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Relative theology Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Relative theology roughridercog
You are against a sin until you or a close relative are involved.

Your believe being a homosexual is a grevious sin, until one of your close relatives confess to it. Then it's only the practice of homosexuality.

You are completely anti divorce and if it happens no remarriage, until one of your children or your own home dissolves and a single life alone is unwanted?

Other examples of relative theology?

How many times have you faced "relative theology" in your ministry?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
7/13/19 7:27 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Is the problem that we change our convictions when faced with relative theology? Or is the problem that we hold unbiblical, hardline stances until we are faced with actual people and are forced to engage in compassion and serious biblical inquiry?

It should be obvious that same-sex attraction is not a sin, any more than opposite-sex attraction is a sin. I am not a sinner because women are attractive to me. I would be a sinner if I engaged in any kind of adulterous contact with a woman who was not my wife.

It is shameful beyond description that we condemn chaste, celibate believers who deny themselves and obey Christ while bearing a cross that none of us could begin to imagine. How dare we accuse them of being sinners because of their cross, even though they carry their cross in holiness and obedience to Christ? It betrays a total lack of understanding of sin, temptation, denial of self, and righteousness. It forces our brothers and sisters to endure their crosses alone, because they cannot seek the prayer and support of their church community without being cast out as a sinner. It is unbiblical and cruel.

So sure, sometimes "relative theology" causes someone to look the other way at a relative's infidelity, fornication, or whatever else.

But sometimes "relative theology" forces us to move beyond the simple, thoughtless, unbiblical beliefs we hold and actually engage with Scripture and theology with compassion and grace.
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Posts: 13654
7/13/19 9:07 am

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Post roughridercog
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Is the problem that we change our convictions when faced with relative theology? Or is the problem that we hold unbiblical, hardline stances until we are faced with actual people and are forced to engage in compassion and serious biblical inquiry?

It should be obvious that same-sex attraction is not a sin, any more than opposite-sex attraction is a sin. I am not a sinner because women are attractive to me. I would be a sinner if I engaged in any kind of adulterous contact with a woman who was not my wife.

It is shameful beyond description that we condemn chaste, celibate believers who deny themselves and obey Christ while bearing a cross that none of us could begin to imagine. How dare we accuse them of being sinners because of their cross, even though they carry their cross in holiness and obedience to Christ? It betrays a total lack of understanding of sin, temptation, denial of self, and righteousness. It forces our brothers and sisters to endure their crosses alone, because they cannot seek the prayer and support of their church community without being cast out as a sinner. It is unbiblical and cruel.

So sure, sometimes "relative theology" causes someone to look the other way at a relative's infidelity, fornication, or whatever else.

But sometimes "relative theology" forces us to move beyond the simple, thoughtless, unbiblical beliefs we hold and actually engage with Scripture and theology with compassion and grace.

Good points. I just felt like thinking out of the box this morning. Must be the new coffee.😁
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
7/13/19 10:03 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Tell me what kind it was so I can try some too. Laughing

I think you asked a really good question. Whether we are moving from unbiblical to biblical, or biblical to unbiblical, it is true all too often our theology is shifted and changed by our experiences rather than by diligent study of the Word of God. That's something we all have to watch out for.

"Relative theology" is an interesting term and definitely one I'll be keeping in mind!
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
7/13/19 10:22 am

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Post Cojak
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Tell me what kind it was so I can try some too. Laughing

I think you asked a really good question. Whether we are moving from unbiblical to biblical, or biblical to unbiblical, it is true all too often our theology is shifted and changed by our experiences rather than by diligent study of the Word of God. That's something we all have to watch out for.

"Relative theology" is an interesting term and definitely one I'll be keeping in mind!

Me TOO! Smile

Funny (not haha) ain't it? I never knew ANYONE involved with divorce until I was in the 7th or 8th grade. Now both my sons have been divorced 2 times and we have been married over 62 years.........

I never knew a 'queer' until I was 30 and my cousin told me he was queer. He was the BEST of all my cousins too. Yes my attitude changed, but not my beliefs. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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7/13/19 1:16 pm

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