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If all illegal aliens were shipped back today... Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post If all illegal aliens were shipped back today... roughridercog
How would it change your daily life?

Would some of your favorite restaurants close? Would construction projects be delayed or be too expensive? Would your crime rate go down? Would your garbage pile up? Would entire churches close?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
1/14/19 7:45 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
No one wants to hear this, but the US economy would basically collapse.

Our economy has become very dependent on what is essentially a permanent underclass of illegal/undocumented immigrants.
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Posts: 13654
1/14/19 9:54 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
No one wants to hear this, but the US economy would basically collapse.

Our economy has become very dependent on what is essentially a permanent underclass of illegal/undocumented immigrants.

Nobody is even advocating for shipping them all back. We simply don't want more coming in.

Furthermore, guest worker laws allow for employers to easily request more workers. However, that requires a little effort so they just keep hiring the illegals. There are no excuses here.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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1/14/19 10:29 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Nobody is even advocating for shipping them all back.

Never said anyone was.
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Posts: 13654
1/14/19 10:53 am

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Post FLRon
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
No one wants to hear this, but the US economy would basically collapse.

Our economy has become very dependent on what is essentially a permanent underclass of illegal/undocumented immigrants.

Nobody is even advocating for shipping them all back. We simply don't want more coming in.

Furthermore, guest worker laws allow for employers to easily request more workers. However, that requires a little effort so they just keep hiring the illegals. There are no excuses here.

Interestingly observation. So is the true root cause of the problem these employers who hire illegals? In other words, if these employers refused to hire a single illegal, would they all disappear?
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
1/14/19 7:24 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
FLRon wrote:
Interestingly observation. So is the true root cause of the problem these employers who hire illegals? In other words, if these employers refused to hire a single illegal, would they all disappear?

IMO, this is by far the best place to focus immigration control efforts. Sure, some people come here to move drugs or engage in crime as a means of profit, and those people would continue to do so. But by and large people come here because they're looking for better opportunities. If we made it extremely punishing for companies to hire illegal immigrants, while continuing to allow companies ready access to documented immigrant workers, I think the situation would really improve. Costs would rise because their labor wouldn't be as inexpensive, but it would be worthwhile.

It would also significantly benefit those immigrants, as they are basically a permanent underclass under our current way of doing things. As documented workers, they would gain access to slightly better pay, basic labor protections, etc. As it stands, immigrants who want to come here as guest workers not only have to navigate our immigration system, but also have to compete against undocumented workers who are available to work at lower rates. It's bad for everyone.
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Posts: 13654
1/14/19 7:33 pm

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Post Cojak
i don't see our personal life (wife & I) being effected by the shift. Certainly construction costs would go up, BUT we do have the laborers to cover most jobs, however they would slow down. For example my company guaranteed a home in 100 days from the foundation. Today my friends have twice the # of workers on each home and they are finished in 50-65 days. So it would slow down, that is for sure.

Prices of goods would go up, some but I don't think it would be enormous. I had the pleasure of talking to a farmer from New York today. His farms are thousands of acres. He hires less today than he did 6 years ago and production is up.

The OP said illegals not all immigrants or visitors.

I don't think it should be done on a wholesale level or EVERY ILLEGAL. But since RR said everyone, my answer is I do not think it could ever cripple this country.

I will go out on a limb because I have seen this country respond to situations and emergencies enough that I do not think it would be devastating. This is a great country with some STRONG industrious people. When the rubber meets the road, Citizens of the USA can carry the load. JMO Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/14/19 8:18 pm

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Post roughridercog
Cojak wrote:
i don't see our personal life (wife & I) being effected by the shift. Certainly construction costs would go up, BUT we do have the laborers to cover most jobs, however they would slow down. For example my company guaranteed a home in 100 days from the foundation. Today my friends have twice the # of workers on each home and they are finished in 50-65 days. So it would slow down, that is for sure.

Prices of goods would go up, some but I don't think it would be enormous. I had the pleasure of talking to a farmer from New York today. His farms are thousands of acres. He hires less today than he did 6 years ago and production is up.

The OP said illegals not all immigrants or visitors.

I don't think it should be done on a wholesale level or EVERY ILLEGAL. But since RR said everyone, my answer is I do not think it could ever cripple this country.

I will go out on a limb because I have seen this country respond to situations and emergencies enough that I do not think it would be devastating. This is a great country with some STRONG industrious people. When the rubber meets the road, Citizens of the USA can carry the load. JMO Smile

I asked a guy who hires illegals why he does it. He said that Americans won't work hard, but they will and for less.
At least it was an honest answer.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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Posts: 25305
1/15/19 8:01 am

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