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Trump derangement syndrome, Iran edition Forum Index -> Acts-Celerate Post new topic   Reply to topic
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Post Trump derangement syndrome, Iran edition Dave Dorsey
It's really something else to see the left starting to line up on the side of the Iranians, at least to the extent that they are giving the Iranians the benefit of the doubt over the Trump administration, doubting or rejecting US intelligence assessments, accusing Trump of wanting to wag the dog, etc.

I appreciate that some people just do not want any kind of armed conflict, period, ever. But as Iran becomes increasingly desperate and increasingly belligerent, it does seem that the conclusion made by many on the left has less to do with the facts on the ground and more to do with the fact that opposing Iran means, in their mind, siding with Trump.

It's also something else to see Bernie Sanders straight up rejecting the assessment of the US intelligence community that Iran was responsible for the recent tanker attacks. I'm old enough to remember when a presidential candidate blowing off the assessments of the US intelligence community was a big deal. (In fact, I thought it was a big deal and still do.) Apparently the left is cool with that now though.

With Iran taking credit this morning for shooting down an American drone, it will be very interesting to see how the dialogue develops today. I would not at all be surprised to see US leftists saying Iran has every right to shoot down drones that are near its airspace.
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/20/19 5:07 am

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Post We are seeing “a kingdom divided against itself will not stand” playout. caseyleejones
I am over 50 and have never seen the division in this country like I see playing out. Like you, I am looking forward to seeing how dems approach the drone being shot down. Acts-perienced Poster
Posts: 11798
6/20/19 6:40 am

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Post Have you thought about ... Mat
Have you thought about which cities and states the Iranians will target with their nukes? They hate us, they call us the "Great Satan" and they want to hit the key cities where they feel the evil flows from. So Washington D.C., NY, LA (Hollywood), and perhaps other major metro areas like Boston and Chicago.

It must be that the left is willing to be willing to pay billions in tribute to Iran for promise not to nuke us, but that will last for only so long. Of course they will want us to turn our back on Israel, but the left is already on that road. They will want us to end the alliance with the Saudis, as the Iranians feel they should control the holy sites of Islam. So if the left has their way, Iran will get American money, will destroy Israel, will rule the Saudis and "own" the Persian Gulf (well, its already named after them).

What a great plan the left has for America, including dismantling Christianity and replacing it with Islam, because, "its a religion of peace."

I hope we are targeting them, and before we lose an American city (even Hollywood), I think a first strike is the right thing to do.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
6/20/19 10:27 am

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Post Dave Dorsey
Iran doesn't have any missiles capable of striking the United States. Their current maximum range is 1,200 miles with the MRBM variant of the Shahab-3. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/20/19 10:38 am

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Post UncleJD
Think about this. Who is giving Iran the courage to commit these acts? Is it just from seeing our internal conflicts and exploiting that? Or is it that they have backing from their Russian and Chinese buddies? Or is it both? Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/20/19 10:50 am

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Post Yes, yes and yes Mat
UncleJD wrote:
Think about this. Who is giving Iran the courage to commit these acts? Is it just from seeing our internal conflicts and exploiting that? Or is it that they have backing from their Russian and Chinese buddies? Or is it both?

Yes - our political division is giving Iran encouragement - if Iran hits us we should execute the politicians, along with their family, who supported them.

Yes - the Russians are supporting them, they still want a warm water port and they see power and money.

Yes - the Chinese, along with the North Koreans, are there as well. Bring us down and all of Asia, along with a good part of Africa and South America are theirs.

We must stand together, because we are already standing alone.

Acts Enthusiast
Posts: 1994
6/20/19 11:13 am

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Post Re: Yes, yes and yes UncleJD
Mat wrote:
UncleJD wrote:
Think about this. Who is giving Iran the courage to commit these acts? Is it just from seeing our internal conflicts and exploiting that? Or is it that they have backing from their Russian and Chinese buddies? Or is it both?

Yes - our political division is giving Iran encouragement - if Iran hits us we should execute the politicians, along with their family, who supported them.

Yes - the Russians are supporting them, they still want a warm water port and they see power and money.

Yes - the Chinese, along with the North Koreans, are there as well. Bring us down and all of Asia, along with a good part of Africa and South America are theirs.

We must stand together, because we are already standing alone.


Yep, all true I'm afraid. The political rivals in DC are giving comfort and aiding the enemy, ironically while pretending to have outrage about a fake collusion in an election. I don't want this, but history will judge us as deserving of our fate if this continues.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/20/19 12:28 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
Definitely both, in my opinion. [Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/20/19 12:48 pm

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Post Dave Dorsey
What do you guys think of the president calling the strike back, and his tweets today?

Brace yourselves for this -- but I thought he handled a really, really hard situation about as well as it could be handled.

I don't buy the story about his change of heart. There's no way he wasn't briefed about casualties until 10 minutes before the operation.

But what he did accomplish was sending a crystal clear message to Tehran that there's a new sheriff in town, while not allowing the current situation to escalate further.

Well done, Mr. Trump.
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Posts: 13654
6/21/19 1:18 pm

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Post UncleJD
Dave Dorsey wrote:
What do you guys think of the president calling the strike back, and his tweets today?

Brace yourselves for this -- but I thought he handled a really, really hard situation about as well as it could be handled.

I don't buy the story about his change of heart. There's no way he wasn't briefed about casualties until 10 minutes before the operation.

But what he did accomplish was sending a crystal clear message to Tehran that there's a new sheriff in town, while not allowing the current situation to escalate further.

Well done, Mr. Trump.

Trump is a compassionate guy. Much more libertarian and closer to democrats (old school ones at least) when it comes to war than any leftist is willing to admit. He doesn't like war, he's on record for that. I'm not sure what's going on, but I do think it shows he is a LOT more level headed when it comes to war than anyone ever gave him credit for. He is showing true leadership at the global level right now.
Golf Cart Mafia Consigliere
Posts: 3147
6/21/19 1:24 pm

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Post Cojak
UncleJD wrote:
Dave Dorsey wrote:
What do you guys think of the president calling the strike back, and his tweets today?

Brace yourselves for this -- but I thought he handled a really, really hard situation about as well as it could be handled.

I don't buy the story about his change of heart. There's no way he wasn't briefed about casualties until 10 minutes before the operation.

But what he did accomplish was sending a crystal clear message to Tehran that there's a new sheriff in town, while not allowing the current situation to escalate further.

Well done, Mr. Trump.

Trump is a compassionate guy. Much more libertarian and closer to democrats (old school ones at least) when it comes to war than any leftist is willing to admit. He doesn't like war, he's on record for that. I'm not sure what's going on, but I do think it shows he is a LOT more level headed when it comes to war than anyone ever gave him credit for. He is showing true leadership at the global level right now.

Good comment JD, I agree. Cool
Some facts but mostly just my opinion!
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Posts: 24285
6/21/19 9:51 pm

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Post Re: We are seeing “a kingdom divided against itself will not stand” playout. Tom Sterbens
caseyleejones wrote:
I am over 50 and have never seen the division in this country like I see playing out. Like you, I am looking forward to seeing how dems approach the drone being shot down.

Brené Brown has a good take on this (division) in a small section of her book, "Braving the WIlderness". Spot on, I think.
Golf Cart Mafia Capo Famiglia
Posts: 4508
6/22/19 7:28 am

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Post Re: We are seeing “a kingdom divided against itself will not stand” playout. Dave Dorsey
Tom Sterbens wrote:
Brené Brown has a good take on this (division) in a small section of her book, "Braving the WIlderness". Spot on, I think.

I've heard really good things about this book, Tom. (And Brown in general.) Would you recommend?
[Insert Acts Pun Here]
Posts: 13654
6/22/19 7:48 am

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