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Roy Moore 11 points ahead, and now...........(L)
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Post Roy Moore 11 points ahead, and now...........(L) Resident Skeptic

Accused of sexual conduct against a minor.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/9/17 1:14 pm

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Post Roy Moore Change Agent
You can't keep your sins hidden, if if they are old. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
11/9/17 2:10 pm

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Post UncleJD
If this is true, then I hope its proven. However, the statute of limitations ran out on this 30 years ago and there's been nothing until now? I just don't know. Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/9/17 2:13 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I hope this isn’t true. I really like Moore. If true, he ought to go down in flames. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/9/17 3:03 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Herman Cain 2.0

This is McConnell and the RINO's going after a real conservative while ignoring the left's sex and corruption scandals. I hope Trump does burn the GOP to the ground. What a bunch of losers.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/9/17 3:52 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
I'm not sure what makes me angrier, people automatically dismissing the allegations for political reasons or someone like McCain saying the allegation alone is automatically disqualifying. They're probably about equal. In both cases, justice takes a backseat to politics or appearance. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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11/9/17 4:09 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
I'm not sure what makes me angrier, people automatically dismissing the allegations for political reasons or someone like McCain saying the allegation alone is automatically disqualifying. They're probably about equal. In both cases, justice takes a backseat to politics or appearance.

So you have no gut feeling one way or another about this?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/9/17 4:41 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Resident Skeptic wrote:
So you have no gut feeling one way or another about this?

I have a very strong gut feeling about this. The accusers (there were more than one) and their accusations should be taken seriously, and Moore should be presumed innocent until demonstrated otherwise.
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11/9/17 4:45 pm

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
So you have no gut feeling one way or another about this?

I have a very strong gut feeling about this. The accusers (there were more than one) and their accusations should be taken seriously, and Moore should be presumed innocent until demonstrated otherwise.

Open your eyes....
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/9/17 6:16 pm

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Post Re: Roy Moore 11 points ahead, and now...........(L) diakoneo
Resident Skeptic wrote:

Accused of sexual conduct against a minor.

At first I was shocked but then I thought...

Republican dirty tricks

I know, I vote republican but I am sorry this stinks to high heaven

The woman who accused him of doing this is 53 years old now. There have been several political races during Roy Moore's career and nothing has been said til NOW. If he did it, with all of the things he has done to get national attention. Being removed from office TWICE...Why NOW! Timing is everything...

Roy Moore beat another Republican who was put into office by an Alabama governor on the verge of impeachment. That man was the Attorney General of Alabama Luther Strange. A lot of people saw it as a quid pro quo deal. The governor eventually resigned. The Washington establishment wanted Luther Strange not Roy Moore. Alabama chose Moore not because he was the better candidate but because of the shenanigans that got Strange (who was appointed to take Jeff Sessions place) into office.

And now this!
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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11/9/17 10:11 pm

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Post bonnie knox
The woman who accused him of doing this is 53 years old now. There have been several political races during Roy Moore's career and nothing has been said til NOW. If he did it, with all of the things he has done to get national attention. Being removed from office TWICE...Why NOW! Timing is everything...

The timing has to do with the Washington Post seeking out the story. According to them, Leigh Corfman was reluctant to tell her story. At this point, unless Moore confesses, the only "proof" to be had is the word of Corfman and the witnesses who say she told them years ago about what happened.
It is not unusual at all for people who have experienced something like what was alleged to have happened to wait a long time to come forward with it. It is indeed a political problem for Moore, but just because his opponents might be advantaged by a scandal, that doesn't mean that this is some sort of "vast rino-winged conspiracy."
Right now, Moore is blaming it on "evil forces." Is he saying that Corfman is lying? If so, what parts of her story is she lying about? And what about what the other women are saying?
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Posts: 14803
11/9/17 10:28 pm

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Post Quiet Wyatt
I have to say, as one who has unfortunately had to do some research into the issue of sexual harassment while working for our local small-town newspaper recently, I have been absolutely stunned by what I have found and how often this sort of thing apparently happens. Sexual harassment in Hollywood is the big focus most recently, but it seems there will be no let-up on this issue for some time now, thankfully. Some guys who are in power over women have been letting their carnal impulses guide them for so long, it’s as if they have no boundaries. Somebody apparently forgot to tell these scumbags (the ones who actually are guilty are scumbags; not the merely accused) that you can’t just do whatever you feel like doing whenever you feel like doing it. That’s what beasts do. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 12817
11/9/17 11:30 pm

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Post Re: Roy Moore 11 points ahead, and now...........(L) Dave Dorsey
diakoneo wrote:
If he did it, with all of the things he has done to get national attention. Being removed from office TWICE...Why NOW! Timing is everything...

Why would a woman expose herself to the potential for shame and counter-attack when her attacker is being removed from office? It's not worth it for a guy who is already on his way out. It does make sense that she would come out now, when he is on the verge of assuming higher office.

That doesn't make her claim true and that doesn't make Moore guilty, but I don't get just totally discarding someone's claim. We know it's incredibly common for women to go decades without reporting something, so none of these things are discrediting. The Post had something like 30 people claiming she told them about it long ago. Again, that doesn't make the claim true and it doesn't make Moore guilty, but I don't get how people who are ostensibly interested in holding criminals accountable just want to plug their ears when accusations are made against someone they like. Nor do I get people who want to consider people guilty the second an accusation is made against them.
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11/10/17 4:30 am

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Post bonnie knox
Dave, I think the 30 was how many people were interviewed for the entire story, not just those who could corroborate Corfman's account (if I'm remembering correctly without going back to check).
Also, as far as the timing, she said she had not come out with the story publicly previously because her kids were still in school and she was afraid of the repercussions for them.
But the telling the thing, is when a person, rather than saying, "No, he never dated her nor had contact with her," says, "Well, her story can't be true because we would have heard about it before now."
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11/10/17 8:51 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Let's say a pastor had a member that was much more than a gossip, they were a true character assassin. Time and again this person had set out to destroy the reputation and life of one fellow-church member after another. Time and again their stories had been discredited and they were exposed to be a liar. If they came to you yet again with some horror story about another member, you would consider the source and brush it off.

I just described the Washington Post. This was one of their famous hit-pieces. They have been caught lying countless times. So, consider the source.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/10/17 8:57 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
bonnie knox wrote:
But the telling the thing, is when a person, rather than saying, "No, he never dated her nor had contact with her," says, "Well, her story can't be true because we would have heard about it before now."

Or "her story can't be true because the timing could affect a political race."

The left has an issue with automatically believing any allegation of sexual misconduct, and treating a woman's allegation as unquestionable truth. The right seems to have an issue with taking allegations seriously at all.
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11/10/17 10:03 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
Dave Dorsey wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
But the telling the thing, is when a person, rather than saying, "No, he never dated her nor had contact with her," says, "Well, her story can't be true because we would have heard about it before now."

Or "her story can't be true because the timing could affect a political race."

The left has an issue with automatically believing any allegation of sexual misconduct, and treating a woman's allegation as unquestionable truth. The right seems to have an issue with taking allegations seriously at all.

Let's say it happened. If she had been in an affair with a liberal Democrat, she most likely would never tell because of her own ideological bent, and the Post would not run the story anyway. So, pardon me if I just don't see the need to crucify Moore over something that MAYBE happened almost 40 years ago, especially during a civil war. There are countries even today where 14 is considered adulthood and girls of that age marry men of 30. That was even the case once upon a time in America. I was 29 when I married and still a virgin. There were plenty of girls under 18 trying to go out with me, with their parents approval. Had I ended up morally failing with a 16 year old young woman, I do not think that would make me a pedophile. 14? Still not pedophilia, but definitely statutory rape. I had a friend whose life was ruined because when he was 27 he had sex with a 16 year old, twenty years ago. He still has to register as a sex offender. Something about that does not seem right.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/10/17 10:43 am

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Post UncleJD
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
But the telling the thing, is when a person, rather than saying, "No, he never dated her nor had contact with her," says, "Well, her story can't be true because we would have heard about it before now."

Or "her story can't be true because the timing could affect a political race."

The left has an issue with automatically believing any allegation of sexual misconduct, and treating a woman's allegation as unquestionable truth. The right seems to have an issue with taking allegations seriously at all.

Let's say it happened. If she had been in an affair with a liberal Democrat, she most likely would never tell because of her own ideological bent, and the Post would not run the story anyway. So, pardon me if I just don't see the need to crucify Moore over something that MAYBE happened almost 40 years ago, especially during a civil war. There are countries even today where 14 is considered adulthood and girls of that age marry men of 30. That was even the case once upon a time in America. I was 29 when I married and still a virgin. There were plenty of girls under 18 trying to go out with me, with their parents approval. Had I ended up morally failing with a 16 year old young woman, I do not think that would make me a pedophile. 14? Still not pedophilia, but definitely statutory rape. I had a friend whose life was ruined because when he was 27 he had sex with a 16 year old, twenty years ago. He still has to register as a sex offender. Something about that does not seem right.

Ouch, that needs a lot of unpacking but I'll go on the record to say that I think a 30+ politician fondling a 14 year-old IS pedophilia. I hope it didn't happen for both politics sake and the sake of a 14-year-old girl being taken advantage of. If it did not, then I hope the conspiracy of accusation is held accountable. If it did happen, then he should step down.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
11/10/17 11:03 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
UncleJD wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
bonnie knox wrote:
But the telling the thing, is when a person, rather than saying, "No, he never dated her nor had contact with her," says, "Well, her story can't be true because we would have heard about it before now."

Or "her story can't be true because the timing could affect a political race."

The left has an issue with automatically believing any allegation of sexual misconduct, and treating a woman's allegation as unquestionable truth. The right seems to have an issue with taking allegations seriously at all.

Let's say it happened. If she had been in an affair with a liberal Democrat, she most likely would never tell because of her own ideological bent, and the Post would not run the story anyway. So, pardon me if I just don't see the need to crucify Moore over something that MAYBE happened almost 40 years ago, especially during a civil war. There are countries even today where 14 is considered adulthood and girls of that age marry men of 30. That was even the case once upon a time in America. I was 29 when I married and still a virgin. There were plenty of girls under 18 trying to go out with me, with their parents approval. Had I ended up morally failing with a 16 year old young woman, I do not think that would make me a pedophile. 14? Still not pedophilia, but definitely statutory rape. I had a friend whose life was ruined because when he was 27 he had sex with a 16 year old, twenty years ago. He still has to register as a sex offender. Something about that does not seem right.

Ouch, that needs a lot of unpacking but I'll go on the record to say that I think a 30+ politician fondling a 14 year-old IS pedophilia. I hope it didn't happen for both politics sake and the sake of a 14-year-old girl being taken advantage of. If it did not, then I hope the conspiracy of accusation is held accountable. If it did happen, then he should step down.

It is most definitely a serious matter. However, up to the 1990's, 14 was the legal age of consent in Texas. I believe that has been revised.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
11/10/17 11:11 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
UncleJD wrote:
Ouch, that needs a lot of unpacking but I'll go on the record to say that I think a 30+ politician fondling a 14 year-old IS pedophilia. I hope it didn't happen for both politics sake and the sake of a 14-year-old girl being taken advantage of. If it did not, then I hope the conspiracy of accusation is held accountable. If it did happen, then he should step down.

This is the state of the pro-Trump right. It's one thing to say "this allegation is not credible and should be ignored." I disagree with that position. I think it's a wrong position. But I don't think it's an insane position.

But, "So what if it did happen? So what if he did sexually assault a 14 year old forty years ago?" -- wow, that's something else entirely, but that's where we find ourselves.
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11/10/17 11:53 am

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