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The Vision by Dave Wilkerson was written 1973. 50 years ago. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The Vision by Dave Wilkerson was written 1973. 50 years ago. caseyleejones
What he said then compared to today?

I do remember people saying he was crazy when they first heard it in 1973.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
9/30/23 1:31 pm

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This was a recent critique of a recorded version of Wilkerson's message by Bill DeArteaga, author of Quenching the Spirit.

I have had a chance to meet this man and had him at my home a couple of times and visited his home once. He has written a number of books.

I can't say I agree with his analysis-- especially functioning as a medium but not being guilty of mediumship. That makes no sense to me. But the article relates some of the details of Wilkerson's predictions.

One thing I recall from the book was that Wilkerson predicted a device that connects to a TV that could be used to show filthy movies. That happened, although there were plenty of PG movies played on VCRs back in the day as well. He said young people would rent out hotel rooms to watch dirty movies. I never heard of young people doing that, but I suspect some teens did that at some point during the 1980's or 1990's when porn was easy to get in hotel rooms and not yet a few clicks away as it sadly is now.
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9/30/23 11:34 pm

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Post caseyleejones
Dave missed it a few times. He even mentioned in time past his prophecy failing. But, he addressed it and moved on. At the same time, prophecy and the prophet in the NT differs from the OT. If they were, we would have stoned DW. He was a man of God who did great things.

Still, is there a timeline on prophecy if not stated? I do think some of it has yet to come to pass.

One prophecy DW spoke was he saw NYC burning. In one hour, the US would change. Not happened. But, I do still keep that message in the back of my mind.
Acts-perienced Poster
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10/1/23 1:08 pm

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Post Re: The Vision by Dave Wilkerson was written 1973. 50 years ago. Cojak
caseyleejones wrote:
What he said then compared to today?

I do remember people saying he was crazy when they first heard it in 1973.

Yes I remember and I remember Dave when his notoriety arose. One had to admire his 'audacity' at that time, and I did admire him, his stand and what he ACCOMPLISHED. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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10/2/23 11:26 am

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Post Da Sheik
I want to be very careful how I say this, out of deep respect. I think David Wilkerson was mightily used of God and the fruit of his ministry remains today. But I always felt he wanted to function as a prophet, and it didn’t seem to suit his calling. But in no way do I want to denigrate his work on earth. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
10/2/23 1:24 pm

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Post caseyleejones
Da Sheik wrote:
I want to be very careful how I say this, out of deep respect. I think David Wilkerson was mightily used of God and the fruit of his ministry remains today. But I always felt he wanted to function as a prophet, and it didn’t seem to suit his calling. But in no way do I want to denigrate his work on earth.

I totally get this.
Acts-perienced Poster
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10/2/23 2:03 pm

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Post Cojak
Agree or not, The man did make a positive mark... Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
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10/2/23 3:06 pm

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Post Much of what he prophesied came true. Aaron Scott
Some years later, he prophesied that there would be a 1000 fires burning in NYC as judgment, etc.

I still recall what he wrote years later when that did not happen....

He said something to the effect that he had underestimated God's mercy. That's powerful.

Like most who deal in prophecy, David was black and white. He preached hellfire and damnation, so to speak. And so it's not odd that he would get so caught up in his zeal for the Lord and righteousness that he would wrongly pronounce judgment on NYC.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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10/3/23 10:54 am

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Post UncleJD
caseyleejones wrote:

One prophecy DW spoke was he saw NYC burning. In one hour, the US would change. Not happened. But, I do still keep that message in the back of my mind.

Really? Maybe the way its worded then? I don't have the book, but seems like it did happen. Anyways, I've never put much stock in these "prophets", other than the ones that will look right at you and tell you what sin you're lost in.
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10/3/23 1:13 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
caseyleejones wrote:
Dave missed it a few times. He even mentioned in time past his prophecy failing. But, he addressed it and moved on. At the same time, prophecy and the prophet in the NT differs from the OT. If they were, we would have stoned DW. He was a man of God who did great things.

Still, is there a timeline on prophecy if not stated? I do think some of it has yet to come to pass.

One prophecy DW spoke was he saw NYC burning. In one hour, the US would change. Not happened. But, I do still keep that message in the back of my mind.

You don't think 9/11 might qualify as NYC burning? Or that it would change the US in one day?
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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10/4/23 6:15 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
In his book, The Vision, he also prophesied that marijuana would be legalized.

He also said there would be strange weather patterns.
"More of Him...less of me."
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10/4/23 6:18 pm

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Post FLRon
I have great respect for how this man went into NYC and shared the gospel with its citizens. The fact that Times Square Church went on to become one of the great churches in a city of millions is a testament to his heart and willingness to obey God.

He said things that many of us have said under the anointing as the Lord gave to us. That does not make him a prophet however, at least by the Biblical definition. Men today are too quick to attach the label of prophet to a man, as evidenced by the many so-called, self proclaimed “prophets” in the church today who are mostly prosperity seeking wolves.

A true prophet only speaks what he hears directly from on high, and he is never wrong because God is never wrong. That fact alone disqualifies just about every single one today who has the word prophet in front of his name.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
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10/5/23 6:25 am

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Post Carolyn Smith... Aaron Scott
Carolyn Smith wrote:
In his book, The Vision, he also prophesied that marijuana would be legalized.

He also said there would be strange weather patterns.

If I recall right, Wilkerson said "They will say 'the weather has gone crazy!' "

Do you remember the close of the Vision (at least the cassette version)? Five words of comfort: "God has everything under control."

The first time I heard Dallas Holm was in Tampa (early 1970s, I believe). All he had was a reel-to-reel player, and this was before he had become a big name.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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10/6/23 12:50 pm

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Post caseyleejones
FLRon wrote:
I have great respect for how this man went into NYC and shared the gospel with its citizens. The fact that Times Square Church went on to become one of the great churches in a city of millions is a testament to his heart and willingness to obey God.

He said things that many of us have said under the anointing as the Lord gave to us. That does not make him a prophet however, at least by the Biblical definition. Men today are too quick to attach the label of prophet to a man, as evidenced by the many so-called, self proclaimed “prophets” in the church today who are mostly prosperity seeking wolves.

A true prophet only speaks what he hears directly from on high, and he is never wrong because God is never wrong. That fact alone disqualifies just about every single one today who has the word prophet in front of his name.

Why does it say let the prophets speak and other judge? Clearly they are prophets, why judge them?

Do pastors get it wrong? If so, then they are false pastors.

Do teachers in the body of Christ misinterpret. Then are they false teachers?
Acts-perienced Poster
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10/6/23 5:50 pm

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