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Post Abortion wins the day UncleJD
Once again the Republicans were soundly defeated in the national and local elections. Losing ground where they thought they would gain it. this is the second major election since Roe V Wade was overturned. The GOP is seriously hurting and the majority of the pundits are blaming the pro-life platform. I say that if its true, its only because we are failing miserably in our messaging. Most young people actually believe its a women's health issue and have no idea of the bloody, barbaric inhumanity that abortion actually looks like. Most churches, while pro-life in theory, are rarely engaged in their community or any other level in educating the world on what it really is.

What do we do now? the GOP will sideline our position on abortion soon, while still asking for our votes. Will we send them another message besides the one they are listening to now? That abortion has to be part of a conservative agenda, just like slavery was a single-issue platform when the GOP was first created. Or do we go along for some "greater good" and give up one cause after another until after a few cycles we are the UK with 2 liberal, humanistic, parties with hardly any differences?
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/8/23 1:41 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
"they want to stop you from having any abortion",
"they don't want you to have contraceptives"
they hate trans people"

These are the commercials that are winning the day.

I am not sure the majority of Americans have the ability to discern commercial messaging anymore.
Abortion on demand and trans men entering girls bathrooms is something we have taught our kids to think are the most important things in life.

Media won't let you show an 15 week old fetus being destroyed by abortion. Unless Americans can see it - it stays out of mind. But let a sea turtle egg get trampled - and somebody's got to get locked up. We've go to start showing those images to turn the tide. It works in war. It works in civil rights. It will work with this. We have to get people to be disgusted with what they are seeing...and want to stop it.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 16646
11/8/23 2:23 pm

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Post UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
"they want to stop you from having any abortion",
"they don't want you to have contraceptives"
they hate trans people"

These are the commercials that are winning the day.

I am not sure the majority of Americans have the ability to discern commercial messaging anymore.
Abortion on demand and trans men entering girls bathrooms is something we have taught our kids to think are the most important things in life.

Media won't let you show an 15 week old fetus being destroyed by abortion. Unless Americans can see it - it stays out of mind. But let a sea turtle egg get trampled - and somebody's got to get locked up. We've go to start showing those images to turn the tide. It works in war. It works in civil rights. It will work with this. We have to get people to be disgusted with what they are seeing...and want to stop it.

I agree 100% our message is the stronger one, its just not getting out. But the weak and trembling GOP is bowing to the "advice" of the pundents to drop the issue. If they do, they drop me. I don't want to be a single-issue voter, but this is a pretty big one, almost exactly the same way the Republican party started in the first place. Everyone was fine with slavery until Uncle Tom's Cabin was published. We need another "Uncle Tom's Cabin" for the unborn moment.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/9/23 1:34 pm

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Post NBF said Cojak
" Media won't let you show an 15 week old fetus being destroyed by abortion. Unless Americans can see it - it stays out of mind...." quoting NBF

Although I do believe there are exceptions, I agree with your statement. It is the same with public executions. I think OPEN FACTS AND UGLINESS showing what DOES happen would also place lasting impressions on our citizens.
In US News and in Health classes at HS..

Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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11/9/23 7:24 pm

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Post Re: Abortion wins the day Link
UncleJD wrote:
Once again the Republicans were soundly defeated in the national and local elections. Losing ground where they thought they would gain it. this is the second major election since Roe V Wade was overturned. The GOP is seriously hurting and the majority of the pundits are blaming the pro-life platform. I say that if its true, its only because we are failing miserably in our messaging. Most young people actually believe its a women's health issue and have no idea of the bloody, barbaric inhumanity that abortion actually looks like. Most churches, while pro-life in theory, are rarely engaged in their community or any other level in educating the world on what it really is.

What do we do now? the GOP will sideline our position on abortion soon, while still asking for our votes. Will we send them another message besides the one they are listening to now? That abortion has to be part of a conservative agenda, just like slavery was a single-issue platform when the GOP was first created. Or do we go along for some "greater good" and give up one cause after another until after a few cycles we are the UK with 2 liberal, humanistic, parties with hardly any differences?

What do you think about billboards that say, "Don't kill the baby!"

"Abortion crushes a baby's head"

"Abortion burns a baby's skin"?

With some pictures that aren't too gruesome, no photographs unless the photo is a 3-D ultrasound of a healthy baby in the womb.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/1/23 2:34 pm

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Post Re: Abortion wins the day UncleJD
Link wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Once again the Republicans were soundly defeated in the national and local elections. Losing ground where they thought they would gain it. this is the second major election since Roe V Wade was overturned. The GOP is seriously hurting and the majority of the pundits are blaming the pro-life platform. I say that if its true, its only because we are failing miserably in our messaging. Most young people actually believe its a women's health issue and have no idea of the bloody, barbaric inhumanity that abortion actually looks like. Most churches, while pro-life in theory, are rarely engaged in their community or any other level in educating the world on what it really is.

What do we do now? the GOP will sideline our position on abortion soon, while still asking for our votes. Will we send them another message besides the one they are listening to now? That abortion has to be part of a conservative agenda, just like slavery was a single-issue platform when the GOP was first created. Or do we go along for some "greater good" and give up one cause after another until after a few cycles we are the UK with 2 liberal, humanistic, parties with hardly any differences?

What do you think about billboards that say, "Don't kill the baby!"

"Abortion crushes a baby's head"

"Abortion burns a baby's skin"?

With some pictures that aren't too gruesome, no photographs unless the photo is a 3-D ultrasound of a healthy baby in the womb.

Sounds good to me, I hardly ever even see the old "Abortion stops a beating heart" signs anymore. I think a little more "shock" is required. I was discussing with some guys the other day and we all remember at about 16 when you're first thinking about sex, that abortion is just a button someone pushes to end a pregnacy and get you out of trouble. The idea that it is brutal and horribly painful murder of a child didn't enter my mind until I saw it at a youth rally later on. I can't tell you how long its been since I heard a real serious message against it. I think "an abortion chrushes a babiy's body and it can FEEL it!" sign would be a good one.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
12/1/23 4:18 pm

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Post Re: Abortion wins the day Link
UncleJD wrote:
Link wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Once again the Republicans were soundly defeated in the national and local elections. Losing ground where they thought they would gain it. this is the second major election since Roe V Wade was overturned. The GOP is seriously hurting and the majority of the pundits are blaming the pro-life platform. I say that if its true, its only because we are failing miserably in our messaging. Most young people actually believe its a women's health issue and have no idea of the bloody, barbaric inhumanity that abortion actually looks like. Most churches, while pro-life in theory, are rarely engaged in their community or any other level in educating the world on what it really is.

What do we do now? the GOP will sideline our position on abortion soon, while still asking for our votes. Will we send them another message besides the one they are listening to now? That abortion has to be part of a conservative agenda, just like slavery was a single-issue platform when the GOP was first created. Or do we go along for some "greater good" and give up one cause after another until after a few cycles we are the UK with 2 liberal, humanistic, parties with hardly any differences?

What do you think about billboards that say, "Don't kill the baby!"

"Abortion crushes a baby's head"

"Abortion burns a baby's skin"?

With some pictures that aren't too gruesome, no photographs unless the photo is a 3-D ultrasound of a healthy baby in the womb.

Sounds good to me, I hardly ever even see the old "Abortion stops a beating heart" signs anymore. I think a little more "shock" is required. I was discussing with some guys the other day and we all remember at about 16 when you're first thinking about sex, that abortion is just a button someone pushes to end a pregnacy and get you out of trouble. The idea that it is brutal and horribly painful murder of a child didn't enter my mind until I saw it at a youth rally later on. I can't tell you how long its been since I heard a real serious message against it. I think "an abortion chrushes a babiy's body and it can FEEL it!" sign would be a good one.

'He' or 'she' can feel it might get the message across more. The kids now might want to say 'they.'

This is pretty sick. Comedian Chris Rock calls it killing a baby. "I believe women should have the right to kill babies." "

I wonder what he really believes.

He says women should have a right to kill a baby till its four years old... till it gets the first report can watch Stranger Things, but when it's over, we goin' to the clinic."

This is one of the few peoples who says in the public sphere that it is killing babies. I'd imagine women who had abortions in the audience might find this disturbing. But joking about it may make people more calloused.

Pretty sick, but the audience cackles,
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/5/23 12:22 am

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