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I appreciate any information-advice about electronic church signs Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I appreciate any information-advice about electronic church signs Preacher777
Can anybody offer suggestions about what to look for, where to buy, price ranges and anything else about electronic church signs? I did a Google search as a start and received a lot of information. It helps to get advice from people who either have the knowledge or already bought one without leaning so much on the businesses selling them. Friendly Face
Posts: 434
7/17/19 11:43 am

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Post Buy Local FG Minister
I would advise you approach a local sign company because you will need service as the years progress. National companies are a bit less expensive, but you'll pay in the long term. There will be ordinances in your community as to what is allowed. Some residential areas only allow amber colored displays; commercial areas will allow full color. We made the mistake of getting a sign that has limited program-ability. Get a sign that can be updated as new software becomes available. We also have a thermometer connected to our sign so we display the temp. Everybody loves that! Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
7/18/19 7:33 am

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Post Re: I appreciate any information-advice about electronic church signs skinnybishop
quote="Preacher777"]Can anybody offer suggestions about what to look for, where to buy, price ranges and anything else about electronic church signs? I did a Google search as a start and received a lot of information. It helps to get advice from people who either have the knowledge or already bought one without leaning so much on the businesses selling them.[/quote]

We are in the process of purchasing an electronic sign now. We have put down the required deposit and are waiting for installation.

My thoughts:

FG's advice is sound. Deal with a reputable local company. There are many large companies that do a great job. But, in my opinion, it is just easier to work with a local business, over the course of the entire matter. Service, communication, installation....all are easier with someone from your area.

I had an elder help with the process. He was responsible for securing bids for consideration. He got 4 "apples to apples" quotes. Three were local, one was Stewart Signs, from Florida.

There was about $6,000 difference between the low and high bid.

The "sign portion" (part with our church name) is 3.5' tall x 9.5 wide
The "electronic part" (message center) is roughly the same
The total height is 12 feet.

The total cost for sign, installation, and removal of old sign was $22,000 and change.

Expect 6-8 weeks from order to installation
Eddie Wiggins
Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1055
7/18/19 9:07 am

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Post Preacher777
Thanks to both of you for this help. Friendly Face
Posts: 434
7/18/19 7:22 pm

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Post Cojak
I had no idea of a price range of these things. The early ones were sorta tacky, but I do like the newer ones, They seem to be so flexible. They are very good eye catchers that is for sure. I think it is great when a church can afford it. Great way for announcements even a Word of the day.
I can understand the temperature interest, I like that addition. That becomes a part of anyone's day that passes it, I know that just from my passing one. They can be a great addition, that is for sure. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
7/18/19 9:06 pm

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Post Re: Buy Local Resident Skeptic
FG Minister wrote:
I would advise you approach a local sign company because you will need service as the years progress. National companies are a bit less expensive, but you'll pay in the long term. There will be ordinances in your community as to what is allowed. Some residential areas only allow amber colored displays; commercial areas will allow full color. We made the mistake of getting a sign that has limited program-ability. Get a sign that can be updated as new software becomes available. We also have a thermometer connected to our sign so we display the temp. Everybody loves that!

This is great advice. We are trying to help a metro church in the central highlands of Mexico to get a good electronic sign. However, buying local is not an option and long-term service and upgrade of the sign are areas of concern.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
7/19/19 6:26 am

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