 21 days until something else - they would say 7+ 7+7 is 21 so God says it will be complete....

ANYONE can make numbers add up to say anything they want it to say.

Such as: Actscelerate is often shorted to ACTS - which has 4 letters - which you know the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse is coming - and one poster on here has a picture of the one of the 4 Horsemen as his avatar - so he must be the anti-Christ....etc....etc.....etc......

PLEASE - I beg of you - don't preach this foolishness. Signs in the heavens yes; numerology to go with the signs - absolutely avoid.

If you must preach numerology, I still have the 88 reasons book in my possession - it had a lot of numerology to prove Jesus is coming in 1988, as well.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
8/18/17 7:59 am

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Post 2 perspectives Mark Ledbetter
(This is how I want to be)
Golf Cart Mafia Associate
Posts: 2109
8/18/17 7:04 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Yeah, the Bible says in the last times there would be mockers.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/18/17 10:01 pm

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Post Link
What are they saying?

The first I ever heard of Bob Jones (the prophetic movement one) was in a book where it said he told Mike Bickle, back before they were well-known, that there was going to be a comet on a specific day, not predicted by scientists, and that it would be a sign of something or other.

Whatever you think of Bob Jones, that scenario makes sense as a type of prophetic sign. But if you start looking at eclipsis that already happened or that you know are going to happen and try to interpret signs in the heavens, that sounds kind of like reading omens and divination to me. In the old days they'd do divination by chopping oven livers and interpreting the filaments, or interpreting the flight paths of birds (the Roman's 'auspicious' method). The word translated 'omen' in the Old Testament has to do with interpreting clouds.

I've heard stories of people in the prophetic movement saying God told them such and such a team was going to win a ball game, and it was a sign of such and such. As much as I don't care to hear about more sports analogies in church, that fits the pattern at least of being a predictive prophecy.

But if you look, after the fact, at who won a ball game and try to read signs into it about what is going to do in this city or that, that seems a bit more like some kind of weird sports fan divination, IMO.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
8/19/17 1:03 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
According to NASA, each century since Christ has averaged 236 solar eclipses
Low was the 15th Century with 222
High was the 7th Century with 251
On average, one solar eclipse every 2 ½ years since the time of Jesus.

So how/why/what is it about the 2017 eclipse, other than its path is going to cross near the portal in Cleveland, that is so full of biblical prophetic significance?
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
8/19/17 7:39 am

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Post Carolyn Smith
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/20/17 10:58 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
Here is a message I preached on The Rapture, the Eclipse, and the End Times this morning. I hope it is a blessing to you!
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
8/21/17 12:28 am

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