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INVITATION To You From Pastors John V. Morgan & Dr. Mark Williams Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post INVITATION To You From Pastors John V. Morgan & Dr. Mark Williams doyle
Following is a special letter to Actscelerate viewers from Pastors John V. Morgan, Lead Pastor Restoration Church, Jacksonville, FL , and Dr. Mark L. Williams, Lead Pastor North Cleveland Church of God, Cleveland, TN.
The first part of this post is from Pastor Morgan. He then shares a joint letter from himself and Dr. Williams. Pastor Morgan begins:

"After reading with interest the recent postings about the life and ministry of Carl Richardson, I contacted Doyle to make him aware of an initiative to induct Carl and Beverly Richardson into the Hall of Prophets at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary in Cleveland, TN.

He has graciously allowed me to share the information here in the event that some of you will want to make a contribution to honor and celebrate the life and ministry of this great couple. Following is a special invitation to each of you:

Christian Greetings!

We are writing to share with you some exiting news. Our friends, Carl and Beverly Richardson have been nominated for induction into the Pentecostal Theological Seminary Hall of Prophets.

Induction to the Hall of Prophets is a high honor reserved for credentialed ministers whose service to the Church of God and the Kingdom has been meritorious, having contributed a major portion of their life to full-time, significant ministry.

Since the age of 15 Carl has devoted himself for the last 65 years, to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In every capacity in which he has served, Carl has demonstrated a passion for souls and a commitment to excellence.

Carl served a total of 14 years on the Executive Council of the Church of God. He was the Director and Speaker for the official radio ministry of the Church of God, Forward In Faith for 12 years.

In addition, he was the driving-force and speaker for the television specials, "New World Coming, Freedom Celebration, and 20th Century Day of Pentecost, and was the featured speaker at Washington For Jesus.

Since 1984, Carl and Beverly have led Beyond Borders Ministries. They have carried the gospel around the world through crusades, conferences on care, benevolence programs, church plants, schools of ministry, and construction of ministry facilities.

In addition to his work with the Church of God, Carl represented the church for 30 years at serving on the National Religious Broadcasters, NRB, Board of Directors for 30 consecutive years. He served as Senior Vice President of NRB and was a founding member and co-chairman of the Ethics and Financial Integrity Commission of NRB.

He was also the official press spokesman for NRB for eight years. Even today, Carl and Beverly maintain an active role in assisting ministries through mentoring and providing missions financial support and resource materials in places as diverse as South Africa and China.

We cannot think of anyone more deserving of this honor than these faithful servants of God who have been true pioneers of the faith.

To establish a Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund, $25,000 is raised in the name of the honoree. Because of your love for the Richardson’s, you are being contacted to partner with us in training men and women to spread the Gospel and reap the Harvest for Jesus Christ.

Your generous gift will help to provide scholarship funds for our Pentecostal Theological Seminary students who will be Christ’s hands extended to touch lives around the world. Your love offering will also help sustain the legacy of Carl and Beverly Richardson.

To make a donation to the Carl & Beverly Richardson Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund, there are several options:

(1) Write a check made payable to the Carl & Beverly Richardson Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund/ Mail it to: Pentecostal Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 3330, Cleveland, TN 37320-9810.

(2) Call Liz at 423.478.7728 to make a credit card payment.

(3) Go to and click on "Giving opportunities" then "Endowments" to donate through PayPal. (On the final step in PayPal, indicate the Richardson Hall of Prophets Endowment in “Special Instructions.”)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kathy Anderson (423-478-7707), Administrative Assistant in the Office of the President at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

Thank you for joining with us in honoring our friends, Carl and Beverly Richardson.


Dr. Mark L. Williams, Lead Pastor
North Cleveland Church of God
Cleveland, TN

John V. Morgan, Lead Pastor
Restoration Church
Jacksonville, FL
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