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Pearl Harbor......... Remember? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Pearl Harbor......... Remember? Cojak
My dad pastored Shelby, NC at the time. Two of his sons left for the USN. Both returned. My blog entry, if you are interested;

I remember the blackouts, the rations but mostly the prayers of my Mama all during the night. She and my brother Jr agreed to keep a journal. He named the major islands in the South Pacific girls names. They were not allowed to say where they were. All letters were read and words redacted.

But he would say in a letter things like "I remember Aunt Julia's pie." She would know he was near certain islands. Once she noted "I felt so burdened for Jr. I prayed all-night.

They compared notes and he said that date was the worst battle they had been in on his ship. There were several occasions like that. We have visited the memorial at Pearl Harbor, it was a solemn occasion. GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
12/7/20 12:28 am

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Post Bro Bob
Thank you for sharing this story. I was fortunate to not only visit Pearl Harbor on Veterans day last year, but also to stay the week at a friend's son's house which was originally a barracks on the western shore of Pearl Harbor.

I visited the grave of an old knife collector buddy of mine Sunday afternoon who also served in WWII.

Today's generation just doesn't get it.

Golf Cart Mafia Underboss
Posts: 3944
12/7/20 7:43 pm

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Post Re: Pearl Harbor......... Remember? Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
My dad pastored Shelby, NC at the time. Two of his sons left for the USN. Both returned. My blog entry, if you are interested;

I remember the blackouts, the rations but mostly the prayers of my Mama all during the night. She and my brother Jr agreed to keep a journal. He named the major islands in the South Pacific girls names. They were not allowed to say where they were. All letters were read and words redacted.

But he would say in a letter things like "I remember Aunt Julia's pie." She would know he was near certain islands. Once she noted "I felt so burdened for Jr. I prayed all-night.

They compared notes and he said that date was the worst battle they had been in on his ship. There were several occasions like that. We have visited the memorial at Pearl Harbor, it was a solemn occasion. GOD BLESS AMERICA!

This reminds me of a story told about a member of Paul Collins' family. I think he is his brother, but I'm not sure. (Ray Collins) Ray was in Vietnam and one particular day, his mother became very burdened for him. Seems like the church in NC was having a prayer meeting that day. At any rate, his mama was burdened to pray for him, not knowing that his unit was under enemy attack at that very moment. Once he came home, they talked about it and discovered how the attack coincided with her burden to pray for him. Many in his unit died, but his life was spared. God is good!
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
12/8/20 11:20 pm

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Post Cojak
Ray reads and comments here at times. Maybe he will respond. Sister Collins was a wonderful woman and a super pastor's wife. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/9/20 1:33 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
Cojak wrote:
Ray reads and comments here at times. Maybe he will respond. Sister Collins was a wonderful woman and a super pastor's wife. Smile

Yesterday was 10 years since she passed. She was a powerful woman of God.

Ray has remarried and seems to be enjoying his retirement.
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
12/9/20 11:00 pm

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Post Link
My uncle fought in Africa and Germany during WWII. He got shot twice. I think he got a purple heart for both. He became a story teller in his later years, but by the time I got a chance to see him again and thought to record some stories in his 90's, his mind wondered a bit too much and it was hard to follow what he was saying. He had been the first scout in one of the battles in Germany, the one chosen to make the first steps onto the battle field, the one to get shot. He was relieved that the Germans had chosen to surrender instead of fight.

I have also been to Pearl Harbor. Now it is a peaceful, calm place with war memorials. I have also been onboard the USS Missouri where the peace was made with Japan, but it was in US waters in Hawaii when I took the tour.
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12/10/20 10:05 pm

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