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Why did people paint their face black? Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Why did people paint their face black? Nature Boy Florida
It is understood that in the 1800s - white folks painted their faces black to make fun of blacks.

But why did people do it in the 1980s?

I never had any desire to do so.

I'm not pure here:
I confess I did get a Indian feather while in the Great Smoky Mountains - and wore it while I played on the Indian team in "Cowboys and Indians" - but I was heavily influenced by the TV stars of the day - but I didn't paint myself red.

I even spiked my hair in the 1980s and pretended to be a punk rocker - but that was it.

What was the appeal of blackface in the 80s and 90s and 2000s?
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2/7/19 8:06 am

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Post Re: Why did people paint their face black? UncleJD
Nature Boy Florida wrote:
It is understood that in the 1800s - white folks painted their faces black to make fun of blacks.

But why did people do it in the 1980s?

I never had any desire to do so.

I'm not pure here:
I confess I did get a Indian feather while in the Great Smoky Mountains - and wore it while I played on the Indian team in "Cowboys and Indians" - but I was heavily influenced by the TV stars of the day - but I didn't paint myself red.

I even spiked my hair in the 1980s and pretended to be a punk rocker - but that was it.

What was the appeal of blackface in the 80s and 90s and 2000s?

I'm sure it was just meant as humor, albeit in poor taste. I don't think its right to hold the past to the standards of the present, but it is good to look at it and say "how can we do better?". I personally don't think all these people should be ostricized and lose their jobs over it (assuming they apologize). The problem is, the left holds every conservative to the standard of "if you ever did it, you should lose everything", so they had better apply that standard to their own.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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2/7/19 9:43 am

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Post sheepdogandy
Al Jolson?


The Jazz Singer?
Charles A. Hutchins
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2/7/19 11:33 am

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Post Resident Skeptic
I've heard that some of the black face in the early days was due to the fact that blacks were barred from performing in white-only theatres. Thus, whites had to play the part of black characters.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
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2/8/19 10:41 am

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Post Surely intent matters... Aaron Scott
Fallon, Kimmel, Downey, and others have done blackface in skits or movies. Apparently, it is mainly directed at conservatives (except in the case in Virginia where, apparently, no one notified the "I'm Outraged, Inc." that the governor was a liberal).

The good news is that eventually people are going to get so sick of being called a racist or sexist for otherwise innocent behavior that all of this will lose its punch. In fact, "racism" is already losing its punch. In the past, if you were called a racist, it meant something serious. Today? Not so much. Since just about anything that can be conceived as racist will be called racist. So it's losing its effect.

At the same time, some of the nation's biggest celebrities and athletes are/were black. I can absolutely understand why someone might have dressed up in blackface to emulate Michael Jordan at a costume party--or Michael Jackson, etc. If the intent is to do so because of one's esteem for a person, that seems to be a different thing that should not fall under the blanket of "racism."

Same with the Redskins and Seminoles. They are called these names NOT as a slight to Indians, but as recognition of their noble attributes, warrior heritage, etc. That seems to be a net positive in my thinking. But there is always going to be a vocal minority that will never shut up about it...until eventually, they have messed it up for everyone.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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2/8/19 12:52 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
I did it for Halloween when I was in college. I went as a football player who happened to be black. It never occurred to me that it could have been offensive. In fact, I thought that the player would have been flattered. No pictures. Thankfully. Acts-pert Poster
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2/8/19 1:06 pm

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Post Nature Boy Florida
Eddie Robbins wrote:
I did it for Halloween when I was in college. I went as a football player who happened to be black. It never occurred to me that it could have been offensive. In fact, I thought that the player would have been flattered. No pictures. Thankfully.

Mods - if Eddie is republican - this is a disqualification. Please ban him.

If democrat - no harm no foul.

If anything else - no one cares.
Whether you like it or not, learn to love it, because its the best thing going today!
Acts-pert Poster
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2/8/19 1:11 pm

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Post Eddie Robbins
No one cares! Acts-pert Poster
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2/8/19 2:19 pm

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Post I never did black face roughridercog
But I did get a fro.

How about you?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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2/13/19 7:15 am

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Post Recently, I saw a "mime" ministry ... Mat
Recently, I saw a mime/dance ministry where an African-American young lady painted her face white. Its time to stop cultural appropriation by all sides. I think its foolish for missionaries to wear African robes and for African-Americans to play "Jefferson" and cast on Broadway. I don't like white rappers, nor black bluegrass/country singers. I do not dress up as a Native-American and I don't like to see Native-Americans dressed like Europeans. Come on, what's theirs is theirs and what's ours is ours. So as the kid said, "stay off my property."


PS Just taking the argument to the extreme.
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2/13/19 8:48 am

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Post Re: I never did black face diakoneo
roughridercog wrote:
But I did get a fro.

How about you?

Yes, I did... Embarassed
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
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2/13/19 10:30 pm

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Post Carolyn Smith
I remember my parents talking about a vaudeville show put on here locally in the 60s in which some of the wealthier citizens performed in blackface. In polite white society, it was considered an acceptable form of entertainment. I imagine it was pretty racist and bigoted, but in the South at that time, no one thought anything of it.

Doesn't make it right, of course. It's interesting that a perspective that was commonly held at that time has changed so radically. And that is a good thing, though I think the whole "I'm offended" wagon has gone way off the tracks. it is good we are working towards respecting all men & women, but we need to use a little common sense, too.
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2/14/19 9:19 pm

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