Over the years, probably like you, I've heard many prophecy sermons. Some of them have identified "Persia" (Iran) and "Gomer" (possibly Germany or Russia) as participants at Armageddon. Some articles claim that Iranians are not Arabs. They are Persian in origin.
Is there Scripture that you are aware of that specifically identifies Russia as a participant at Armageddon? Or, is Russia simply included where Scripture says "All the kings of the earth" will gather there?
Armageddon is only mentioned once in Scripture and that is in Revelation 16:16. The indication is that Armageddon is far more than just a battle for the survival of Israel. It also includes massive spiritual conflict between the forces of the Anti-Christ and God.
I'm obviously no End Times scholar so feel free to set me straight about what Scripture says is going to happen.
Doyle _________________ The largest room in the world is the room for improvement. |
Acts-celerate Owner Posts: 6957 10/24/19 9:47 am