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"If Trump is such a great negotiator........ Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post "If Trump is such a great negotiator........ Resident Skeptic
.....then why can't he sell himself to the GOP establishment? They obviously do not think he is a real conservative and that he won't do the things he's promised like securing the border and eliminating Federal waste."

So commented a caller to a popular radio show today. It blows my mind how many GOP voters STILL do not understand the GOP establishment. The establishment IS deathly afraid that Trump or Cruz WILL do those things (sealing the border, eliminating Federal waste) and it scares them to death! This caller really thinks that the GOP establishment is conservative? Another thing this caller does not get is that the establish holds him and his kind in the same kind of contempt they do Trump and Cruz.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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3/10/16 4:16 pm

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Post c6thplayer1
He's not a great negotiator. Anyone who is a billionaire can afford to make deals that profits from large to small sums of gain and build a graph to show your successes. Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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3/10/16 6:00 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
c6thplayer1 wrote:
He's not a great negotiator. Anyone who is a billionaire can afford to make deals that profits from large to small sums of gain and build a graph to show your successes.

Your words are a great example of the almost delusional contempt the "Never trump" crowd has. "He's a failed business man" (said Cruz) or "He is not a negotiator".

The man has built a business empire. Yes, he has had some failures. What great business giant hasn't?

It's fine to be against Trump. But at least find something other than straw man arguments that defy obvious, contradictory evidence against your arguments.

Please understand I am not saying this to attack you personally. I'm just embarrassed at the almost desperate arguments some Christians use against Trump.

But back to the point of this thread....the fact that many Christians still do not understand the contempt that the GOP establishment has for them.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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3/10/16 6:35 pm

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Post Re: "If Trump is such a great negotiator........ Link
Resident Skeptic wrote:
.....then why can't he sell himself to the GOP establishment? They obviously do not think he is a real conservative and that he won't do the things he's promised like securing the border and eliminating Federal waste."

So commented a caller to a popular radio show today. It blows my mind how many GOP voters STILL do not understand the GOP establishment. The establishment IS deathly afraid that Trump or Cruz WILL do those things (sealing the border, eliminating Federal waste) and it scares them to death! This caller really thinks that the GOP establishment is conservative? Another thing this caller does not get is that the establish holds him and his kind in the same kind of contempt they do Trump and Cruz.

His tactics did not keep Megan Kelly from moderating the last debate. He engaged in an irrational decision at a previous Fox debate, refusing to debate if Meagan Kelly was there. She hadn't been that tough on him either. He certainly had the question coming with all the insults he throws out.

They say nothing stuck to Bill Clinton and called him 'Slick Willy.' And that was before the Monica Lewinski thing, too. But even after, it seemed like plenty of people still liked him. He could just get away with stuff that other people couldn't.

Trump seems to be the same way with his supporters. He can say all manner of insults, threaten to take tribute from countries we invade, threaten families of terrorists, and all kinds of stuff and they still support him. But he's also polarizing and a lot of people don't want to see someone like him in the White House.
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3/10/16 7:12 pm

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Post John Jett
I just watched a news report showing all kinds of violence from Trump supporters at rallies. One 70 year-old white guy punched a black kid in the face while the kid was in police custody being led out of the event already. The reporter asked him about it afterward and the guy said "if he shows up again we may have to kill him" and got some drunken-redneck cheers for it too. These supporters are the bottom of the barrel in our society. Mean spirited, hateful, racist trash. I'm more out on Trump's supporters than I am on him. Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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3/10/16 7:16 pm

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Post Re: "If Trump is such a great negotiator........ Resident Skeptic
Link wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
.....then why can't he sell himself to the GOP establishment? They obviously do not think he is a real conservative and that he won't do the things he's promised like securing the border and eliminating Federal waste."

So commented a caller to a popular radio show today. It blows my mind how many GOP voters STILL do not understand the GOP establishment. The establishment IS deathly afraid that Trump or Cruz WILL do those things (sealing the border, eliminating Federal waste) and it scares them to death! This caller really thinks that the GOP establishment is conservative? Another thing this caller does not get is that the establish holds him and his kind in the same kind of contempt they do Trump and Cruz.

Trump seems to be the same way with his supporters. He can say all manner of insults, threaten to take tribute from countries we invade, threaten families of terrorists, and all kinds of stuff and they still support him. But he's also polarizing and a lot of people don't want to see someone like him in the White House.

And these are problems why?

But again....back to the point of the OP that all of you seem to be avoiding........, the Evangelicals' blindness concerning the GOP establishment, why the establishment hates the Tea Party, why they want Evangelicals gone from the party.

The GOP is not "Never Trump" for the same reason many Evangelicals are. They hate him partly because he is trying to stop discrimination against Evangelicals, whom they hold in the utmost contempt, and would like to see vanish from the GOP. But some of you......SMH.

And BTW, the establishment plans on using YOU Evangelicals to do their dirty work and take out Trump! Who has been "bewitched" now!?

Oh well. I'm still voting for Rand Paul in the Florida Primary anyway if his name is on the ballot.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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3/10/16 7:25 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
3/10/16 7:48 pm

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Post c6thplayer1
What great business giant hasn't?

My words said differently Res. I have no animosity against trump in the Christian sense. I cant stand his "Look at me" and his unethical demeanor. The latter in my opinion makes him completely unfit for the office he seeks. Even Obama can conduct himself like an adult in business and social settings.

And If he's such a great negotiator then why has so many turned against him in a manner completely different than those who oppose another candidate and why cant he negotiate a different opinion of himself? Could it be his inability to conduct himself in a professional manner?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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3/10/16 8:52 pm

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Post revuriah
One big issue with Trump is his lack of integrity. On Tuesday he was boasting of Trump Steaks. He even had some there, but oddly, they seemed to have left the label of another business on. The Sharper Image, which sold his steak line, says it has been discontinued.

He's not even lying well!
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3/11/16 11:23 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
c6thplayer1 wrote:
What great business giant hasn't?

My words said differently Res. I have no animosity against trump in the Christian sense. I cant stand his "Look at me" and his unethical demeanor. The latter in my opinion makes him completely unfit for the office he seeks. Even Obama can conduct himself like an adult in business and social settings.

And If he's such a great negotiator then why has so many turned against him in a manner completely different than those who oppose another candidate and why cant he negotiate a different opinion of himself? Could it be his inability to conduct himself in a professional manner?

Thousands of Democrats are jumping ship while a third of the Evangelicals sulk and suck their thumbs. I think he is selling himself well. After all, he is winning.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
3/11/16 9:12 pm

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Post c6thplayer1
Resident Skeptic wrote:
c6thplayer1 wrote:
What great business giant hasn't?

My words said differently Res. I have no animosity against trump in the Christian sense. I cant stand his "Look at me" and his unethical demeanor. The latter in my opinion makes him completely unfit for the office he seeks. Even Obama can conduct himself like an adult in business and social settings.

And If he's such a great negotiator then why has so many turned against him in a manner completely different than those who oppose another candidate and why cant he negotiate a different opinion of himself? Could it be his inability to conduct himself in a professional manner?

Thousands of Democrats are jumping ship while a third of the Evangelicals sulk and suck their thumbs. I think he is selling himself well. After all, he is winning.

I saw a side of him in the last debate that I do Like. I hope he continues in like manner.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6385
3/11/16 10:22 pm

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