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Marrying a Baptist or a WOFer? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Marrying a Baptist or a WOFer? Link
In the southeast I have known Pentecostals to marry Baptists.

What do you think would be more desireable for the Pentecostal young person, to marry a Baptust who loves Jesus and lives a godly life who us open to spiritual gifts or to marry a radical WOFer who quotes Hagin left and right like he was in the Bible as some of them do and believes and repeats their controversial teachings.

Last edited by Link on 12/27/19 6:52 pm; edited 2 times in total
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/27/19 9:57 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Putting my hardhat on for this thread...

I would much rather my daughter marry the Baptist who lives a godly gospel-centered life. The fact that he's open to the gifts of the Spirit is even better.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/27/19 10:19 am

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Post That is a badly LOADED question.... Aaron Scott
Here's the FAIR version of it:

What do you think would be more desirable for the Pentecostal young person, to marry a Baptist who loves Jesus and lives a godly life who is open to the truth...OR...a WOFer who loves Jesus and lives a godly life and is open to the truth."

If you had wanted to be fair, you could have said a RADICAL Baptist who believes in unconditional eternal security OR a RADICAL WOFer who believes that God will respond to faith?

C'mon, you weren't looking for anything except confirmation of your own biases.

I would rather have someone who believed that Jesus does what JESUS said He would do as opposed to someone who thinks miracles no longer happen.

Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/27/19 11:17 am

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Post Wait, I have another question.... Aaron Scott
Would you rather your child marry a nominal Baptist who thinks fornication is OK since he/she has been saved....


A radical WOFer who believes in holiness?

Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/27/19 11:18 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Sorry Aaron, my hardhat blocked your replies. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/27/19 11:39 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Given the choice between those two, Aaron, I would talk to my daughter about the joys of celibacy. Laughing [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/27/19 12:15 pm

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Post Dave.... Aaron Scott
I never got that talk from my dad. I suppose I ENDURED celibacy rather than enjoyed it...but I did make it to marriage a 34-year-old virgin (which speaks far more to my ugliness than to my holiness, I'm afraid). Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/27/19 2:55 pm

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Post Re: Dave.... Dave Dorsey
Aaron Scott wrote:
I never got that talk from my dad. I suppose I ENDURED celibacy rather than enjoyed it...but I did make it to marriage a 34-year-old virgin (which speaks far more to my ugliness than to my holiness, I'm afraid).

I feel you there, brother. My beautiful wife is the only woman I've ever kissed, and it wasn't because I was trying to pursue a life of separation and holiness. ROFL
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
12/27/19 3:04 pm

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Post Thank God for the women who took pity on us, Dave! Aaron Scott
HA! Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
12/27/19 3:08 pm

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Post Re: That is a badly LOADED question.... Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
Here's the FAIR version of it:

What do you think would be more desirable for the Pentecostal young person, to marry a Baptist who loves Jesus and lives a godly life who is open to the truth...OR...a WOFer who loves Jesus and lives a godly life and is open to the truth."

If you had wanted to be fair, you could have said a RADICAL Baptist who believes in unconditional eternal security OR a RADICAL WOFer who believes that God will respond to faith?

C'mon, you weren't looking for anything except confirmation of your own biases.

I would rather have someone who believed that Jesus does what JESUS said He would do as opposed to someone who thinks miracles no longer happen.


I was thinking a reasonably godly Baptist versus a WOFer who spouts all kinds of unbiblical stuff that some of the WOFers say-- whose against praying 'thy will be done', even though Jesus taught His disciples to pray it-- who is manipulated by preachers saying if you give money in the offering you get the 100 fold blessing, or whatever, who thinks that God did not make the Egyptians sick, etc. Someone who, if you say you feel nauseous if you are gets on your case for a negative confession.

That's the contrast I was talking about. I wasn't thinking of your scenario. My scenario is fair because it's realistic. Both types of people exist, radical WOFers and God-fearing Baptists. Pentecostals and WOFers already have some beliefs in common. It's those extremes that irritate some Pentecostals and that's what I was focusing on.

I've melt 'mild' people from WOF backgrounds, but you wouldn't know they were WOF to talk to them.

Last edited by Link on 12/28/19 10:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/27/19 6:56 pm

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Post Re: Wait, I have another question.... Link
Aaron Scott wrote:
Would you rather your child marry a nominal Baptist who thinks fornication is OK since he/she has been saved....


A radical WOFer who believes in holiness?


If a radical WOFer is someone I described in my last post, I'd be advising against marrying either, or else trying to disciple the WOFer out of the bad theology.

I had a friend who was a WOFer. We stayed up at night several times talking about the Bible and theology, and I'd ask him questions. He seemed to think every sickness was from a demon. I asked him once if a man loses a foot in a factory accident, did he have a spirit of one footedness. After a number of conversations where I poked holes in some things I considered to be Charismania, he seemed to mellow out a bit.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
12/27/19 6:58 pm

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Post Re: That is a badly LOADED question.... Dean Steenburgh
Aaron Scott wrote:
Here's the FAIR version of it:

What do you think would be more desirable for the Pentecostal young person, to marry a Baptist who loves Jesus and lives a godly life who is open to the truth...OR...a WOFer who loves Jesus and lives a godly life and is open to the truth."

If you had wanted to be fair, you could have said a RADICAL Baptist who believes in unconditional eternal security OR a RADICAL WOFer who believes that God will respond to faith?

C'mon, you weren't looking for anything except confirmation of your own biases.

I would rather have someone who believed that Jesus does what JESUS said He would do as opposed to someone who thinks miracles no longer happen.


What Aaron said Smile

"Empty nest syndrome is for the birds!"

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Church planters are focused on just one thing ...introducing people to Jesus!
What are you focused on?
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
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12/28/19 6:21 pm

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Post I would say focus first... roughridercog
On their commitment to Christ.

You can have the label of woffers or Baptist and not be a committed follower of Christ.
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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12/31/19 7:19 am

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Post Re: I would say focus first... Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
On their commitment to Christ.

You can have the label of woffers or Baptist and not be a committed follower of Christ.

Logical stuff my friend. Yes. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
12/31/19 2:15 pm

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Post Link
We had several people over for a night of food, fellowship, and prayer for New Year's Eve. My wife grew up having family devotions with family, sometimes extended family, as part of her culture, and we modified it a bit for our family. We shared the best and worst things that happened during the year and what we expected for the next year, allowing those present to pray, prophesy or encourage as the Spirit led for each other.

Before we did that, a brother there, an elderly Charismatic preacher who'd written several books on prayer, spiritual gifts, and healing, was ministering to the sick. He asked if anyone had any pain. One Asian woman there kept insisting she had 'symptoms.' He wouldn't tell him what to pray for because she was healed and she had 'symptoms.'

It was really annoying to me. The WOF emphasis on saying 'symptoms' and not actually praying for the illness was getting in the way of praying.

James said ye have not because ye ask not. I wonder how many radical WOFers have been so busy confessing that they didn't have a problem that they never bothered to ask.

Another concern I have with radical WOF is when it outright contradicts the Bible. Hagin had a problem with the idea that God caused what we might consider 'bad stuff'-- calamities and such, even when it was clear in the Bible that He had. He tried to argue that there was a Hebrew tense that could mean cause or allow, but did not seem to bother checking whether that explained away all calamities.

And there is the idea that God never made people sick. In the Bible, God told Israel that if they met certain conditions that He would put upon them none of the sicknesses that He put upon the Egyptians.

Who put the sicknesses upon the Egyptians? It is very clear that Yahweh did it and took credit for it. Whether He had angels put some or all of those sicknesses on people, He still took credit for it.

And if you try the Hagin approach of trying to make 'cause' verses into 'allow' verses, if He allowed Himself to put the sicknesses upon the Egyptians or if He caused Himself to put sicknesses upon the Egyptians, either way doesn't fit with Hagin's theory on this. I hear the same mindset from other groups of Charismatics and coming out of Bethel, Redding.

God is good, but that doesn't mean that He does not judge the wicked. If God says, "Vengeance is mine" then He takes vengeance and it is not just the domain of the Devil.

There are Christians who want to say, "God doesn't send you to Hell. You send yourself to Hell." But Jesus said fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in Hell. Was He talking about God or telling us to fear the Devil. We shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that the Devil is the judge who sends people to Hell.

I can only imagine how annoying it would be to be joined at the hip for life with someone who insists on the WOF stuff when it contradicts the Bible, snaps at you if you pray 'Thy will be done' in the Lord's prayer, insists that Jesus was wealthy and carried treasure around, would insist on giving to the type of TV preachers that declared a 100 fold blessing or promised wealth to those who made a vow to God so they could come back next week and raise some more cash, or had an unseemly attitude when it came to the topic of money.
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1/1/20 11:43 pm

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Post Da Sheik
Lamentations 3:37 is my summary statement of WOF doctrine Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1865
1/2/20 11:37 am

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Post Cojak
Da Sheik wrote:
Lamentations 3:37 is my summary statement of WOF doctrine

Amen to and for the Word.

I think I have missed you? Wink
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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1/2/20 11:52 am

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