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Two decisions Carl Richardson made when saved at nine, set his path of ministry success throughout life. Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Two decisions Carl Richardson made when saved at nine, set his path of ministry success throughout life. doyle
TWO PRIORITIES Carl set when he was nine, determined his
path and pattern for success in ministry throughout his life.

by Doyle Daugherty

The first few paragraphs are a review from a previous article.

From the day he “got saved,” nine-year-old Carl Richardson knew exactly what he wanted to be in life. As far as he was concerned, it was set in stone. He wanted to be a preacher. Though he had no way at the time of knowing what being a preacher felt like, he said, “I felt like a preacher.”

His heart focused Heavenward. It was his “Here am I Lord, send me” moment (Isaiah 6:8). No matter where it took him. Regardless the sacrifice he had to make to get there, Carl desired nothing more, nothing less than being a Preacher.

One slight problem: God had not “Called” him to preach. Carl wondered why not. It bothered him. Time was wasting. Lots of people were on their way to Hell, not saved. Carl wanted everybody to feel what he was feeling.

Even though God had not yet called him to preach, nine-year-old Carl decided to become a soul-winner anyway. He was only a boy and probably did not completely understand the importance of setting “priorities.” However, he still remembers how strong those feelings were and continue to be in his life.

He wanted to preach, and he wanted to be a soul-winner. They became his focus then and have continued to give his life a path and pattern for success in ministry to this day.

In those days, “soul-winning" permeated almost all preaching, church singing, Sunday School lessons, testimonies and every phase of life in the Church of God. People prayed for lost souls. People wept in compassion for "lost" friends and relatives. Some people fasted asking the Lord to place a strong burden for souls on them.

"The soul that sins shall die"...(Ezekiel 18:20

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise" (Proverbs 11:30).

"For what is a man profited if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26).

"Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28)

Nearly every prayer request time included "Please pray for my children or husband that they will come to know the Lord." Almost every worship service ended with an Altar Call. Church was a soul-saving station.

“It’s time to make things right with God,” preachers would declare. “Jesus is coming back. Don’t let Him come and you be found ‘wanting.’ Get off the Broadway of sin that leads to destruction. Come walk the straight and narrow path with us to Heaven.

Come to Him now while you still can. Come now while the Spirit is still tugging at your heart."

Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in unto him and sup (dine) with Him, and he with me” ( Revelation 3:20 KJV).

Listen friend, somebody is knocking. Can you hear it? It’s Jesus whispering, “Come unto me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest” [/i](Matthew 11:28).

Don’t harden your heart against precious Jesus. Look up there on that hill called Calvary. It became a mountain of suffering for kind and loving Jesus. He never hurt anybody. Everywhere He went He was healing and helping somebody. He did not deserve to be on that cruel Cross.

Jesus was not nailed there because He did wrong. He was there because of His love for us. Your sins and mine nailed Him there. Don’t turn your eyes away. Look at the spear-wound in His side. He did that for you and me.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus suffering there on that cruel and rugged Cross. Only the most hardened-of-hearts can look upon His suffering, view His precious blood dripping down, and turn away.

Only the hardest of hearts will say, “Jesus, I know they beat Your back bloody. I know they ripped out Your beard, and soldiers gambled for Your garments. I know they threw You down on that horrible wooden Cross. They hammered great nails into Your hands and feet.

Jesus, I know You cried out in agony as the pain crashed through Your body nervous system. I know You did it all for me; suffered and died in my place. But Jesus, right now I’m really busy. I have other plans."

Oh, don’t turn away. Look upon the Lord nailed there on the middle Cross between two thieves, “like a Rose between two thorns.

Now is your time. This is the Day of Salvation. The convicting Spirit of God is present in this place. Come while you still can. All the way back in the Book of Genesis, God warned us, “The Spirit of God shall not always strive (contend with or put up with) man” (Genesis 6:3)”

Oh, please don’t wait until it is too late. The Spirit of God will not always deal with man. Please don’t die and slip out into eternity without God in your life.”

“Eternity is too long to get it wrong.”

All during the Altar Call, music was playing, or people at church were singing “white-knuckle songs.” Some resisted the Altar Invitation until their knuckles were white from gripping the bench-back in front of them. As Spirit-inspired “conviction,” (a word seldom heard anymore) gripped our hearts, many thousands of us made our way to an altar of prayer.

Music has changed
dramatically over the years. Some of the new music is excellent and inspiring. However, when Carl and many of us were growing up, some of the following songs were often sung or played at Altar Invitations.

Many of we not-so-young-anymore-preachers came to the Altar while one of these were being played. They not only called for us to respond, but also for us to win others.

SOFTLY AND TENDERLY Jesus is calling
Calling for you and for me
See on the portals He is waiting and watching
Watching for you and for me.
Alan Jackson

Come home, Come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly, tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling O sinner come home.

JUST AS I AM, without one plea
But that Thy blood was shed for me
And that you bid me come to Thee
O Lamb of God, I come! I come!
Billy Graham Choir

Souls are crying, men are dying
Won’t you lead them to the Cross
Go and find them, help to win them
Win the lost at any cost.
John Starnes

Go out and win, rescue from sin
Days almost done, low sinks the sun
Souls are crying, men are dying
Win the lost at any cost.

John Starnes is a great singer. However, in this writer’s opinion, nobody ever sang “Win The Lost At Any Cost” with more compassion and Spirit-moving, than Paul Hinson once did at a Church of God General Assembly.

If you tuned in to WCKY Radio Cincinnati, you may have heard Don and Earl from Knoxville, TN singing “Wait A Little Longer Please Jesus.”

”Wait A Little Longer Please Jesus.”
There’s so many still wondering out in sin.
Wait a little longer please Jesus.
A few more days to get our loved ones in.”

From nine years old, Carl had a passion for winning people to Christ. Ultimately, few people in the history of the Church of God International, headquartered in Cleveland, TN., preached to more people in person or through media, than Carl Richardson. This homegrown boy of God, grew into a Man of God, within the Church of God.

Not only was Carl nurtured by of our precious Lord Jesus and his devoted Mother, but by the Church of God too. Its members had contributed tithes and offerings. That made it possible to begin churches, develop ministers and place them as a supportive faith community where Carl, and thousands of other young people, drew Godly encouragement.

It was Church of God ministers and churches that gave Carl the opportunity to sing, to play his trumpet, to preach his first sermon. It was within the Church of God that he developed in spirit and abilities. It was within our churches that his “burden for souls” was enhanced. It was Church of God ministers who invited him to preach revivals as a very young evangelist.

Within the framework of his home denomination, he was promoted to pastor the prestigious Lake Wire, Florida Church of God when he was 24. It was the Church of God that provided him the opportunity to be Florida State Evangelism Director when he was 28, and then Director and Speaker of “Forward In Faith”at 31 years old.

His personal salary came directly from tithes, offerings and special donations from Church of God ministers and members. And Carl honored them, honored us, by living a dedicated life. His leadership helped we Church of God people feel part of his ministry and outreach to the “lost and the least.” We supported him, and he supported us.

Carl was totally dedicated. He was in a continuous pursuit of excellence in ministry. Backing him up was support from Church of God ministers and members

Carl and his team of Al Taylor, Jerry Noble, Fred Mercer and this writer, began to reach beyond the borders of the denomination. Also, Henry Bud Robinson and Leland Smelzer were key participants.

Leland excels in video production, editing and other media features. On behalf of the Lord's work, the Church of God and Carl's ministry, Leland has lugged heavy production equipment all over the world. He is a quiet person and works without notoriety but his contribution has been invaluable.

Also working mostly behind the scenes, Paul David Richardson, Carl's son, has been an indispensable asset to the Lord's work; a crucial and vital role through the years.

Carl and his team proposed to go where no other Church of God outreach had gone before. With the Lord's guidance, Church of God support and Carl's leadership, we (Church of God members and ministers) did just that. It was a team effort and a phenomenal time of outreach.

On two different occasions, Carl Richardson was the guest preacher at meetings of over 40,000 in attendance. One was when he and Reinhart Bonnke were featured speakers at “The International Conference on the Holy Spirit.” In India, he preached to 35,000 every night; also thousands in the Philippines.

The Full Gospel Churches in South Africa invited Carl to be the guest Evangelist for their “20th Century Conference on The Holy Spirit.” Held in Durban, South Africa, it was the culmination of massive evangelism rallies throughout the country.

On Pentecost Sunday, there were over 40,000 in attendance. Slightly more than 1,000 filled out cards stating they received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with Speaking In Tongues.


In San Juan, Puerto Rico, at Roberto Clemente Coliseum, Carl, with Victor Pagan (PA-GON) interpreting, inspired 12,000 Church of God members and evangelism workers. Over 2,000 responded to the altar invitation.

Plus, as Director of Forward In Faith, the Church of God Media Ministries, Carl was regularly on over 500 radio stations for 12 years.
There were some small, local stations too, but Carl concentrated the outreach to the super-power, clear-channel multi-directional (broadcasting in all directions) stations like WCKY Cincinnati, WSM Nashville (the home of country music), and numerous other 50,000 Watt stations around the nation.

He said, “It exhausted us physically and financially to continuously raise the funding to stay on those massive stations, but the response was tremendous.”

In addition, Carl, Al Taylor, Jerry Nobel and Fred Mercer led the way in raising the funding, producing, and broadcasting four nation-wide TV specials. Many, many Church of God ministers and local church members gave offerings to help make it possible.

Thousands of Church of God people either participated in or attended the nationwide TV specials. This was especially true of “Freedom Celebration” when they packed out Constitution Hall, and “Washington for Jesus” when large crowds gathered outside the White House.

There was “New World Coming, Freedom Celebration, 20th Century Day of Pentecost,” and “Washington For Jesus” which included a meeting between Carl and Ronald Reagan.

Carl and James Kennedywere chosen by the National Religious Broadcasters, NRB, to meet with then Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan. They were to determine what the potential President felt about religious freedom. All totaled, Carl served on the NRB Board of Directors for 30 years.


When he accepted Christ at nine years old, Carl Richardson set two priorities. One was to be a preacher and the other was to be a soul-winner. Both priorities set the path, and the pattern for successful ministry he continues to walk these many years later.

To Be Continued

The largest room in the world is the room for improvement.
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5/23/20 10:35 pm

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Post Preacher777
Doyle, thank you for posting this informative and excellent post. I agree on the difference in the present churches attitude towards souls and intercessory prayer as compared to former days.

Last edited by Preacher777 on 5/26/20 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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5/26/20 5:38 am

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Post Carl Richardson - Hall of Prophets at PTS John V. Morgan
After reading with interest the recent postings about the life and ministry of Carl Richardson, I contacted Doyle to make him aware of an initiative to induct Carl and Beverly Richardson into the Hall of Prophets at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary. He has graciously allowed me to share the information here in the event that some of you might want to make a contribution to honor and celebrate the life and ministry of this great couple. This is the the body of the letter that was sent to solicit donations:

Christian Greetings!

I’m writing to share with you some exiting news. Our friends, Carl and Beverly Richardson have been nominated for induction into the Pentecostal Theological Seminary Hall of Prophets. Induction to the Hall of Prophets is a high honor reserved for credentialed ministers whose service to the Church of God and the Kingdom has been meritorious, having contributed a major portion of their life to full time, significant ministry.

Since the age of 15 Carl has devoted himself for the last 65 years to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In every capacity in which he has served, Carl has demonstrated a passion for souls and a commitment to excellence. Carl served a total of 14 years on the Executive Council of the Church of God, was the director and speaker for the official radio ministry of the Church of God, Forward In Faith for 12 years, was the driving force and speaker for the television specials, New World Coming, Freedom Celebration, and 20th Century Day of Pentecost, and the featured speaker at Washington For Jesus. Since 1984, Carl and Beverly have led Beyond Borders Ministries that has taken the gospel around the world through crusades, conferences on care, benevolence programs, church plants, schools of ministry, and construction of ministry facilities. In addition to his work with the Church of God, Carl represented the church at the National Religious Broadcasters, serving on the Board of Directors for 12 years. He was a founding member and co-chairman of the Ethics and Financial Integrity Commission of NRB, and was the official press spokesman for NRB for 8 years. Even today, though unable to travel and be as physically active because of declining health, Carl and Beverly maintain an active role in assisting ministries through mentoring and providing financial support and resource materials in places as diverse as South Africa and China. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this honor than these faithful servants of God who have been true pioneers of the faith.

To establish a Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund, $25,000 is raised in the name of the honoree. Because of your love for the Richardson’s, you are being contacted to partner with us in training men and women to spread the Gospel and reap the Harvest for Jesus Christ. Your generous gift will help to provide scholarship funds for PTS students who will be Christ’s hands extended to touch lives around the world and sustain the legacy of Carl and Beverly Richardson.

To make a donation to the Carl & Beverly Richardson Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund, there are several options: (1) mail a check made payable to the Carl & Beverly Richardson Hall of Prophets Scholarship Fund to Pentecostal Theological Seminary, P.O. Box 3330, Cleveland, TN 37320-9810, (2) call Liz at 423.478.7728 to make a credit card payment, (3) go to and click on giving opportunities then endowments to donate through PayPal. (On the final step in PayPal, indicate the Richardson Hall of Prophets Endowment in “Special Instructions.”)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Kathy Anderson (423-478-7707), Administrative Assistant in the Office of the President at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

Thank you for joining with us in honoring our friends, Carl and Beverly Richardson.


Dr. Mark L. Williams, Lead Pastor
North Cleveland Church of God
Cleveland, TN

John V. Morgan, Lead Pastor
Restoration Church
Jacksonville, FL
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5/26/20 3:02 pm

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