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I Get My News from Underground Sources Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I Get My News from Underground Sources FG Minister
This is the way a lady in my congregation started the conversation at the exit door Sunday. She proceeded to tell me of the massive military build-up taking place in Portland and Seattle. She said it's all "hush, hush." She has also told me through the summer how many pedophiles Trump has imprisoned. Last count - 10,000+. She is a believing participant in Q-Anon.

I have a congregation of mostly college educated and grad school graduates. But I have a few people like her who actually believe this nonsense. I never correct her, because she wouldn't believe me anyway. She still believes Trump will serve a second term on January 20, 2021. How do you pastor this person?
Posts: 875
12/23/20 8:39 am

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Post The COG Apostle
There are a LOT of COG ministers who agree with her, so there’s that too. It’s like everyone has gone insane. Acts-celerater
Posts: 566
12/23/20 9:16 am

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Post Re: I Get My News from Underground Sources Da Sheik
FG Minister wrote:

I have a congregation of mostly college educated and grad school graduates. But I have a few people like her who actually believe this nonsense. I never correct her, because she wouldn't believe me anyway. She still believes Trump will serve a second term on January 20, 2021. How do you pastor this person?

I have a few of these as well. I highlighted your approach because this is the same approach I take. People that feed on the Q stuff are difficult to pastor because they are like weeds tossed in the wind. They usually don't stay around long because they long to hear "some new thing".

Interesting side note: I know personally of two Q disciples that think nothing of posting bible verses one minute and profanity-laden tirades the next. Not sure if there's anything to deduce from this but I have found this to be true. In both cases there seems to be some level of mental illness.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
12/23/20 10:49 am

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Post Re: I Get My News from Underground Sources Dave Dorsey
Da Sheik wrote:
I highlighted your approach because this is the same approach I take.

Do you ever wonder or worry if they're taking this as concurrence? For what it's worth, I also think this is the correct approach. It seems that any other response runs the risk of losing them, which of course eliminates any ability you might have to make a positive impact. I think they probably do take it as silent concurrence in some cases -- the pastor can't admit this stuff publicly, but I know he's on my side! -- but I don't see that there's a better thing to do, or any way to avoid that consequence.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
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12/23/20 10:56 am

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Post Cojak
I read once that some people will NEVER submit to truth. There comes a time we must let them be wrong. :-O Shocked
I am sure they feel the same about me. Embarassed

I have two sons who believe some of the theories, I KNOW I will never change their minds. I just listen. I have no idea how their minds can be changed. I still get e-mails saying with this video, Hillary will go to jail!

It is really sad for all of us, especially the Body of Christ. Embarassed
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/23/20 11:44 am

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Post Re: I Get My News from Underground Sources Da Sheik
Dave Dorsey wrote:

Do you ever wonder or worry if they're taking this as concurrence?

They probably do. But it’s very difficult to reason with fools. I will sometimes sow seeds of doubt the way I do with cult members. Just to leave them something to think about.
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
12/23/20 5:52 pm

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Post How many is a lot...millions? two or three? caseyleejones
The COG Apostle wrote:
There are a LOT of COG ministers who agree with her, so there’s that too. It’s like everyone has gone insane.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
12/23/20 7:42 pm

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Post Re: How many is a lot...millions? two or three? Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
The COG Apostle wrote:
There are a LOT of COG ministers who agree with her, so there’s that too. It’s like everyone has gone insane.

How many?

43 Twisted Evil
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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12/23/20 9:54 pm

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Post Cojak
Many of these conspiracy theories are separating our citizens. Instead of neighbors, anyone who doesn't believe or trust some theories are enemies and evil.

I remember way back in 1956 Brother Jesse Lee Brown told my BIL, who was a Democrat, "YOU cannot be a Christian and be a Democrat!"

I never knew my daddy's political standing when he pastored, but I always sorta thought he was a Democrat. He sure thought FDR was a genius for bringing us out of the Great Depression.

There was a time that we could live together as friends and be of several Political persuasions, but today, NOT SO MUCH. That is a shame. Sad I have a BIL who is a democrat. I cannot think of him as evil. Sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/24/20 10:27 am

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