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I'm Thankful So Many Say Trump is Born-Again! Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post I'm Thankful So Many Say Trump is Born-Again! FG Minister
Otherwise, with his call for insurrection on January 6th, his profanity-laced speech last week and his treatment of Mike Pence and other loyal supporters, we would never know it. Acts-celerater
Posts: 875
4/14/21 12:30 pm

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Post FG Minister Aaron Scott
I'm not a fan of Trump's personality, only of his policies.

But I doubt many of us could withstand the heat of constant AND HATEFUL scrutiny. Shoot, we can't hardly deal with hateful members, let along a massive number of media outlets treating you as a loser.

Just today, after the New York Times and others lambasted the whole wall thing, a column said, "We need a fence with a big, beautiful gate." Yeah, you know, like Trump wanted. But they were too busy hating.

Yes, Trump leaves a LOT to be desired. I don't know if he's saved or not. I suppose I'll have to answer like C.S. Lewis put it: You should see how Trump would be if he was NOT saved!

And, no, Trump did NOT call for insurrection. Watch the speech. You literally cannot believe much of what the left OR right has to say anymore.
Hon. Dr. in Acts-celeratology
Posts: 6042
4/14/21 1:42 pm

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Post Re: FG Minister UncleJD
Aaron Scott wrote:
I'm not a fan of Trump's personality, only of his policies.

But I doubt many of us could withstand the heat of constant AND HATEFUL scrutiny. Shoot, we can't hardly deal with hateful members, let along a massive number of media outlets treating you as a loser.

Just today, after the New York Times and others lambasted the whole wall thing, a column said, "We need a fence with a big, beautiful gate." Yeah, you know, like Trump wanted. But they were too busy hating.

Yes, Trump leaves a LOT to be desired. I don't know if he's saved or not. I suppose I'll have to answer like C.S. Lewis put it: You should see how Trump would be if he was NOT saved!

And, no, Trump did NOT call for insurrection. Watch the speech. You literally cannot believe much of what the left OR right has to say anymore.

Don't feed the trolls Aaron, they just keep coming back for more.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/14/21 2:40 pm

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Post Re: I'm Thankful So Many Say Trump is Born-Again! roughridercog
FG Minister wrote:
Otherwise, with his call for insurrection on January 6th, his profanity-laced speech last week and his treatment of Mike Pence and other loyal supporters, we would never know it.

How many times have you seen Christians fly off the handle and do the same thing?
Doctor of Bovinamodulation
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4/14/21 3:52 pm

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Post Trump Called for them to Come FG Minister
Mr. Trump told his followers to come to Washington DC to “take the country back.” He told them what day to come – January 6 – because they would be counting the electoral votes that day. He told Mike Pence that as VP he could “stop the steal” by not certifying the electoral votes. When Pence followed the law and legally counted the votes which certified Biden, Trump called him a coward. Death threats immediately started for Mr. Pence. Why? Donald Trump. Did Trump tell them to attack Mr. Pence? Nope! But they now blamed Pence for Trump’s loss and were out to get him.

In his speech on January 6th, he said these exact words: “We will stop the steal; We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen; If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore.” The crowd was his people. He had called them there. He had told them prior “you can’t be weak.” So they came and they were ready to take over the capital and “take the country back” as the dear leader had encouraged. Then at the end of the speech he said “Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.” Folks, it’s too late by that point. They had already been whipped into a frenzy for days.

It’s like my mother on Thanksgiving. If she says “John, we forgot the cranberry sauce,” she doesn’t have to tell me what she wants. I know she wants me to go get some. Same with Trump’s followers. By the time he finally said “peacefully and patriotically,” they were already headed to get the cranberry sauce. You know and I know – Donald Trump caused that insurrection.
Posts: 875
4/20/21 1:25 pm

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Post UncleJD
Lies. All of it. No violence was called for and none was committed (everyone knows "fight" means politically and through demonstrations) We now know the truth that was fairly evident all along. Only a Trump supporter was killed, shot while unarmed, but no outrage or marching in the streets over that one. The capitol policeman that died, died of natural causes and the media, as usual, lied to us about it. January 6 is a false flag used by the leftists to enact extreme control over their enemies. Nothing more.

I realize I just fed the troll again. Sorry folks.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/20/21 1:54 pm

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In our own congregations there are those that act like Trump, and even worse at times. I've even heard some curse as they walked out of meetings with no consequence. Even in the Finance committees, deacons, etc and others in the congregation are still on the membership list that have domestic situations. I've watched Pastor's throw tantrums, even throw a microphone across the platform when it didn't work. Nope, Trump is no angel, but he did more for America than any other President and he paid a huge price for it. Trump has been judged with a fine tooth comb and yes he is wrong on most of those accounts. But how many ministers have been taken into the back room and walked out of that back room with no punishment for their sexual advances and financial situations that were mostly looked over. There are still ministers in the pulpit that shouldn't be there due to their negligence of their congregations, stealing from the church finances, and there is nothing being done and nothing maybe that can be done. He is no worse than many that is getting away with mess in our own, non-denominational, denominational pulpits. He is not a Pastor, does not have the spiritual back ground that we have, and can not act as holy as we think we are plus he fought demon infested people that were many times over as nasty as he has been. My personal opinion is just an opinion and that if we are holding him to a standard we should hold our own to a standard as well. Even those sinful and non compliant members that we have in our churches should be given a chance to make better habits by not kicking them out of church and banging them over the head until they have no chance to grow. Just my 2 cents worth. Probably a crazy way of looking at it, but I like Trump and think he did all he could do considering the anti Christ crew against him.
Posts: 714
4/21/21 7:27 am

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Post Just an opinion...... SCFIRE
Posts: 714
4/21/21 7:30 am

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Post Trump was a Great President FG Minister
I'm not arguing that! I loved his policies. Stay on point please. I'm just tired of evangelical preachers telling me he is a born-again Christian. That's all. There is no evidence that he has surrendered his life to Christ. And please don't tell me he's just a baby Christian.

But Uncle JD wants me to close my ears and not believe my lying eyes! I quoted the speech he gave on the 6th - but it was his rhetoric leading up to the 6th that caused the riots. Of course he didn't say "come storm the capital with guns and break down windows and doors and threaten members of Congress." He's not that stupid. But through his rhetoric he told them what to do and "not be weak." I know you love Trump, but you need to be honest - he's a flawed man and wanted to overturn an election he clearly lost.

And one argument that never holds water is the one where "he's no worse than the next guy." Church members do these things, and Democrats do these things, and people at the UN do these things. We don't get exonerated by comparing ourselves to the shortcomings of others. I am talking about Donald Trump. Is he better than some? Sure. Is he worse than some? Sure. But comparisons don't matter. If you want to excuse him, just do it. I won't. Remember how much it helped the Pharisee when he compared himself to the sinner? "At least I'm not like that sinner over there..." Won't fly with me.

Trump did great things as President and I am upset that his foolish mouth kept him from a second term. But PLEASE stop telling me he is a born-again believer and stop defending his deplorable actions. That's all I'm asking.
Posts: 875
4/21/21 9:02 am

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Post No one less than Paula White Cain excellentposter
As I remember, No one less than Paula White Cain has claimed that she led him to Christ. As his pastor, she ought to know. That's good enough for me. Friendly Face
Posts: 358
4/21/21 9:43 am

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Post Re: Trump was a Great President UncleJD
FG Minister wrote:
I - but it was his rhetoric leading up to the 6th that caused the riots. Of course he didn't say "come storm the capital with guns and break down windows and doors and threaten members of Congress." He's not that stupid. But through his rhetoric he told them what to do and "not be weak." I know you love Trump, but you need to be honest - he's a flawed man and wanted to overturn an election he clearly lost. .

He is a flawed man no doubt about it, yet I HOPE he is saved as should you without the cynicism , but "wanted to overturn an election that he clearly lost" ?? While we can all agree that he lost, it is your OPINION that first, he wanted to overturn it rather than protest (resist I think the left calls it), but to many of us there was nothing "clear" about this election other than the FACT that Trump got nearly 30% of the black vote in free states, and nearly 0 in those states where the poll sitters were free to enter their houses and intimidate them. Nope, not clear at all. Just because the left and their accomplices in the media tell you it was a "clear" election does not, by any stretch, mean its true. But the facts are that the left, on many, many occasions have called for violence and resistance to the election of 2016 and even after it (Mad Max Waters' statements come to mind) which has resulted in untold violence and destruction, but the very suspect encroachment into the capitol building on Jan. 6 and the ensuing lies about them killing a policeman (and subsequent silence now that the autopsy reveals it was nothing to do with it), gets a pass by those creating the rhetoric that you are repeating, but they will use this false-flag to try to beat their opponents into submission for years to come.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
4/21/21 12:06 pm

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Post Please Don't Evaluate Trump FG Minister
Look at that butterfly over there - Maxine Waters. Look at that butterfly - the press. Look at that butterfly - FG Minister has an opinion that Trump wanted to overturn the election, when Trump only wanted to protest. PLEASE look anywhere except toward Donald Trump!

My My! How far will you go to vouch for this guy. He only wanted to protest? Are you kidding me? He didn't want to overturn the election results? If that is true, and Trump's motives were pure, then why did he tell Mike Pence to throw out the electoral votes from disputed states so he could win the election? Why did he send lawyers and open 55 cases in US Courts to throw out ballots? If this isn't trying to overturn an election, I don't know what is.

Please show me some more butterflies while I stay focused on the subject matter of this post.
Posts: 875
4/22/21 12:06 pm

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