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The Family - Spiritual Wickedness in High Places - Netflix Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post The Family - Spiritual Wickedness in High Places - Netflix MI6
t’s been one of the fundamental quandries of the presidency of Donald J. Trump: How can a man so overtly dedicated to the banality of evil still retain widespread support among Christians?

This is the question that Netflix’s newest harrowing documentary, “The Family,” attempts to answer over five episodes. Directed by Jesse Moss (“The Overnighters”) and produced by Alex Gibney’s Jigsaw Films, the limited series is based on the non-fiction investigations “The Family” and “C Street” written by Dartmouth College journalism professor and religious scholar Jeff Sharlet. And while the answer isn’t presented as cut-and-dry as it could be, “The Family” is a profoundly troubling examination of the theocracy that wields power behind-the-scenes in Washington D.C.

The Family, officially The Fellowship Foundation, is an aggregation of non-profit organizations that ostensibly work to spread the word and adhere to the teachings of Jesus. As Sharlet revealed in his books and as Moss expands on in “The Family,” however, there is a very thin line between evangelizing the work of Jesus and seeking access to those in power through spiritual obligation.

Watch all of the episodes. The first 2 are enough to understand that something very evil is happening in Washington DC in the name of Jesus.
Friendly Face
Posts: 140
8/11/19 8:37 am

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Post Re: The Family - Spiritual Wickedness in High Places - Netflix UncleJD
MI6 wrote:
. The first 2 are enough to understand that something very evil is happening in Washington DC in the name of Jesus.

Fake news, but the true evil "in the name of Jesus" got under-way from 2008 - 2016. I learned this in 8 years of a so-called Christian president Obama who moved the country from a post-9/11 semi-revival of faith (remember all the "God Bless America" that was going on then), to an LGBT and sexual perversion-dominated government and media, to a society that worships death and perversion, to so-called Christians who will march with vagina-hats demanding more and more infaticide, to reversal of the accepted definition of marriage, to an open preference of a demonic Islamic religion over Christianity. I could go on and on. I think we've seen enough without watching another TDS infected, anti-Christian drivel. Sorry, I will not watch it. I've seen enough already. I'm sick to death of the anti-Christ running this and the rest of so-called "entertainment" and news industry (they are one in the same now). This is more fake-news and "deflection' at its finest.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/11/19 11:10 am

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Post Netflix Change Agent
Thanks for the post M16. Will not stick my head in the sand during times like this. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
8/11/19 11:43 am

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Post Re: Netflix UncleJD
Change Agent wrote:
Thanks for the post M16. Will not stick my head in the sand during times like this.

good, me either. Its clear what is going on. Netfixed will make money off their anti-Christ lies and TDS while the mindless feed on their hatred as they look for their final-solution for the Christian question.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/11/19 2:03 pm

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I have researched every story - they all check out.
Sure- there is some anti-Christian comments and sarcasm ... but this story is real.
Do not get caught up in the Guilt by Association stream of the story - just look at the facts that are presented.

Only a person that has not watched the program and then researched the story would call it FAKE.
Friendly Face
Posts: 140
8/11/19 4:13 pm

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Post UncleJD
At which point can I stop watching every new leftist, anti-Christ, TDS drivel that comes out then? Sorry, no longer interested, its ALL fake news. The great liar Obama was the real problem with fake Christianity. Just because they have some people on a video that are real people who don't get out into the news on a daily basis doesn't mean that CNN and Hillary are right about their "VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY" wack-a-doo. She's a liar and its still FAKE. But consider this. IF there is a "vast right-wing conspiracy", Its TERRIBLE. Losing big time to the VASTER left-wing conspiracy, that lied to enough people to get votes for Obama ("I'm a Christian", "I believe in Biblical Marriage between a man and woman", blah-blah-blah, "Here, I'll sing Amazing Grace"), then used the judicial branch to reverse nearly every law we have based on Biblical morality. Left-Wing Conspiracy 100 - Right-Wing - 0 Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/11/19 10:59 pm

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Post diakoneo

That is where Christians are supposed to go to get the truth, eh?

ROFL ROFL ROFL Laughing Laughing
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3382
8/12/19 5:25 am

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Post Link
I saw the trailer only. Just based on that, it did not seem to be a particularly bad organization....maybe some Christians trying to influence government officials toward godliness and reasonable ethical political stances. Just guessing here, though.

I could see why left-wing atheists would find this alarming, though. Did the documentary show anything bad about this group?
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
8/13/19 11:08 pm

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Post UncleJD
Link wrote:
I saw the trailer only. Just based on that, it did not seem to be a particularly bad organization....maybe some Christians trying to influence government officials toward godliness and reasonable ethical political stances. Just guessing here, though.

I could see why left-wing atheists would find this alarming, though. Did the documentary show anything bad about this group?

A for-profit, left-leaning company makes a "documentary" with some real names that can be "verified" and then uses that straw-man to tell the world about their Clintonian "Vast RightWing Conspiracy". There's nothing to see here, but if you believe in it, then tell me why this is the absolute WORST and most failed "conspiracy" of all time! What conservative Christian successes have there been to point to? Abolition of abortion? Gay marriage? Gay everything? Trans bathrooms? Repression of Christian speech and rights?
Its literally the WORST conspiracy of all time.

I remember the left accusing Billy Graham of being some mind-controlling cultist because he was trying to "control" the Presidents of the United States. Its all a bunch of lies that I have no desire to view, I won't boost their ratings and give them $ for lies and nonsense. BUT if it were true, does anyone have an address to send a check to? They sure need to do a better job.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
8/14/19 11:12 am

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Post Re: Netflix theedmister
Change Agent wrote:
Thanks for the post M16. Will not stick my head in the sand during times like this.

Where were you when Obama was purporting his false Christianity? I guess your head was in the sand. lol
Friendly Face
Posts: 231
8/14/19 4:28 pm

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Post Follow The Money MI6
With Family Members in Senate, House, FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ - it will be hard to follow the Money and the Connections of Doug & Tim Coe...
But we should ask questions...
Friendly Face
Posts: 140
8/14/19 6:57 pm

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Post The Family Change Agent
M16, thank you for posting this flim. Very scary. Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1449
9/9/19 6:09 pm

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Post Link
I saw probqbly most of one episode There was talk of some affairs among the people involved with the group. That was bad. But the group did not approve of it. It looked like the gelroup was trying to disciple politicians and council those who fall into sin.

The documentary tried to argue they were bad by pointing out they were ministering to the powerful quoting a preacher who said Jesus ministered to the poor without mentioning Jesus ministering to Nicodemas. Jairus' family, or reaching out to the rich young ruler.

They had a lawyer try ro argue that congressmen who rented anroom a lt C street were breaking ethics rupes by accepting gifts because they said you could not rent mroom for less theean 1200 in Washington. I suppose they shoild charge congressmen who get below market prices for other things like a 2 for 1 deal on burgers too.

The alleged evil I saw was their exposing affairs which the group was against.

Watching rthis makes me thankful there are.l some people trying to minister to our nation' ls leaders. Letus pray fir them.
Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11849
9/22/19 11:28 am

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