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Worship and nose mining Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Worship and nose mining roughridercog
There are times that God brings to my attention that are both poignant and hilarious. During worship Sunday morning, the presence of the Lord was so precious and encouraging. My eyes were closed, and I was just worshipping when the Lord directed my attention to something.
Nearby there was a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose. At first I chuckled as her finger disappeared into her nose up to the second knuckle. Then God spoke to my heart as if to say, "That is how I see and adore my children. With their faults, foibles, and immaturities, but with their heart inclined in my direction, I can use them greatly."

So go ahead and worship.

Nose mining is optional. Smile
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
1/31/18 4:06 pm

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
There are times that God brings to my attention that are both poignant and hilarious. During worship Sunday morning, the presence of the Lord was so precious and encouraging. My eyes were closed, and I was just worshipping when the Lord directed my attention to something.
Nearby there was a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose. At first I chuckled as her finger disappeared into her nose up to the second knuckle. Then God spoke to my heart as if to say, "That is how I see and adore my children. With their faults, foibles, and immaturities, but with their heart inclined in my direction, I can use them greatly."

So go ahead and worship.

Nose mining is optional. Smile

Amazing the object lessons using the innocents. God is good. My heart is still with the kids. They are amazing. I like the RR I really do! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/31/18 4:12 pm

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
There are times that God brings to my attention that are both poignant and hilarious. During worship Sunday morning, the presence of the Lord was so precious and encouraging. My eyes were closed, and I was just worshipping when the Lord directed my attention to something.
Nearby there was a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose. At first I chuckled as her finger disappeared into her nose up to the second knuckle. Then God spoke to my heart as if to say, "That is how I see and adore my children. With their faults, foibles, and immaturities, but with their heart inclined in my direction, I can use them greatly."

So go ahead and worship.

Nose mining is optional. Smile

Amazing the object lessons using the innocents. God is good. My heart is still with the kids. They are amazing. I like the RR I really do! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/31/18 4:13 pm

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining roughridercog
Cojak wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
There are times that God brings to my attention that are both poignant and hilarious. During worship Sunday morning, the presence of the Lord was so precious and encouraging. My eyes were closed, and I was just worshipping when the Lord directed my attention to something.
Nearby there was a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose. At first I chuckled as her finger disappeared into her nose up to the second knuckle. Then God spoke to my heart as if to say, "That is how I see and adore my children. With their faults, foibles, and immaturities, but with their heart inclined in my direction, I can use them greatly."

So go ahead and worship.

Nose mining is optional. Smile

Amazing the object lessons using the innocents. God is good. My heart is still with the kids. They are amazing. I like the RR I really do! Cool

I always am amazed at the things the Lord points out.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
2/1/18 9:24 pm

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining Link
roughridercog wrote:
There are times that God brings to my attention that are both poignant and hilarious. During worship Sunday morning, the presence of the Lord was so precious and encouraging. My eyes were closed, and I was just worshipping when the Lord directed my attention to something.
Nearby there was a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose. At first I chuckled as her finger disappeared into her nose up to the second knuckle. Then God spoke to my heart as if to say, "That is how I see and adore my children. With their faults, foibles, and immaturities, but with their heart inclined in my direction, I can use them greatly."

So go ahead and worship.

Nose mining is optional. Smile

Did the pastor say, "Shake hands with at least five people and say, 'It's good to see you in church.'"?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
2/1/18 10:06 pm

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Post Preacher777
Roughrider and Link, great analogy and then the analytical thinking by Link. I am encouraged to be on a message board with such great Pentecostal minds! Friendly Face
Posts: 434
2/2/18 6:46 am

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Nose Mining?

Grave Sucking (Soaking)?

Gold Dust from a broken light?

Angel Feathers (from a flock of gooses flying south)?

Son, em Pennycostals is a right odd bunch ain’t they? Shocked
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
2/2/18 9:24 am

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Post roughridercog
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
Nose Mining?

Grave Sucking (Soaking)?

Gold Dust from a broken light?

Angel Feathers (from a flock of gooses flying south)?

Son, em Pennycostals is a right odd bunch ain’t they? Shocked

Hmmm, maybe I should do a dissertation Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
2/2/18 9:27 pm

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Post Cojak
roughridercog wrote:

Hmmm, maybe I should do a dissertation Laughing

Not a bad idea!! Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
2/3/18 10:57 am

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining Old Time Country Preacher
roughridercog wrote:
the Lord directed my attention to...a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose.

Maybe ya need to talk to Miss Carol about this practice, Rough. She can pick her nose at home. But if she keeps up this behavior in church its not gonna look good on ya ministry. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
2/3/18 3:42 pm

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Post Re: Worship and nose mining roughridercog
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
the Lord directed my attention to...a very cute little blond haired girl with her eyes closed, one hand uplifted to the Lord, and a finger deeply probing her nose.

Maybe ya need to talk to Miss Carol about this practice, Rough. She can pick her nose at home. But if she keeps up this behavior in church its not gonna look good on ya ministry. Laughing Laughing Laughing

She's gonna hunt ya up and smack ya in glory. Laughing Laughing
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
2/3/18 4:21 pm

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