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Post Luther Rice Seminary cogalltheway
Does anyone know anything about Luther Rice Seminary in Georgia? Is it accredited, reputable, etc?? Friendly Face
Posts: 126
2/29/16 5:20 pm

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Post Re: Luther Rice Seminary Nature Boy Florida
cogalltheway wrote:
Does anyone know anything about Luther Rice Seminary in Georgia? Is it accredited, reputable, etc??

It used to be in Jacksonville.
It had its proponents.
I know lots of people that went there.

I guess we can wait and see about its accreditation.
Old Timer will let us know.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
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2/29/16 7:04 pm

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Post Re: Luther Rice Seminary Restorationman
cogalltheway wrote:
Does anyone know anything about Luther Rice Seminary in Georgia? Is it accredited, reputable, etc??

It is an accredited seminary through the Accreditation of the Association of Higher Biblical Education, as well as being accredited through TRACS and CHEA. The main thing to look for is are they recognized by the US Department of Education and Luther Rice is. You can usually tell if a school is worth their value or not if their web address ends in .edu, the only higher education institutions that have the .edu in their website are all recognized by the US department of education which qualifies them for federal grants, financial aid, etc and these web addresses are only given to schools who have the proper accreditation. Just one alum that I know of who went to LRS is Charles Stanley. Hope this helps!!! Blessings!!!!
Friendly Face
Posts: 484
3/1/16 8:45 am

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Post Partially Correct, Restorationman Old Time Country Preacher
Restorationman wrote:

It is an accredited seminary through the Accreditation of the Association of Higher Biblical Education, as well as being accredited through TRACS and CHEA. The main thing to look for is are they recognized by the US Department of Education and Luther Rice is. You can usually tell if a school is worth their value or not if their web address ends in .edu, the only higher education institutions that have the .edu in their website are all recognized by the US department of education which qualifies them for federal grants, financial aid, etc and these web addresses are only given to schools who have the proper accreditation. Just one alum that I know of who went to LRS is Charles Stanley. Hope this helps!!! Blessings!!!!

True: LR is accredited by both ABHE and TRACS, both of which are CHEA recognized accreditors. CHEA recognition, however, is about much more than qualifying both a school and student for financial aid (fed grants, etc.). It is primarily about academic oversight that ensures a minimum standard of academic rigor and quality of education.

True: LR is accredited. However, the accreditation is national accreditation, not regional accreditation. Regional accreditation is the gold standard in accreditation and offers the degree holder with the highest level of utility for a given degree. For example, there are certain venues (eg, pursuing certain higher degrees, academic faculty positions, et al.) that require a regionally accredited degree. That doesn't mean nationally accredited degrees are bad, only that the utility is less than a regionally accredited. For those in ministerial positions, in most cases, a degree from LR would be fine.

True: Charles Stanley earned his ThD from LR..........several decades before LR was accredited. His dissertation was a sermon series on the Book of Psalms.

False: I wish this was true, but it isn't. The last 15 years or so, for the newer schools obtaining URLs, this is certainly the case for them---only legitimately accredited schools are able to get the .edu domain suffix in their URL. Unfortunately, some schools "crept in unaware" as Jude would say, and were able (for whatever reason) to obtain the .edu suffix without being legitimately accredited. Here are two cases in point:

1. Jacksonville Theological Seminary JTS is accredited by one of the worst accreditation mills of all time, the infamous ACI

2. Louisiana Baptist University used to be accredited by ACI as well, but they dropped it about 15 years ago and now claim no accreditation at all.
Acts-pert Poster
Posts: 15570
3/1/16 8:49 pm

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