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Goodby Dear America. We love you so. Your continuing demise is devastating. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Goodby Dear America. We love you so. Your continuing demise is devastating. doyle
For the first time in the 245 year history of our beloved America, freedom of speech is being actively squelched; forbidden in some places. Without freedom of speech, there cannot be freedom of religion. Without either, our nation ceases to be America. The Constitution is voided.

Above the elected government, there now hovers a tiny group of unelected and unappointed men who can, and have, decided what news you can see and what you can say about it. This has hot happened in America since before the Revolutionary War when King George of England could have someone hanged if they said something with which he disagreed.

Our nation now aborts; INTENTIONALLY kills so many of our own babies until big business is desperate to import people, babies other nations did not kill, to fill the void.

Today, there are active calls for "Re-education Camps" and for citizens to report each other based on who they voted for to be President. That never happened before under Democratic or Republican administrations.

That kind of new TATTLE is a death RATTLE to our society.

Over the 245 years, political power in our nation has rightfully changed hands many times as one political entity won the vote over another. Only now do we hear that those out of power should lose the right to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.

Last edited by doyle on 1/20/21 5:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Acts-celerate Owner
Posts: 6957
1/20/21 12:55 pm

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Post Thank You Doyle! Peanut Butter
Those are somber words you post Doyle. I, Peanut Butter, am a staunch conservative that has never voted for a Democrat President, Senator, or Congressperson. Dark days are ahead for this country. The Demorats are to blame for refusing to march with MLK, abortion, open borders, removal of God from their platform and the removal of their support for Israel. "Platform" Demorats are literally inspired from the depths of hell and there is no way this country can continue to prosper as it has with them in control.

Last edited by Peanut Butter on 1/20/21 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
Friendly Face
Posts: 289
1/20/21 3:23 pm

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Post Some speech NEEDS TO BE suppressed Aaron Scott
I voted for Trump twice. But is there anyone on earth that doesn't think that LESS of Trump would not be a good thing?

He was hateful, spiteful, etc.

I don't stand for a number of key issues that Biden does. But it is nice to feel like we don't have a president who is actively trying to start a war or make himself an emperor.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
1/20/21 3:35 pm

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Post Peanut Butter
There’s been much lamenting in the camp of the righteous today. Friendly Face
Posts: 289
1/20/21 6:32 pm

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Post Peanut Butter
This is a ridiculous post, Doyle. Abortion has been the law of the land for almost 60 years and Republicans have done nothing about it. Several times, they held the presidency and control of Congress and did nothing. Trump only worried about building a stupid wall that never got built.

Freedom of Speech? You’re more intelligent than that. “Speech” only means that what you say about the government can’t be held against you legally.

Freedom of Speech? Be honest and answer this question. How many people have you banned or deleted their posts here on this very forum?
Friendly Face
Posts: 289
1/20/21 8:14 pm

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Post Re: Thank You Doyle! Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter wrote:
Those are somber words you post Doyle. I, Peanut Butter, am a staunch conservative that has never voted for a Democrat President, Senator, or Congressperson. Dark days are ahead for this country. The Demorats are to blame for refusing to march with MLK, abortion, open borders, removal of God from their platform and the removal of their support for Israel. "Platform" Demorats are literally inspired from the depths of hell and there is no way this country can continue to prosper as it has with them in control.

You are dysfunctional. Laughing
Friendly Face
Posts: 289
1/20/21 8:14 pm

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Post Cojak
Now don't get me wrong, I like p-nut butter. But ain't crazy about the crunchy kind.
However methinks our P-nut is talking to himself. I do that myself, can't fuss with that, but I always give myself the right answers. Just sayin'.

LOL Very Happy Maybe crunchy is Nutty?

To the OP,
I have a lot of confidence in this countries resilience. I am not convinced this is the death. WE still have many Christians in our country. Smile
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
1/20/21 11:10 pm

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Post Peanut Butter
Cojak wrote:
Now don't get me wrong, I like p-nut butter. But ain't crazy about the crunchy kind.
However methinks our P-nut is talking to himself. I do that myself, can't fuss with that, but I always give myself the right answers. Just sayin'.

LOL Very Happy Maybe crunchy is Nutty?

To the OP,
I have a lot of confidence in this countries resilience. I am not convinced this is the death. WE still have many Christians in our country. Smile

We have many personalities. Just pray for us.
Friendly Face
Posts: 289
1/21/21 7:17 am

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Post Re: Some speech NEEDS TO BE suppressed UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
I voted for Trump twice. But is there anyone on earth that doesn't think that LESS of Trump would not be a good thing?

He was hateful, spiteful, etc.

I don't stand for a number of key issues that Biden does. But it is nice to feel like we don't have a president who is actively trying to start a war or make himself an emperor.

The Peanut Butter character aside, this is one of the craziest, most incoherent posts I've ever read from you, in any of your manifestations. Of course there are MILLIONS of people who think that LESS Trump is a bad thing. Start a war? Are you insane? The man is on record being against every war started by the BUSH-OCrats over the last 30 years, got 3 Nobel nominations for the peace he brokered in the middle east, brought North Korea to the table and ended the nearly daily missile launches, and is the first President since Ford I think that didn't start any new war. Emperor? That's a joke since he just left office on his own without any coercion YESTERDAY. Those CNN lies and talking points got stuck in your head real good didn't they? The IQ of this board has fallen precipitously in recent years.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
1/21/21 9:10 am

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Post Thank you, Uncle JD excellentposter
good and truth-filled response
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
1/21/21 10:49 am

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Post Re: Some speech NEEDS TO BE suppressed 4thgeneration
Aaron Scott wrote:
I voted for Trump twice. But is there anyone on earth that doesn't think that LESS of Trump would not be a good thing?

He was hateful, spiteful, etc.

I don't stand for a number of key issues that Biden does. But it is nice to feel like we don't have a president who is actively trying to start a war or make himself an emperor.

It cannot go without saying that President Trump is the first in many years that served his tenure without starting a war. He is being blamed totally for a lot of divisiveness that was spawned in the hatred of Democrats for him. He made a terrible mistake in speaking inflammatory words to the crowd that gathered in DC to protest the election. But I find it difficult to see how one could accuse him of "actively trying to start a war."
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1607
1/21/21 3:34 pm

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