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The Clintons are Despicable Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The Clintons are Despicable Old Time Country Preacher
Fellers, I don't care how good the economy (it's the economy stupid) was under Clinton, they are both despicable. Ole Slick Willy took views on morality down another notch while in the White House. His sexual antics/behavior helped redefine for the younger generation what could be done and not be considered "having sex." Hillary worked alongside him (although I'm sure she felt betrayed and hurt and was as mad as heaven) to cover up a lot of his liaisons. And now she is a champion for "women's rights?" I guess if that means "women right" into Bill's arms.

Can't help it boys, hey, I aint got even one ounce a respect fer either a them two. Not a ounce.

Disclaimer: On the campaign trail...............
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
1/16/16 2:05 pm

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Post Re: The Clintons are Despicable Link
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
His sexual antics/behavior helped redefine for the younger generation what could be done and not be considered "having sex."

I believe it is easy underestimate the power of the president's speech and example. Kennedy didn't wear a hat to his inauguration. Men stopped wearing hats. Reagan said he liked jelly beans. Jelly bean sales when up. H-W Bush said he didn't like broccoli sales went down. He said he liked pork rind sales, and pork rind sales went up.

Clinton said he 'did not have sexual relations with that woman' after she performed oral sex on him, and there is a generation of kids where oral sex comes before.... whatever base.

George W. said that "Islam is a religion of peace" and the number of people converting to Islam grew significantly.

Obama campaigned on 'change' and now that's what a lot of people carry in their pockets instead of dollars.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
1/16/16 2:15 pm

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Post Re: The Clintons are Despicable diakoneo
Link wrote:
Old Time Country Preacher wrote:
His sexual antics/behavior helped redefine for the younger generation what could be done and not be considered "having sex."

I believe it is easy underestimate the power of the president's speech and example. Kennedy didn't wear a hat to his inauguration. Men stopped wearing hats. Reagan said he liked jelly beans. Jelly bean sales when up. H-W Bush said he didn't like broccoli sales went down. He said he liked pork rind sales, and pork rind sales went up.

Clinton said he 'did not have sexual relations with that woman' after she performed oral sex on him, and there is a generation of kids where oral sex comes before.... whatever base.

George W. said that "Islam is a religion of peace" and the number of people converting to Islam grew significantly.

Obama campaigned on 'change' and now that's what a lot of people carry in their pockets instead of dollars.

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Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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1/16/16 2:21 pm

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Post Cojak
Shucks it is hard to argue with facts! Embarassed Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/16/16 7:58 pm

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