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Riverhills cog || Tampa, Fl
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Post SouthFloridaman
I guess state and international office is gonna keep turning the phone off. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/18/17 11:14 am

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Post Unfortunately.... FLRon
Like A Tree wrote:
Just because a pastor and or MOM is in place at a church doesn't always state that the congregation is happy with them. I understand that if the church is healthy and strong and no doubt that the people love, respect and are on board with the pastors vision that this would seem to be the logical solution. There might be a case where a pastor and a successor work hand in hand to make a clean transition and everyone would be happy.

BUTTTTT if the church has dwindled down and it is very obvious that the church is just longing for the day that the pastor retires why should he be allowed to groom his successor. He hasn't been healthy for the church so why should he have anything to say in the matter. The voice of the people should be heard and not only the pastor and his certain council men.

Unfortunately, the voice of the people isn't always considered,and I wonder sometimes if it ever is. Many years ago I was a clerk in our church and we were scheduled to have the state overseer come to take a vote. Before he arrived he told me to have prepared for him a membership list of all members,plus another list of members who were tithers,in essence two separate lists. Unknown to the congregation that voted that night, the only votes that were counted were if your name came from the tithers list.

Now, that might be normal procedure but it was a first for me. Either way, the will of the people was disregarded and we were given someone who had been promised a church. Two years later he had moved on.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
5/18/17 1:40 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
This just lets you know the moral decline of our organization to reach an agreement that as long as the authorities don't get involved things can continue is just plain disturbing. I wonder what else is sliding past our denomination. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/20/17 9:26 pm

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Post Re: Unfortunately.... Like A Tree
FLRon wrote:
Like A Tree wrote:
Just because a pastor and or MOM is in place at a church doesn't always state that the congregation is happy with them. I understand that if the church is healthy and strong and no doubt that the people love, respect and are on board with the pastors vision that this would seem to be the logical solution. There might be a case where a pastor and a successor work hand in hand to make a clean transition and everyone would be happy.

BUTTTTT if the church has dwindled down and it is very obvious that the church is just longing for the day that the pastor retires why should he be allowed to groom his successor. He hasn't been healthy for the church so why should he have anything to say in the matter. The voice of the people should be heard and not only the pastor and his certain council men.

Unfortunately, the voice of the people isn't always considered,and I wonder sometimes if it ever is. Many years ago I was a clerk in our church and we were scheduled to have the state overseer come to take a vote. Before he arrived he told me to have prepared for him a membership list of all members,plus another list of members who were tithers,in essence two separate lists. Unknown to the congregation that voted that night, the only votes that were counted were if your name came from the tithers list.

Now, that might be normal procedure but it was a first for me. Either way, the will of the people was disregarded and we were given someone who had been promised a church. Two years later he had moved on.

Just because a person goes through and passes all their tests doesn't mean they are qualified to be a pastor. Just because you have a father that was a great pastor doesn't mean their son is qualified. Just because a person is a pastor or mom in a church for a while doesn't mean that it is going well.

To many times a pastor and a mom stay because the congregation can't do anything to get someone new. They are usually stuck with those positions until those men want to move on and that doesn't happen when they are receiving a paycheck no matter if it is working or not, its money and a job.

RH has been stuck with pastors for the last 14yrs that were not right.

I know in the real world that every year people are given job reviews to see if you are a good fit or you need to move on. Unfortunately, we do not do that in the COG world.

Now now I know you will always have disgruntle pew sitters, and I know you cant always make everybody happy. That is not what I am saying. I just think that some get away with it because the congregation is stuck.

I have seen this church be destroyed by not having this type of review process. Just soooo much hiding facts and not dealing with issues out in the open has caused so many problems with this church and current situation.
Posts: 44
5/25/17 7:25 am

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Post SouthFloridaman
Rh just needs a fresh face as senior pastor it is now a public charter school no longer a church. Nothing surprises me anymore. The minister of music is probably going to be the pastor he just hired someone from his previous church in Tennessee. they seem like a good family. I hope this one survives the corruption. I am sure he has not been informed of what has occurred and what senior pastor, minister of music and half of the employeed by church elders boards is covering up. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/29/17 2:56 am

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Post Childshepherd
This is highly disturbing if the RS appointment is being considered with what is known. And to be allowed to go on as long as it has is highly disappointing to say the least.

Last edited by Childshepherd on 5/29/17 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 5
5/29/17 2:23 pm

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Post Like A Tree
It is very disturbing. AW is the reason that that most of the 2/3 of the congregation that was left are gone now. He is holding all the cards in his hands. Why and how I don not know, but it seems to playing out the way he wants it and not the congregation.

Yes, they just hired a new childrens pastor. The look like a nice family but how are they affording this since there is no money at the church. The only real money coming in is from the renters not the congregation which has dwindled down to nothing. It is part of AW plan.

Plan: Make the COG give the church to his minister of music RS. Keep AW on a small salary to help coach RS. So Aw will get retirement and then a small salary on the side. I guess they will be paying the new childrens pastor salary with the money they get from not paying AW full time amount. It is all a shell game.

Yet AW will be making out ahead financially, and still have his claws in the church and RS will be handed a church because of this so called money/retirement/work deal.

This is what seems to be playing out and the congregation wont know what hit them.

If this is a HUGE speculation and misunderstanding and not the case I would love for some one please enlighten us and set the story straight. I actually live in Florida and haven't heard anything differently.
Posts: 44
5/29/17 7:26 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
So let me get this right. Florida State office just recent removed a pastor by letter in south Florida. The church was paying its bills from what I understand he was just not meeting growth expectations. Then We have AW who is not paying his bills or Tithe of Tithe reports ran off over 2/3rds of the congregation basically wrecked the church to less then 10% of its former self and now is allowed to keep a supplemental salary because his boy will be pastor. This is sickening. Folks have gone to district and state office for years and have been ignored. I know state office knows state offices hands have been tied by Cleveland. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/29/17 11:19 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
my church is paying its reports. We meet our obligations we don't have a staff member who's whole job is to travel overseas so that aw can cover the fact that he has been skimming a world missions project number to pay for church events. Also where is the money for thousands of dollars in video equipment and expensive cameras all while there are some pastors with churches barely making it still paying Tithe of tithes. I would love to have a free pass on Tithe of tithes so I could buy thousands of dollars in cameras and equipment and. I would love to have a Tithe of Tithe pass so I could make building repairs and add expensive lighting and sound equipment to my youth and children's facilities. This is making my blood boil. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/29/17 11:31 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
I know broke churches this my friend is not a broke church situation Friendly Face
Posts: 358
5/30/17 12:10 am

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Post Like A Tree
Campmeeting in Florida starts on the 12th. Hopefully after that maybe the COG office will deal with this properly and take care of business. Just can not believe this is being allowed. Member
Posts: 44
6/1/17 12:41 pm

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Post Cojak
Just curious here. The situation sounds very bad, but how would anyone know it River Hills is not paying the TOT? Just curious after reading the comments. Confused
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
6/1/17 3:05 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Cojak wrote:
Just curious here. The situation sounds very bad, but how would anyone know it River Hills is not paying the TOT? Just curious after reading the comments. Confused

Leaderships own admission and rabbit 🐰 hole goes deeper if you want journey down it
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/2/17 12:37 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
The real question now has Florida "answered" by not answering and covering for Cleveland. Cleveland can and will take care of you if you "take one for the team." Remember who appoints the state and national leadership. Consider the depth of the situation. Who chooses positions it is definitely not the people remember the "System" fox watching then house. And it could be folks at the state level are sincerely in fear about what may happen to them if they do take action. They may honestly have hands tied in this. Our checks and balances that typical church of God churches have has been severed at riverhills. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/2/17 2:12 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Like A Tree wrote:
Plan: Make the COG give the church to his minister of music RS. Keep AW on a small salary to help coach RS. So Aw will get retirement and then a small salary on the side. I guess they will be paying the new childrens pastor salary with the money they get from not paying AW full time amount. It is all a shell game.

Yet AW will be making out ahead financially, and still have his claws in the church and RS will be handed a church because of this so called money/retirement/work deal.

This is what seems to be playing out and the congregation wont know what hit them.

If this is a HUGE speculation and misunderstanding and not the case I would love for some one please enlighten us and set the story straight. I actually live in Florida and haven't heard anything differently.

You are absolutely right leadership is playing the hero card planning a "pay cut" when in reality folks are getting fleeced by him clocking out of work. I am so tired of hearing about how he is the lowest paid pastor in years when in reality pay is based on membership and you are actually the pastor with the lowest membership in years.
Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/2/17 2:41 pm

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Post Junejuly3.0
This is 100% accurate more has been stated here then i could safely place. I wonder about the audit that was demanded in 16 or the situation with schools. Somebody is spinning the story. Member
Posts: 38
6/7/17 1:40 pm

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Post SouthFloridaman
Oh how my family wishes Mark Williams was still there at riverhills. He was a pastor. They cried and cried about how they did not show how much they appreciated him while he was riverhills. I guess he is big deal now at north Cleveland. He won Bradley county pastor of the year. He must be doing really great. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
6/7/17 4:59 pm

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Post Like A Tree
SouthFloridaman wrote:
Oh how my family wishes Mark Williams was still there at riverhills. He was a pastor. They cried and cried about how they did not show how much they appreciated him while he was riverhills. I guess he is big deal now at north Cleveland. He won Bradley county pastor of the year. He must be doing really great.

Yes, I truly miss Mark and Sandra Kay. I also miss Brother and sister Williams as well. They were wonderful and a blessing and help to Mark.

As far as that goes, I miss Dan and Patty Dempsey too. Really everybody from Mark and previous to Mark.

Those were the years.
Posts: 44
6/7/17 10:12 pm

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Post Like A Tree
I am still waiting for someone to say this is not so or this is not happening. Unfortunately NO one from RH has come forward to deny anything that has been said. Member
Posts: 44
6/7/17 10:19 pm

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Post Cojak
My hope in this situation is that prayers will prevail and God's will will prevail. It is a terrible position to be in, witnessing the destruction of a great church, if that is what is happening. I have seen this other places.

We readers have no idea, we can just pray! Sad
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/7/17 10:42 pm

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