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Post The Sabbath! For inquiring minds: maqqebet
Shabbat Tov! A Sabbath Primer for Gentile Believers

The following are excerpts from Shabbat Tov! A Sabbath Primer for Gentile Believers

God's Sabbath, Genesis 2:2-3

After each creative day God reflected upon His work and said "it is good" and on the sixth day He said, "It is very good." On the seventh day Yahweh �rested from all His work (Gen 2:1-3), not because He was tired but because His work was complete. This lack of activity separated the seventh day from the six and God "sanctified" it - the first reference to anything designated as "holy."

Later, when Moses referenced the Sabbath her referred to it as �a Sabbath unto the Lord� (Exo 16:25, 20:20; Deu 5:14) - "The Lord's Sabbath".

Israel's Sabbath
Pre-Sinai. The seventh day is referred to as a Sabbath before it is incorporated into the Torah. In Exodus 12:16 Israel ceases from labor during the Passover. In the gathering of manna sufficient should be gathered on the sixth day for two days, including the seventh on which no gathering was allowed.

The 10 Commandments: Exodus 20:8-11 & Deuteronomy 5:12-15
While both passages include the commandment to honor the Sabbath, they offer distinctions for doing so.

Exodus:8f emphasis inward reflection on a day in which the Israelites imitated God by ceasing from their labors. Another emphasis is reflection upon the majesty of God demonstrated in Creation.

Deu 5:12-15 emphasis is upon outward expression through cessation of labor but does incorporate remembrance of their deliverance from Egypt.

Together Israel celebrates both the birth of Creation and the birth of a Nation

The Statutes, Judgments, and Case Law
The remaining passages in The Law record the statutes and judgments for breaking the Sabbath (Exodus 31:12-17). Twice the Sabbath is referenced by God as a "sign" between Him and the Israelites expressing the Israelites who "know" He is the Lord "who sanctifies you" (vv. 13), and is a "perpetual covenant" (vvs. 17-18).

Leviticus 23 records special days during feasts that were designated as "special" Sabbaths.

Numbers 15:32-36 records the execution of someone breaking the Sabbath. The severity reflects the fact the perpetrator denied the Sovereignty of God and the Unity of His people.

The Prophets & The Sabbath
The Prophets generally addressed the Israelites failure to observe the Sabbath and the dire results of their breach, which included their deportation to exile nations. Upon the resettlement of a remnant, Nehemiah had to enact a decree to prohibit the breaking of Sabbath (Nehemiah 13:15f). See also Jeremiah�s thoughts.

Isaiah 58:33-34 records God�s appeal to Israel to observe it as it was intended and to "call the sabbath a delight" to "honor it" and then they can take "delight in the Lord"

Isaiah also records during the Messianic Reign, the Sabbath and New Moon will be observed and "all flesh shall come to worship Me" (66:23)

The Sabbath and 1st Century Judaism
Jewish tradition, or better Pharisee Tradition, created a �fence� around the Sabbath command in order to make it harder to break the commandment and therefore easier to observe. Their tradition included 39 regulations defining �work� prohibited on the Sabbath: sowing, plowing, reaping, binding sheaves, threshing, kneading, baking, light a fire, et al.

Such things as carrying the weight of a fig, writing two letters of the alphabet, removing a gray hair, and others were determined as �carrying a burden� on the Sabbath.

Pikuach Nefesh - "To save life"
There was an exception. Any deed to save life at the expenses of breaking Sabbath was permitted. This principle developed in their war with the Greeks who attacked on the Sabbath knowing the Jews would not take up arms. An appeal was made and a decree ordered. It was determined, "It is better to profane one Sabbath in order to observe other Sabbaths."

Jesus and The Sabbath
Some depict Jesus as a Sabbath Breaker based upon the controversies regarding the Sabbath found in the Gospels. Had Jesus actually broke Sabbath He would have disqualified Himself as the Messiah. What He did, however, was break the Pharisee traditions regarding Sabbath observation.

Matthew 12 and parallel passages record Jesus� disciples being accused of breaking Sabbath by plucking heads of wheat or barley, rubbing them in the hands and eating. They were accused of reaping and threshing by their actions. Jesus justified their actions by appealing to the Priests who �worked� on the Sabbath and since He was greater than the Temple, His descales were permitted (Just as David's soldiers were permitted).

Jesus said the Sabbath was made for man and not vice-versa. The Pharisees would agree to this principle.

Jesus declared "the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath," a statement that as Lord, the day belongs to Him and He alone can actually provide the meaning of the Sabbath and how to observe the day.

Matthew 12:9-14//Mark 3:1-6 records the healing of the man with a withered hand. This was a test and by appealing to something the Pharisees would agree with Him, Jesus appealed to Pikuach Nefesh. The Pharisees became angry because they could find no fault to accuse Jesus of and Jesus became angry because they refused to acknowledge their on belief regarding the healing.

Jesus� final decree - "It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath." The Principle to save life trumped on other occasions as well: The Woman with a Spirit of Infirmity (Luke 13:10f), the man with dropsy (Luke 14:1f).

While Jesus' Judean visits also record Sabbath controversies, neither suggested He broke anything except Pharisee Traditions (John 5:1ff and John 9:1ff).

A Summary of Jesus and the Sabbath:
    Jesus was faithful to attend synagogue and observe the Sabbath.

    He established Himself to be "Lord of the Sabbath," and therefore equal with God and had authority to interpret and apply the Law regarding the Sabbath

    The Pharisee Traditions He controversy with were resolved through the Principle of Saving Life trumps Sabbath Observation

    Jesus' observations reinforced the Sabbath and did not negate the Sabbath.

The Sabbath & the 1st-century Church
The first converts were Jews and as such they continued their traditions
Paul repeatedly attended Synagogues on the Sabbath and presented the Gospel.

The Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15) did not address the Sabbath directly but assumed the Gentiles would continue to observe the Sabbath to hear the Law read and explained. After the Council decree they received the decree with joy but they didn't say, "Okay, lets start meeting on Sunday." No, they continued to meet as normal.

Acts 20:1-12 does indeed find Paul meeting with believers on the first day of the week, considered Sunday, but the text indicates they met on a Saturday evening (at sunset the Jewish 1st day of the week began), preached to midnight, and Paul actually sailed on Sunday towards his next destination after pulled an "all-nighter".

A Proof-text Prohibiting Gentile Sabbath Observation?
It is suggested that Colossians 2:116-17 cites Paul's prohibition of eating Kosher and observing Feasts days, including the Sabbath:

Therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a sabbath day - things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.

"Therefore" introduces a parenthetical thought. In light of the influences and practices from which the Gentile Believer emerged, if he or she observes kosher diets, participate in the Feasts and observes the new moon and Sabbath, no one should judge him. Nor shall he judge anyone who doesn�t observe.

While they are a "shadow of what is to come" and are inferior, they are simply a rehearsal of a day that will come, the coming of Messiah. And, according to the Prophets, they will be observed during Messiah's reign upon the earth.

There is nothing to suggest from Scriptures the Sabbath is forbidden - that comes from 3rd-century anti-Jewish position and rhetoric.

Observation of Sabbath is good. Worship on Sunday is good. It shouldn't be an either/or but a both/and understanding.
The Hammer
Mi kamocah ba'elim Adonai
"Who is like you, Adonai, among the mighty?" (Exodus 15:11, CJB)
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2/6/16 2:55 pm

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Post bradfreeman
As expected, strong in the Old Testament, weak in the new. There are countless scriptures that talk about our freedom from the bondage of the old covenant Law. To suggest to Gentile believers reading this "primer" that Col 2:17 is the only "prooftext" on the Sabbath is grossly misleading.

The real problem arises when people feel like they gain favor, standing, blessing or anything from God engaging in shadow-worship when the reality has come. The super-Jews I deal with who advocate Law/feast/Sabbath-keeping as a healthy part of the Christian life get angry at anyone who points out the countless scriptures that speak of our freedom from the Law and spent a lot of energy undermining Pauls writings. The Law is not of faith.

As insidious as this leaven is, I'm going to join Paul and say "Cast out the bond woman and her son" and agree with him that the tutor has nothing more to teach the believer. While Paul clearly taught that we should allow those weak in faith to grow in faith and freedom from the Law and all of its observances without judgment, he did not advocate their practice and neither did the Acts 15 council.

If relying on the Law severs us from Christ and causes us to fall from grace, why even risk it and say "I'll practice these feasts and keep Sabbath and I'll guard my heart against relying on them and won't feel at all guilty if I break a Sabbath or miss a feast." The trap is just too easy to fall into. Shoot, we already find it too easy to "rely" on our religious rule-keeping as the basis for confidence toward God - we feel like bad stuff is going to happen or God is hurt or disappointed when we miss a Sunday service or we feel like money is tight because we haven't tithed.
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2/6/16 3:27 pm

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Post Brad, thanks for your response. maqqebet
show me one place where the post expects, requires any believer, Jew or Gentile, to observe the Sabbath as a means of salvation or continuing in our relationship with God.

There's not one!

As for the OT references, they simply revealed the Sabbath as it evolved from pre-law, to law to 1st-century Pharisee observation.

You have judged the post on your on prejudices.

And you have not given any evidence based upon the context of 2 Colossians 17 that the position presented is not a viable application.

No on should be judged in how they honor God within the context of worshipping the one and true God, the God of Israel, the God of the Saints, whether they choose to honor God, not by requirement, but in a tradition that honors Him in spirit and truth.

So, don't expect me to lock-horns with your anti, defaming The Law of God which is holy and the foundation for faith in our Lord and Savior and Salvation.
The Hammer
Mi kamocah ba'elim Adonai
"Who is like you, Adonai, among the mighty?" (Exodus 15:11, CJB)
Acts Enthusiast
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2/6/16 4:50 pm

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Post Re: Brad, thanks for your response. bradfreeman
maqqebet wrote:
show me one place where the post expects, requires any believer, Jew or Gentile, to observe the Sabbath as a means of salvation or continuing in our relationship with God.

There's not one!

As for the OT references, they simply revealed the Sabbath as it evolved from pre-law, to law to 1st-century Pharisee observation.

You have judged the post on your on prejudices.

And you have not given any evidence based upon the context of 2 Colossians 17 that the position presented is not a viable application.

No on should be judged in how they honor God within the context of worshipping the one and true God, the God of Israel, the God of the Saints, whether they choose to honor God, not by requirement, but in a tradition that honors Him in spirit and truth.

So, don't expect me to lock-horns with your anti, defaming The Law of God which is holy and the foundation for faith in our Lord and Savior and Salvation.

Thanks Maq,

Let's be clear:

I do not defame the Law. Paul, not me, said the Law was weak, useless, obsolete, contrary to faith, increased, empowered and brought the imputation of sin. The Law (the message of our sin, guilt and condemnation) is simply not the Truth.

I haven't argued against your application of Col 2:17, but have made it clear that there are MANY MORE scriptures that make it clear that it is God's plan that the Law, the ministry of condemnation and death, vanish.

Faith has come and replaced the Law as our means of dominion over sin, righteousness, peace and joy.

The law is NOT our foundation for faith. Jesus is.

I'm simply presenting, for the inquiring mind, the Truth.
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2/6/16 10:26 pm

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Post Brad. maqqebet
although I find your post prejudicial and do not present Paul's balanced presentation of The Law, and in this case an intrusion because what I posted had no intent to suggest anyone is bound by the Law to observe the Sabbath, I will let you have the last word on the issue.
The Hammer
Mi kamocah ba'elim Adonai
"Who is like you, Adonai, among the mighty?" (Exodus 15:11, CJB)
Acts Enthusiast
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2/6/16 11:18 pm

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Post If Friday night/Saturday day are ... Mat
If Friday night/Saturday day are the "God-ordained" time for worship, then it stands to reason that worship on any other day is not "God-ordained".

The issues to me is the "synagogue system". Where in scripture (perhaps there is a passage I am overlooking) that establishes going to synagogue on the Sabbath as the ordained expression of worshiping God?

Did Jesus say, upon this synagogue system I will establish my church?

What happen to Christians, like Paul, when they were throw out of the synagogue (and the Temple for that matter) for their Confession of Christ? Was their worship diminished in comparison to that which took place in the synagogue?

What about the gentile believer that did not have full access to the synagogue or the temple? Did the Christians have to "sit at the feet" of the Jewish leaders of the synagogue and be taught the scripture even if the leader had not confess Jesus as the Christ?

Does this invalidate the home churches of the New Testament that were established in place of the synagogue or when there was no Jewish presence in the town?

Do we get credit for all the revivals, camps, conventions, conferences, retreats, men's & women's gathering, youth group and regular church services that we have attended on a Friday night or Saturday day as keeping the Sabbath?

Over my life time in church I believe I have spent more time in church on a Friday night or Saturday day than most Jews I know have been in synagogue or Seventh Day Adventist have been at Sabbath Worship. Do I get "Sabbath Credit" for that?

Acts Enthusiast
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2/7/16 9:14 am

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Post Well, Mat.. maqqebet
Sabbath was initially a family, in the home event on Friday evenings and the Synagogue as a gathering on Saturday morning for prayer and Scripture reading/study developed during the Babylonian Exile.

The home, as you pointed out, became central for gatherings, or assemblings.

It is interesting that the post seems to draw "fire" firsts from Brad because he suggests the post requires Jews and Gentiles to observe Sabbath, when it doesn't. It suggests if you choose to observe Sabbath you shouldn't be judged, nor should those who don't observe be judged.

And now you seem to be bothered and wonder if all your observations "count." I guess it depends on whose counting.

A final thought: Where would the Church be today if it wasn't for Jews observing Sabbath in a Synagogue? Proved to be a great evangelistic tool for Paul.
The Hammer
Mi kamocah ba'elim Adonai
"Who is like you, Adonai, among the mighty?" (Exodus 15:11, CJB)
Acts Enthusiast
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2/7/16 10:19 am

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Post Re: Well, Mat.. Mat
maqqebet wrote:
Sabbath was initially a family, in the home event on Friday evenings and the Synagogue as a gathering on Saturday morning for prayer and Scripture reading/study developed during the Babylonian Exile.

The home, as you pointed out, became central for gatherings, or assemblings.

It is interesting that the post seems to draw "fire" firsts from Brad because he suggests the post requires Jews and Gentiles to observe Sabbath, when it doesn't. It suggests if you choose to observe Sabbath you shouldn't be judged, nor should those who don't observe be judged.

And now you seem to be bothered and wonder if all your observations "count." I guess it depends on whose counting.

A final thought: Where would the Church be today if it wasn't for Jews observing Sabbath in a Synagogue? Proved to be a great evangelistic tool for Paul.

There was a "season" in which the early church was "nursed" by its Jewish mother, and yes the Gospel was preached to and spread by the Jewish communities that comprised "the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad", at first. However, as God planned, the Temple and the Temple system was demolished so that the church could move beyond the confines of restrictive Jewish practice.

If a rabbi does not believe in Jesus as the Messiah, then he does not understand Old Testament scripture. Why would I sit under his teaching on a Saturday when he can't tell me how to be saved any day of week?

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2/7/16 1:06 pm

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Post Old Time Country Preacher
Is the ole timer, in 2016, somehow bound to "keep the Sabbath" and all of its subsidiary laws? Acts-pert Poster
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2/7/16 2:40 pm

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Post Re: Brad. bradfreeman
maqqebet wrote:
although I find your post prejudicial and do not present Paul's balanced presentation of The Law, and in this case an intrusion because what I posted had no intent to suggest anyone is bound by the Law to observe the Sabbath, I will let you have the last word on the issue.

That Maq,

Neither Jesus nor Paul presented a balance of Law and grace, old wine and new, Hagar and Sarah or Zion and Sinai. It's Law or grace, life or death, Truth or lie, light or darkness, sonship or slavery, freedom or bondage, condemnation or righteousness...not both in balance.

We don't get to pick a handful of our favorite old testament practices and engage in them...Sabbath, tithing, feast, 10 commandments. When we derive ANY of our confidence toward God from these practices, we are cursed unless we keep the whole law.

Gal. 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.”
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2/8/16 6:35 am

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