This was funny and disturbing as well. I don't like Rubio either, I'm more angry than ever with the Republican establishment over their total backing of Rubio now. They hate someone they can't own like Cruz (and yes like Trump). I won't vote for Trump, I don't want to vote for Rubio (but I will). I feel more than ever that I have no party. That's probably the way Christians were meant to feel. We have been spoiled unlike any other time in the history of the church.
I believe in libertarianism, not because all libertarians are good people or because all laws are evil, but because it gives us the best framework we have to be allowed to worship in peace without interference (one way or the other) from government. That said I don't like the Libertarian party for a lot of liberal ideas that seem to dominate there, but I do like, and can find common cause (liberty) with them in that there should be very few laws, period, either for or against religion or morality. I believe the early church was very successful in the face of a culture that did NOT legislate morality and in fact was openly hostile to Christian morals. So why do we feel this need to be validated by government in our beliefs? |
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere Posts: 3147 2/23/16 4:21 pm