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If you had to get a mark in your LEFT hand to buy or sell...
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Post If you had to get a mark in your LEFT hand to buy or sell... Aaron Scott
Would you do it?

I think the question is whether it is really the Mark of the Beast if it is not in your forehead or RIGHT hand?

As you know, Sweden is putting chip implants in citizens' hands (it was the left hand in the picture I saw).

Also, I am often surprised that people think that MARK of the Beast is the NUMBER of the Beast. As best I can tell, they could be very different things.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/15/19 10:53 am

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Post Re: If you had to get a mark in your LEFT hand to buy or sell... Dave Dorsey
Aaron Scott wrote:
As you know, Sweden is putting chip implants in citizens' hands (it was the left hand in the picture I saw).

I found this hard to believe, but here is a source for it!

At least they were thoughtful enough to use the left hand. Shocked

I like having my phone connected to my credit card and being able to use mobile pay. That's about as convenient as I need for things to get, thank you very much.
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Posts: 13654
7/15/19 11:03 am

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Post Tom Sterbens actually posed the idea that the mark has already come... caseyleejones
He did it quite convincingly with scripture. I would like to hear him again on this, but then again it is Monday and 11 am so he might be still in bed.... or at least that’s what I hear pastors do on Mondays after a day of preaching. 😂

Anyway, I’m not sure if I still hold the traditional view of having a little mark on your fore-head or right hand.
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7/15/19 11:12 am

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Post Re: Tom Sterbens actually posed the idea that the mark has already come... Dave Dorsey
caseyleejones wrote:
Anyway, I’m not sure if I still hold the traditional view of having a little mark on your fore-head or right hand.

Does your current view of eschatology fit into any of the broad categories? I have become pretty amillennial over the last few years, though I have to be honest that I'm not sure what the amil take on the mark is.

For those who hold to a literal mark (definitely an understandable interpretation of the text), I wonder if they also hold a literal seal/name being written on the foreheads of the people of God (Rev 7:3-8; 14:1; 22:4).
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Posts: 13654
7/15/19 11:14 am

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Post The mark and the number is much more famousflavius
The mark of the beast will look like a cube inside of a cube inside of a cube. Six sides, six sides, six sides. It wont be bitcoin but it is a form cryptocurrency that will be used when the world begins to use the one world monetary system.

People think the RAchip insert is the mark but chips are not necessary anymore. We can now merge a mark into the skin visibly or with uv magnetic ink into the skin in various shapes like a tattoo. This literal mark can hold all data necessary to fulfill the requirements of the biblical mark. It will not only be a multidimensional mark but will integrate your DNA into the system. You will become part of the system.

People are so blinded by this and think it is the best thing since slice bread but they are being lead like sheep to the slaughter.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
7/15/19 11:18 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Shocked [Insert Acts Pun Here]
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7/15/19 11:19 am

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Post Tech and a mark (L) famousflavius
Here is a video that shows where tech and a mark are headed. This video is a year old so some of it has been outdated. The newest tech will blow your mind. A bio tattoo can rad your health vitals, your bank account, where you travel and everything you do. With the internet of things, they can track what you eat, when you sleep, everything. If you get the mark of the beast you become property of the beast. Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
7/15/19 11:45 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
How can you be so certain?

Like, I can't refute or disagree with anything you're saying. None of us know. But the total factual certainty with which you're communicating what the mark is/will be seems a little unwarranted.

Are you just proposing a theory and I'm misreading it?
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Posts: 13654
7/15/19 11:54 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Also, how can a cryptocurrency have a shape? What does it mean to be a cube in a cube in a cube?

And -- serious question -- will the people of God also have a cryptocurrency/bio tattoo that bears God's name? (Rev 7:3-8; 14:1; 22:4)
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Posts: 13654
7/15/19 11:56 am

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Post I am serious and certain famousflavius
You have to think multidimensional. Crypto currency has a shape on the quantum level just like everything else. DNA has a shape you have to look deeper to see it. The quantum computer thinks using multiple variables not simply using 1s and 0s like a traditional computer.

A beast must be fed, functions with cosmic indifference and must be controlled to be useful. I contend that the beast is an AI quantum computer ruled by the Anti-christ. The mark of the beast is the connection point with humanity. If you take part in the beast system and receive the mark you become part of the kingdom of darkness and reject the Kingdom of God.

Everything that the devil is trying to do is a counterfeit to God's design. Yes we will have God's name and seal on our forehead because we are a part of his kingdom. It may not look like we imagine right now but it will be there. God is our provider so there will be no need for any kind of currency.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
Posts: 2447
7/15/19 12:30 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Ok... what is the basis for your certainty here? [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
7/15/19 12:36 pm

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Post Famousflavius... Aaron Scott
famousflavius wrote:
The mark of the beast will look like a cube inside of a cube inside of a cube. Six sides, six sides, six sides. It wont be bitcoin but it is a form cryptocurrency that will be used when the world begins to use the one world monetary system.

People think the RAchip insert is the mark but chips are not necessary anymore. We can now merge a mark into the skin visibly or with uv magnetic ink into the skin in various shapes like a tattoo. This literal mark can hold all data necessary to fulfill the requirements of the biblical mark. It will not only be a multidimensional mark but will integrate your DNA into the system. You will become part of the system.

People are so blinded by this and think it is the best thing since slice bread but they are being lead like sheep to the slaughter.

You write this as if you were certain. I can understand you believing that the evidence leads this way, but there is simply no way to be CERTAIN. So why say it with such assurance?
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
7/15/19 12:48 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
BTW, for what it's worth, your understanding of quantum computing is incorrect. Quantum computers are binary and use on/off bits just like regular computers. The difference is that there is a different type of bit used in quantum computing, the qbit. Qbits can "superpose" ( bits so that a large (potentially limitless) number of bits can be stored in the same place. As a result, the system has different physical properties, but a qbit is always going to represent a power of 2, and therefore the base system is still binary.

But that's just an aside, I don't mean for that to come across at all as criticism of your theory. I realize the comment about quantum computing was just a small part of what you said.

My main question is how you can be so certain here.

Last edited by Dave Dorsey on 7/15/19 1:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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7/15/19 1:02 pm

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Post It can be literal AND spiritual... Aaron Scott
For instance, the whole "helmet of salvation" thing is often mentioned as protection for our minds, etc.

It just might be that the forehead mark has to do with mindset. But it could be literal also, since everyone who wants to buy or sell may not have a right hand, but does have a right head.

I have found it fruitless to speculate. There was a time when the mark was going to be "666." Then it was going to be a barcode. Then it was going to be...and now, it's going to be some cube within a cube within a cube (if Famousflavius is right).

The problem with the mark is that it MAKES ALL THE SENSE IN THE WORLD! It would make robbery of one's wallet, cash, or such, a thing of the past (since one assumes that an amputated arm wouldn't be worthwhile). It is wonderfully efficient to pay for things by scanning your hand.

And therein lies the rub. It will not only make sense, but it will be virtually necessary to survive, unless you are a doomsday prepper like Tom Sterbens...who will be robbed of everything at gunpoint within approximately 24 hours of when skynet becomes self-aware.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
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7/15/19 1:03 pm

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Post Reality is stranger than fiction famousflavius
Ok, to answer your first question. I will not be receiving any sort of tech into my body that will allow me the ability to buy or sell no matter how convenient it might be. People have criticized me for not getting a chip put into my dog. If you love you dog you will get them chipped. The next thing will be, If you love your kid you will get them chipped. Its all just a way to desensitize people and prepare the way for the real Mark of the beast.

I have much to say about quantum computers but Its not worth the argument on this topic.

As for my certainty, you would not believe me if I told you so I will back off a tad and say it is a current theory.

One thing for sure is, I love talking about the last days in light of biblical prophecy.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
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7/15/19 2:13 pm

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Post Re: Reality is stranger than fiction Dave Dorsey
famousflavius wrote:
As for my certainty, you would not believe me if I told you so I will back off a tad and say it is a current theory.

Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.
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7/15/19 2:36 pm

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Post I just saw this from FF....pure conjecture and opinion... caseyleejones
...remember the beast in Denmark.....remember UPC symbols.....they were the mark....

Really, does it make sense that a tattoo sends you to hell?
Acts-perienced Poster
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7/15/19 3:17 pm

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Post Re: I just saw this from FF....pure conjecture and opinion... Dave Dorsey
caseyleejones wrote:
Really, does it make sense that a tattoo sends you to hell?

Also, FF's theory* seems to suggest that people are being groomed to accept this without knowing it. Does it make sense that people would be tricked into pledging themselves to the Beast? The way I read Revelation, whether the mark is symbolic or literal, it seems to be something people willingly choose as a rebellion against God.

* Absolutely no disrespect toward FF or his theory intended. It is as legitimate as any other IMO.
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7/15/19 3:30 pm

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Post Re: I just saw this from FF....pure conjecture and opinion... famousflavius
Dave Dorsey wrote:
caseyleejones wrote:
Really, does it make sense that a tattoo sends you to hell?

Also, FF's theory* seems to suggest that people are being groomed to accept this without knowing it. Does it make sense that people would be tricked into pledging themselves to the Beast? The way I read Revelation, whether the mark is symbolic or literal, it seems to be something people willingly choose as a rebellion against God.

* Absolutely no disrespect toward FF or his theory intended. It is as legitimate as any other IMO.

The devil is full of tricks. His record of deception is unmatched. Its no different than getting somebody hooked on cocaine. It all looks good until it doesn't.
Golf Cart Mafia Soldier
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7/15/19 4:02 pm

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Post Re: I just saw this from FF....pure conjecture and opinion... Dave Dorsey
famousflavius wrote:
The devil is full of tricks. His record of deception is unmatched. Its no different than getting somebody hooked on cocaine. It all looks good until it doesn't.

Sure, definitely. I'm just saying that doesn't seem to fit the narrative of willing, active rebellion against God that Revelation paints.
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7/15/19 4:15 pm

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