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Update..and it ain't pretty Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Update..and it ain't pretty Resident Skeptic
Well, it ain't good for the moment anyway.

The pastor today told the current music director that while they continue to search for a full-time assistant pastor/youth pastor/ music director, he wants to appoint me interim worship leader while allowing her to continue leading choir. She completely balked at the idea. As I mentioned previously, two different men have been overwhelmingly voted in over the past 6 months to fill that position. They both backed out because someone from the church called them in secret and told them they really were not needed. It spooked them and their wives as anyone would understand. I'm sure it is some of the lady's click. The pastor and deacons want change, but they fear that the lady in question has enough sway to cause about 15 people to leave the church.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/28/19 8:28 pm

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Post Satan fell from heaven roughridercog
And landed in the church music department
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
Acts Mod
Posts: 25305
8/28/19 8:44 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Resident Skeptic
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Seems so. This little click of 70-year-old people have no vision at all for the future of that church. Elders really should be mentoring instead of obstructing the next generation from gradually assuming leadership roles.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/28/19 8:46 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/28/19 11:08 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Cojak
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
01000001 01100011 01110100 01110011
Posts: 24285
8/28/19 11:09 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Resident Skeptic
Cojak wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked

The history of this church is interesting. About a year ago the church asked the professional music director of 15 years to be willing to also become an assistant pastor and youth director. He was making 43K a year and was given the same perks of free housing, insurance, and paid utilities. He refused and chose to resign instead in order for the church to be able to search for someone who would/could serve in all those roles. ALL he was dong was music, understand. So, the lady who is now in charge understood from the start that she was an interim until the position could be filled. Suddenly it is an issue to make me the interim worship leader, allowing her to continue directing the choir so that I can have a few services to demonstrate to the church my leadership abilities. She says it is a slap in the face. So we must assume then that hiring anyone at all will also be viewed as a slap in the face?
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI

Last edited by Resident Skeptic on 8/30/19 8:48 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts: 8065
8/29/19 8:54 am

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Post FLRon
Your pastor needs to decide right now if he is going to allow this clique to continue it's stranglehold on the church,or if he is going to make a stand and say "no more".
I know what I would do,even it it cost me 10-15 families. Sometimes the only way addition happens is by subtraction.
“Hell will be filled with people that didn’t cuss, didn’t drink, and may even have been baptized. Why? Because none of those things makes someone a Christian.”
Voddie Baucham
Posts: 787
8/29/19 12:51 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven THE LOVE OF GOD
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Cojak wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked

The history of this church is interesting. About a year ago the church asked the professional music director of 15 years to be willing to also become an assistant pastor and youth director. He was making 43K a year and was given the same perks of free housing, insurance, and paid utilities. He refused and chose to resign instead in order for the church to be able to search for someone who would/could serve in all those roles. ALL he was dong was music, understand. So, the lady who is now in charge understood from the start that she was an interim until the position could be filled. Suddenly it is an issue to make me the interim worship leader, allowing her to continue directing the choir so that I can have a few services to demonstrate to the church my leadership abilities. She says it is a slap in the face. So we must assume then that hiring anyne at all will also be viewed as a slap in the face?

Sometimes, it is better to lose a few people because in the long run, more people will come in. She has a controlling Jezebell spirit and that is not right in any church. Sounds like the Pastor is afraid to put her in her place. That is one time that the scripture needs to be enforced, women keep silence in the church.LOL Sooner or later, the pastor will HAVE to put her in her place. He might as well do it now and get it over with. A spirit like that hinders a move of God and hinders sinners being touched by the Spirit.
Friendly Face
Posts: 387
8/29/19 12:59 pm

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Post sheepdogandy
Bro Clendennen taught us.

"It's not who you get to come to your church, it's who you let stay".

I live by that.
Charles A. Hutchins
Senior Pastor SPWC
Congregational Church of God
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 7307
8/29/19 2:49 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Carolyn Smith
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Cojak wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked

The history of this church is interesting. About a year ago the church asked the professional music director of 15 years to be willing to also become an assistant pastor and youth director. He was making 43K a year and was given the same perks of free housing, insurance, and paid utilities. He refused and chose to resign instead in order for the church to be able to search for someone who would/could serve in all those roles. ALL he was dong was music, understand. So, the lady who is now in charge understood from the start that she was an interim until the position could be filled. Suddenly it is an issue to make me the interim worship leader, allowing her to continue directing the choir so that I can have a few services to demonstrate to the church my leadership abilities. She says it is a slap in the face. So we must assume then that hiring anyne at all will also be viewed as a slap in the face?

Sometimes, it is better to lose a few people because in the long run, more people will come in. She has a controlling Jezebell spirit and that is not right in any church. Sounds like the Pastor is afraid to put her in her place. That is one time that the scripture needs to be enforced, women keep silence in the church.LOL Sooner or later, the pastor will HAVE to put her in her place. He might as well do it now and get it over with. A spirit like that hinders a move of God and hinders sinners being touched by the Spirit.

I agree. This woman's "power" has gone to her head. Her reign of manipulation and control needs to come to an end, and if 15 people leave, everyone would probably heave a huge sigh of relief. Time for the pastor to make a stand.

This is a bit crude, but I think it was Rod Parsley who said, "Every church needs a good bowel movement from time to time."
"More of Him...less of me."
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 5923
8/29/19 8:40 pm

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Post Re: Satan fell from heaven Resident Skeptic
Carolyn Smith wrote:
Resident Skeptic wrote:
Cojak wrote:
roughridercog wrote:
And landed in the church music department

Of course anyone around the COG for awhile knows the REAL implication of this, RR. And yep, it can cause a 'mell of a hess.' Shocked

The history of this church is interesting. About a year ago the church asked the professional music director of 15 years to be willing to also become an assistant pastor and youth director. He was making 43K a year and was given the same perks of free housing, insurance, and paid utilities. He refused and chose to resign instead in order for the church to be able to search for someone who would/could serve in all those roles. ALL he was dong was music, understand. So, the lady who is now in charge understood from the start that she was an interim until the position could be filled. Suddenly it is an issue to make me the interim worship leader, allowing her to continue directing the choir so that I can have a few services to demonstrate to the church my leadership abilities. She says it is a slap in the face. So we must assume then that hiring anyne at all will also be viewed as a slap in the face?

Sometimes, it is better to lose a few people because in the long run, more people will come in. She has a controlling Jezebell spirit and that is not right in any church. Sounds like the Pastor is afraid to put her in her place. That is one time that the scripture needs to be enforced, women keep silence in the church.LOL Sooner or later, the pastor will HAVE to put her in her place. He might as well do it now and get it over with. A spirit like that hinders a move of God and hinders sinners being touched by the Spirit.

I agree. This woman's "power" has gone to her head. Her reign of manipulation and control needs to come to an end, and if 15 people leave, everyone would probably heave a huge sigh of relief. Time for the pastor to make a stand.

This is a bit crude, but I think it was Rod Parsley who said, "Every church needs a good bowel movement from time to time."

It is so sad that elders can be so spiritually immature after so many years of being a Christian. This is a delicate situation. The husband of the woman in question was a deacon, and he was killed 2 years ago while bike riding. Please pray for wisdom for all parties involved.
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves UPCI
Posts: 8065
8/30/19 8:46 am

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